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- Eigtat arrests in Jnly. - That stenm lire engine is a good White getÖng to A mi Arbor. -In falling from an apple tree on Friday Mrs. Casper liolm broke an arm. -The fire department is to be graeed wifch a nev hose cart, uot to exceed $90 in valué. -Dr. Donglas A. Joy of the university is assislu? Prof. Langley iu perfect:ng his e'ec ric 1'gV. - Republican convention to place 'n noniination candidatos for county offijers, is oalled to meet in this city, Tuesday. Aug. 17. -Dr. Terhune and dentist Jenkïns are located in Dr. Frothingbam's former office, wliich have re-fitted into tasty and convenient quarters. - JJeputy county clerk Wade ivas cbliged to surrender Monday evening to .corporal Diete the gold 'medal, held l.y him the past three niontlis for the test exhibition of the silent manual of anus. - Xot meeting with sufflcient encönrapement to n-inain in this city. ('. D. Hildebranfl, long an outlaw and y'ears in prison, l'i;t now reforaoed, Wil! remove to Richmond, Ind., on Monday next. -Mr. Daj residing in the suburbs of the city is olfering raspberry planta from liis own grounds, warranted pure for $S per lnmdred or $25 per thousand. Traveling agenta a3king ?-0 per hundred inufl. be imposing upon the public ecording to Mr. Day's terms. - Frederick LutZ, sou of (ieorge F. Lutz, died on Tuesday of typhoid fever aged 29 years. Fot two weeks Mr.Lut-. had coniplained of feeling unwell, bul with a determined wil! he wonld not taketo his bed until a day or twobefore he died. He was a popular young, unïnarried man. - Sixteen carloads of colored excursionists passed eastward on Monday, about one hundred of our own citizens joining the throng which went to Detroit and thence to Sandwich, where the day was spent. The train passed westward about midnight on its way to Kalamazoo, its starting point. - Result of democratie caucuses as held on Monday evening to make choice of delégales to attend county conventie ou Tuesday next : First ward.Dr. S. H. Douglas, E. 13. Pond, C. II. Bichmond; second ward, A. D. Besimer, Jacob Ilolïstetter, Geo. Schwab ; third ward, Thos. Edwards. Thos. ('lurken, Geo. W. Efner; fourth ward, A. Kernper, W. Tremain, James E. Carr; flfth ward, F. II. Ortman, II. Kellogg; sixth ward, W. II. Butts, IVm. Merrithew. - A hrrse driven by Mrs. Tip Wallace and badgered by (lies, started on a run on Fourth street, Wednesday, and continuêd until the east side of the court house was reached, whére the steed turning short to enter upon JiiT. Davis' lawn, overturned the buggy, throwing Mrs. W. and daughter out, bruising the former somewhat, the latter more seriously. ïhe vehicle :iot a very valuable one received damage in different parta, the horse ustainiiig none wbatever. -At the liquor dealers convention held in Lansinp; on Tlmrsday of last week, alderman Besitner of this city was made a member of the committee on permanent organization from this (2d) eongressional district, and among ofhers mude a Bhort addresa before the gatheringof 788 delegates, tliirteen of ■hom wew from Ann Arbor, five from Ypsilnnti and two from Manchester. Committees were uppointed to visit each of the three state oonventions. The organization has 527,000 in is treasury. -Mr. Anthony McReynolds has returned from Cleveland where he spent several weeks vüüting old friends. On day he went over to Mentor, O., to cros palma with Gen. Garfield. and chatte with him twolionrs. Alludiiiíí to h defeat for jastloe of the peace at 01 charter slection, Mc. remarked "tl best of men, yea Christian statesmei are slandered when raqnt&g for office Calmly surveying the brow of tl would-be president, Mc. became lirm the conviction that he is not so bad man as Banks, McCrary and l'olai said he was. -Eider Brooks, a colored citizen pursiies the occupation of dvayman, the annual tícense for whioh is S3. Heing ín indiRpnt cjyeumstances, inore especially at Lilis time through illness of laxa. Brooks, the drayman petiUoned the council on Moiiday eveningfor a remission of the license. This could not legally be done, neither v:is it a propaf precedent to establish. Equal t" the occasion and in consonance with lus well-known genereus nature, alderman Besirner promptly Buggested a collection be taken. The hat was passed and 55,06 raised and the drayman made happy, who Ín a brief speech thanked the city