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Col. Dcliimy Kanc ha íolci Mi tven'V-th...

Col. Dcliimy Kanc ha íolci Mi tven'V-th... image
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Col. Dcliimy Kanc ha íolci Mi tven'V-thrpe-Mllv-ho horsCs for ÍG,262. Tlie piin-ir.-crs worc mombew of the New Vork Sport iii'j; club. Romo uticke to its projeet of a World's fair for 1885-6. An Enghsh cotnpuny has olï-red ib $L ,000,000 to gtmrantee its socóos. Tlie Üirioii Pacific tax aojaste hw paid out $ü0,000 in laxes In the 8tate of Kebnwka tlijs season, and his woi-k ha líot ended. Dr. Rogera, of Oftklanrl, Cal., surmisos that lie lins a villaiuous eneniy, becaufle the side of liis house was blown out, one ni'ilit, by dynamito. Two sen le AtVicans, in Jackson, Trun., got into i flght, :uid Wells instantly hllled Btraghorn by stnkuig lnin over the head with a wagon seat. Dean Stanley dcnies that he Tvill preside U a public meeting "to coiiskler tbe prolect for tlie parchase oí' Paloatiiw iVoin the Turkish govcTiillll'Ut. The American Baptist Missionnry Union wil) begin miasion work in 81beria thia yeaf, wiih the object of establWiiugultimately a miasion in the interior. O f the $100,000 needed for the new eoHvalesceiit.iiume of the Massachus.tis geueral hoapieal bat $ül,iS4 hs bcen subscribe,!, and the trustees ask more gifts. A cali comes from one of the Methodist intosion in India for "flve hundrod Methodist preachera lllled wiili the Uuly G-host and íearing notliing but xin." In the Methodist Episcopal Chnrch in ihis country thei-e are fovty-two Swcaish pastor, foor tUousand uve hundivd aud ninetycommuaioantsuid fíuv-thi-ee churclifs. The KarraM, of Bunnah, raiserl last year tbr mission work upward of $31,üuo, and expect to raise inore than $l'o,ÜUO the current year. Thia is the tic al of the American Baptist Missiouary Uniou. Tbere are over 10,000 honses and barna in New Haven, which with persoual property, ure csiimated to bo worth over $00,000,000. Of Uña $27,UUüjUuO worth is cuvered by $ls,uou,U00 iusLirunet'. The Grand Council of Geneva is engaged in üiscLissing the question of BuppressiDg Uie budget of public worhip, Wbich iiuplics separation of Cluii-eh and State. The debate pïomises lo be extended and excitin. The czar is the Ottly crowned widower and Victoria is the only widow amoiig the European poteutate. Alfouao and Ctiriátiue Of tíuaiu, aro i lio yotingest wedded oouple ; AVilHain and Augusta, of Gerinany, thc eUlest. The corporatiou ot the tíona of Clcrgy, esUblisUed by charter trom Charles II. two hundred and tweniyc-r vcars :wo. reiievüd last year i i7 and helped 632 cbildren. The Baptists of Virginia boasts of fivcinen wlio liave held pastorates for upward of twenty-live years. Two liave held pastorales over lbïty years, ..„,.,vor tiurty-seven yenrs.onu thirtyturee, ana - --u. No less tluui thirty divers in the Persian Gulf tell victinis to the shurks durin E the last year. The tact that bou "í:00,0U0 worth of pearls were ,,.,,,„1 i. l7'Jexi)lains how ït is that Tvro offieers at Winnemuccn, Nevada, foun.l flvo trampa ; m a Ion ed niid scaled from the East. mey ti.iUt Init 'lid thov Dtendeit, let alönS'togo'throuihtoCaHfonnaor die in the nttcnipt. tal value was only L26,bo,oOb. A at Hartford, Onn., has aced The late Dr. Kenealf dividerl kta 1U brarv, whlflh is otte of the riohMt p vate librarle in the country, and inInde umnvvaluable and raro works in classics aí.d Orienté titeratare, betweeu the Briüsli Museum and St. Jühn'scollej-e, Dubliu. According to certain statistics collected bv the ofan asyliun for druTkarUa in Ger.nany, the number o suicides are inci-easing in cvery ■ eom ti-v in Kuroue except Norway. The uecrease il) the laitereountry isattributel to the itrluent rc-nlauons agamst drunUcnness which ure m iorce there. Tho Msh opuiation at the end of May, was 5(3ü3,ó9Ü, MTing ""- dnced agaiu during the last three UMmttaTyeinlgKÜon. lias br s it Uw aluwst to the uumber of ltuj- ö 21Ö 32'J, smee whioh urne U bad coi - &U 10 i.-ci-easo, The lowt oorL cd total, lio wever, was m lbo, oi ö,- a09,49+. Sonatov EdHMinds' OOtlon ino.ongross In opposin4anam.ropi-LUio.1to 'iin,ov J' a mounUill su-, au. bocause it would disiui-b tlio uout, bi-yi up tUelacttliallieisaiic-nilnisKWUc is 1eruiau. ï'or many yows ie lias boen a re ular visitor to the salmón rivew pf Quetjeo and NeW iU-unswick. A jauatee,or sea-covr, has boon receivcd in Onarloston, which was reco tycapuHvdhitneSL.Luciariver, si ..u ukiii ■' H tq Cinema in, to lie dis. ÏÏSwdS f" the zoological gar.toa, ar o cxhibiiK,!.. H is eight and a luMécUon-aiKl vve.-iis ei.iUnuiaréi pouuds, Wnuaii. lünkW, Eisi Sempflo d toW.iMiL.,,lJ...weu. u, 18 li ,a ..UY üay U uoc lo.-iroo. Hl u„. ,11 t vrs, uu uio (Muco, üi líe vesl pocKoi. woiv %& Lu moüoy ', u ariA lur$00O. Al th, mor , fth.flolducaw w.s Sn,, i'!r Lw n.o.uM.ivM aL, to lI.o fmice ato. Uu; ijoouvoou, nwuey, OÏU and all.


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