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A Mj. G-oildes, simounca tbai f.lie puinen-iowl is a "-uire cure"' for tiio Colorado pota to beo tle. t)r. Osboín lias foSrtd thnt a plelwt of cotton oí' lint saturated witli comjk)ii!i I tineture of beuzion, aml paokod well luto thecavity of auaching to.uli wil I give relief. Sick headache can often be gi'catly relieved, and sometimos entirelv curad by tlie applicationpf a mustard plas tor at tho base of tlie heck. Tlie ptftí tor glioitld not be kept on more tliau a quorter ot an liour. A coat of gmn copal vavnísh ap plioil to tlie soles of boots áucl sIioíS) and repeated as it dries uiitil the pores are tillo I an I the surface shinca like poiished iiiahoginy, will inuko the sola waterproof, an,l make it last tlii'ee times louger. Ilunning to seed in plants can be avoiiod ijy driwing a kuil'e througli one halt of tlie stoni to wlneli tlie lie t I is attuclied. Tue sip, or. as tliey sajr in Grurnmny, tilo milk, will llow, and roL) the liead of the power to ojien ; yet enough sip will reinain to keep it iresh aud yrovving lor miotiier week or so. Güverlets fillod vrith cork waste are snid to be not only cheaper aud bealthier - Bince exhalations trom t. : 10 Ijo ly üo not adiiere to it - Uian thoso fllledwith teatliors, but oleo for tlie same weijfht lo be wanner tima ttaut OL1 the üiiKSl down. A Uiu;ities.-s of only one and a half inch is sullioieiU lo keep üie in. Il ia neeessary to bu oareful to sew up the cork ñlnng ia sections, so ihat il does uot seUiu tú tbe lowor parís. Steel Springs. - Coiled springs of steel wire are teuupored by heaüng theui iu a piecc ol gas-pipe, 111 wíuou they are paekoü with üoua-dusi or animal oharcoal. prou-isely as thougtt lliey were to bc heatea tor easc-h uteiiüig. Whensuttiüieatly keateU - that is, to n deep reit - -remove tut; spring, or plunge tne spring and its receptaele togeiher into a batli oí' animal oil. ïue spring is to be teinpercd Uy putting it 111 a su.illow vvuu t;tilow 01' iniaial OU] ovor luo lui'gj lire, aial agituLing' Inu pau aiiA lts couleiui unlil tuo oil tai'.us lire. TiivU mu spruigs ouL, una, vviion Luu Oil ia uuriieti Ott cooi Liiuiii in waici'. ïwo Aiuericaiis, Messi's. Freseott, proicss to liavu amojvjnjd tiin Ujtiieï" grouua cúrrenla ot esoti-icii.j , tljwnig in all clirecuoua, (unu tuo limo "eurtlis" ot' iigiiliHiigaucnargü.,. Taoy assurt that ail noust'a, UMus, eo., su'üüif by Jiahtning are unaernawca uy l.jcj cui'renls, and tiiaü no llOUbes, ui-., standing on Spots wil,; re Lu'u aro nu cúrrenla are cvor StrilüK. ia yrvtíutií iug a iiousu li'vjiu iignnni-struivo, tucrcl'ort!, tneir i is to lcsi luo ground un.icriieain, ana, il tncro aiu uo eartli-utirroiiis ociow, lo la.e no lurtlier trouuic, unt, n mese curren ts are prescui, to eariu tua rod waicii tuey eiect m tüat Liart oi Lae m-oaaa. A ituiuoay lor i orgerics. - i'no toro-orics py crasmg -nii-i. i sa. as ilj clieois ana ïiisci'tiug langer ones aro so seiiyiii tiuit umiiy remoaics aro proposoa. cSir Huury iíessemer gives iac inoso practical - ïianioi, to uue any ■■ MV'tfl Cuiol' - s.iv. - (Vaicll as iitnms, aua Wtó . over Liic wiioia uri..icc 01 .- i otacr paperaliac eagaic-ia.u a J '"' tern, tnus givmg to ils iuriaoi .oinowiiuL tnc eUoCL oí a p.tic tan, in '■ 'all over Uie paper. Ai auy atitsiut siïoulii uo uiatiu uy iweaaso üuwiuus lo l.uue out iiny u iviia.ij ou sucii prepui-ea paper, uil tue uri-oiiiiaiiid purts wuouea uy uie aca soluuoii via at ouüu ioic Wao.e 01 thu uiue prnitcd patteru, wuioa is mure sensitive ma muuu löore asiiy üiecliarifea tiia tue ouuiü wriuiigiiik. b.r lleiiry s.iys tue pupttf uouiU LB proüuced very ciieaiy.


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