fathers. This was an evidence of practical christitinity. -Michigan Cent;:-.] car works employees of Springw lis are coming to thiscity by excursión. - Henry Horn, a n1 builcler in the past. and residen! of aecond wan!, rtied lasi week Thursday. -The reform club moved intonew quarters on Thuraday of last week, thereby sa tog se eral bundred dollars rental. -Mr, BI. Selnili. notioed in these columns lasi vreekaa Bustainingserious injuriesliv beiiígrunaway witli:is reoovering slowly. - Memberg of Co. A. are notified to assemble a) ita armory Monday next al H a.m.. preparatory to goiog into camp at Kalamazoo. - It is bellpved BeT.Bich.ard H.Steele of New Brunswick, N. J., wH] accepi Un cali tö preach n the Presbyterian clmrch of llüs city atasalaryof $l!0 per aniumi. - Kvt-ry member oftiieliadiea Homeopathie Hospital Aid Ass. is urged to be vresent at the monttuy meeting, Thursday Aug. 1-th at 3 p. m. Ib the Hospital building. -Regular monthly meeting of the Pomologists will be held to-morrow at 2 v. m. Subject, "The Legal Rights of Orchardists." Ripening fruits of the Beason will be on exhibition. Public invited to attend. - Under supervisión of chief of pólice Johnson the following amotmt were distributed froin the poor l'und áuring July: First ward, $6.29; Second, $1Ï.5O; Third,$2.69; Fourtli, $20.37; Fifth,$6.90; Bixtto, $3.28, Total, $61.94. -Eleven cara Were required to conrey passengerson the military excursión, Wednesday, the whole nuinber of passengere being 789. Proflts of Uu1 excursión were about $i4S. Reí-urning train reached thiS city at 9.30 p. m. - ïhe city ander the supervisión of aldennavi Besimër bas laid an excellent walk composed in part of flat stone across Liberty Street nsarMaek and Schmid's dry goods store. The tiine lias come when all largelytraveled eross-walks should be lain with laxge liat stom'. - A gentleman writing to the Free Press from Aun Arbor, states tháttbe reports of the, actual measurëment of the crops of a Iarge ntimbetfof farmera in Washtenaw county whohave finished theiv threshing sluw that the average has been a trifle over twenty-six bushels of wheat to the acre, the quality generally being good. - Someiime during Tuesday burglars entered a room over Theodore ïaylor's occupifidby Geo. Boylan, and removed a silver watch and gold ring. On the same day a. room iocated in third story over Jacob Iloffstetter's store was entered and jewelry and other articles, prpperty pf Carrie Kuebler were taken. There is no clue to the tbiei or. thi -James M. Ashley, Jr., has bren reappointed superintendent of the Toledo and Ann Arbor raihoad, vice J. W. Bmith, enioved. Gov. Ashley resumes the general management of the road. Arrangementa have now been completed forthe.vigorous proáecution of the work on the extensión to Ponöac. The men whö had stopped wöïS ! again resumed. anl a Iarge adiliüonal j force is also to be put on. -The reform club put about S200 net profit into its treaaury from last week'S excursión. The large numbar lelt ai Port Huron by the öaptain of the boat WhO t)V wailiiij; lm iiiinulv.i"iil'iw secured his entire list of passengers, obtained passage by the regular steamer at half rates, and reached the excursión train, although delaying its arrival at Ann Arbor to midnight,whereas 8 r.Ji., was the hour it was dae here. -Frank Jones, in jail awaiting trial, charged with theft of wool from a York farmer, escaped early Wednesday morning. II e had been selected by the jail phj sician to wait npon a sick prisoner, and in company with turnkey Warren rep&ired to the barn to fill a tick with straw. Mr. Warren's back being turned in quest of something for a brief moment, the prisoner escaped toward the creek in the rear which he was seen by other persons, fording on its way to Iluron rivor, and suspected from his aetions to be parüally insane. There are so many trees and bushes in the vicinity impeding the view that he escaped easily. A éareíul seascb was instituted througliout Wednesday but imauccessfully. He was last seen in the city near the Colman residence in LowTown. Sheriff Case offers arewanl 25 for his arrest. Jones is 39 years 1 age, sandy complexion, has star and ure of female tattooed on arm, and from a kick by a norse on one of his legs, will be bandaged. The night before four prisoners escaped from the Jail at Adrián.


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