Real Estate Transfers

Aneline Manger to Mary C. Manger. Pareéis of land in rpsilaiiti City. Cüilsideration $500. Mary Dibble to John Jose;h SctilKe. Land ín Aun Arbor tovra. Considera210. Win. Klein to Henry J. Lewis. Land in Superior. Conslderation $1000. li. II. Palmer to Mary A. Palmer. Milán villaje lot. Considerataon Emanurf Manñ to Laura Barker. 10 acres in Ann Arbor township. Consideration $2000. James and Jano Ottley to Emerson B, Lewis. Ann Arbor city. Consideration $270. John George Koch to Henry Paul. Land in Pittsfield. Consideration $2000. Peter McMauto John Simón Sindlinger. Land in Scio. Consideiation f3000.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Angeline Manger
Mary C. Manger
Mary Dibble
John Joseph Schike
William Klein
Henry J. Lewis
H. H. Palmer
Mary A. Palmer
Emmanuel Mann
Laura Barker
James Ottley
Jane Ottley
John George Koch
Henry Paul
Peter McMan
John Simon Sindlinger