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Resolved, That the delégate oí thls district be instructed to use all honorable meaos to secure the nomination oí our distinguished feUow-citízen, J. Webster Cliikls, for Congress, and Ín no event lo abahdon earnest effprte for his success uiiless Lbe time sha 1 arnve when a majorlty of llu1 delégate trom the county sliall decide that turther el9 useless. Eight of the delegates are for GhildB, two or three are doubtful, and the remainder are for Willits. tative districts agreed upofi him.) geparattng into districts, and after a protracted and stomiy meeting of the second or Ann Arbor district, the subjoined delearates to Adrián were reportedand conlinned; First District- E. P. Allen and F. K. Owen, Y"p8flanti; L. C. Allen, 5Tork; II l). l'lutt, Piitsfleld; llarvey Bennett, Saline. Second District-Chas. E. Hisooc-k, Ann Arbor; Traman B. Goodfiyeed, Superiojr: A. II. ïattengill, Ann Arbor; John C. Mead, Ann Arbor town; II. b. Dean, Ann Arbor. Third District -Wm. Judson Sylvan; Thos. Birkett, Dexter; John Henley, Scio; !. I). Kingsley, Manchester; Oeo. Osborn, Sharon. 'Phe iirst iinl IMond districts reoommended Andrew Campbell as delegateat-large, and the thinl district, rm. J. Ënapp of Sylvan. The convention iroceeded to take a ballot which resnlted in the election of Mr. Knapp by a majority of nine. The l'ollowingresolution was adopted bv the first and second districts : his friend Childs. ïo bolster up the delegation with respectability he suggested the name of Andrew Campbell of PittsfieJd be the delegate-at-large. (It will be seen the delegates must have considered he was too respect able, for he was shamefully beatón by the convent ion as a whole, alter two man upon whom they could all imite, (meañing the granger from Augusta.-) He asserted tbat by securing liis noinination there vould be additional átrength given to the county ticket. He invoked unity, for in it there is strem;t'.i. Representativo Alien, who has Ihe dark horse bee buzzing about Ma j net a la Garíield, thought a delegatíop of influence and solidity should go to Adrián, that the interests of this great county of over 40,000 population, whicb would be larger had the census of Ypsilanti been eorrectly reported, should be properly represented. (The reader will observe the honorable gentlemen himself is a delégate.) In such a case he entertained no doubt of the triumph of Nicherson, W . r. (riiaart. Staaron, George Osborn, M. E. Keelér, Elmar Cusbman, A. S. Osboro. vuru iWm. Jiulsob, J. L. Gilbert, E. Zinkic. II. M. Woods, T. E. Wood, V. F. Hatch. Webster, C. M. Starks, Andt&w ,T. r, James McCalL L. D. Báll. V„,K Or. -,ii. ...-■-, r it aii„„ t.-. atlètt,Jr., J. NV. lilakesleo, J. D. ''mti City- íst warï; J. MHThTSêster J. C Post, O. A. Ainswarth; 2d ward, Ê. P. Goodrich, E.S. Allpn. Dr. W jr Hall; 3d ward, 11. Batcbelder, Dr V. K. Owen, C. R. Pattison; 4th wu-d ï' A. Huiit. H. E. Dickinsön ; 5tb ward, S. W. Pareons.G. W. Havens. VlisiUmti ïown, Wra. CampbeU, J. Everett Smith, lienj. Emenck, Clianes Fletcher. The duly authorized committee having thrust tlie permanent chainnanship npon temporary chainnan Campbeli tliatgentlPinanmadeaspoech. Thanki;ig Uu; delegates for tho additional honor bcstowed upon liim, he saidit vi-as conceded by everybody chat this county possesrsed tlie right to name the next congressman, and there was one Keech, Ë.Treadwell, Chas. A. Chapín ; 5th ward 'Eli S. Mauly, X. II. l'iorce, Eli W. Moorê: 6th ward, J. W. Ilarnilton.H. il. Hül. A. F. Martin. iiii Lrbor Town; John C. Mead, W. . Millatd, .1. IX Williams, S. W. Shurtleff. Augusta, II. P. Thompson, N". A. . i-. Win. Dansingburg, T. C. IIow■ Bndgewater, W. W. Hess, Geo. S. Rawson, James Bnrns. Dexter, Thomas Birket, W. ]5enton, John E. Hal!. Freedom, Frederick Fritaanèyer. Lyndon, ('has. Canfield, Chas, 8wyer, J. l. ('liirk. ' Lima. f. U. Julien, F. II. Ward, D. Rockwell, F. F. Tucker. Lorli. L. Bassett, Isaac Allen, Fxed Wond, Eli Briáinard, Manchester, .1. 1T. Kingsley, A. F. Freeman, S. II. Perkins, T. J. ïhorno, J. R. !!Inics,.Ias. McMahon. Notthfield, li. E. Leiand, F. W. Bsrker, ■■ Laraway. Judson Salycr. Pittsfleld, II. 1). L'laLt, Andrew Campbell. M. F. ('ase, David Wilsey. Scio, ('bas. Ilov.cll, A. U. Crane, E. E. Appleton, J:ís. W. Wing, Jolm Henley, Amos Pftelps. Snncrinr. .1. A. Wilbur, M. Clemehts, U. E. Townsend, Wm. Manly, A. &. Kininul. Salem, W. B, Thompson, Ira Stanton, S. Sober, .1. X. Thompsoa. Saline. Ezra Robinson, Ilarvcy Bennetf, H. 'II. Marsh. Jas. lloyt, A. Gr. Before calHng the convention assemfor the puvpose of selecting sixteen delegates to attencl the congressional convention called to meet at A.drian on Tuewiay next, to order, chairmaïi at feecouaty commtttee A. J. Sawyer took occasion to sa that he had nc'i liecn a candidato forcongresB ii. the interest of any otherperson than himself; neither was tbere any j standing betweeri himsjlf and Mr. j Beal. He was a and in the interest of nis party he withdrew his nauip fvom the contest, lie feit htenaw was entitled to the candldacy, bul tk and his fxtends wöuld stand liy the nominec let liini be who iv. Krturning thanks to those who stond by liim he procecdedto wave briefly the rnsaiinincd g-annent, and attempted to cheer his hearera bato íHc Pona hope of carryins the cminty tliis l'all by saying there were demoCfats who would vote tlie republicana ticket. [Mr.Sawyer is theonly personpossessed of such nowWdge. Ed.] Andrew Campbell of Pittsfleid was called to the chair, aml circuit court stenographer Goodrich of Ypsilauti to the secretaryahip. Mr. Wing of Scio moved for a committeeon permanent organization, ttie chair appointíng'the mover, II. S. Dean, J. E. Smith, F. K. Owen, David Wilsey. Mr. ('lias. E. Iliscock moved for a committee on credentials to be appointed by the chair of which the mover, 11. 1). Piatt and J. V. Chidester were duly honoredn The iollowing (lelejiates appeared fluly instructed to delibérate and vote upon all sttbjécts before the body: Ann Arbor City- Ist ward, Franklin Cate E. D. Kinne. Geo. Elaller, ir. S. Dean; :M ward. Uenry K'ranse, Emanuel Mann, P. Bach, E. K. Frueanff: 8d ward, Charles E. FTiscock, tielson Booth, L. Gruner, .lames tí. Saunders; 4tb ward. A. 11. Pattenffill, Thomas J.


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