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- Sevenil residenoes are being imiit in Chelsea. . - Uexter's refonnera project au excursión lo Lanaing. - Foster Brns. are putting down tubular wells abo it Chelaea. - A district school in Lima has been seriously agitated over text books. John McCullouih will open the season at the opera h Mise in Y"nsilanti. - M. J. Noyes hits brought rom the Dominion and Oblo 187 horseï the past year. - fames Spencer of Sylvan, $6.50 for the privilege of gétting drunk in Manchester. - Aboutisno bushels of whortieberrieswillbe shipped.from Chelseii thia season. - Farmers' club of Sliaron, Jlanchosterand BridgewatêT meet to-day at the icsidenceof S. .i. Mcnitliew in Slianm. - Ahail storm flestroyed coiiidrible fmit in jiancheater. Dr. ConMin losing half bis grapea and nearly all his pluma. - Rev. 3. Gordon Jones, formerly pastor of the Preabyterfan church in Manchester, died at Fort Atlvinson, Wis., Julj 15. -The Chelsea bami ffivea two outdoor concerts on the balcony in front of their rooms every Monday and Suturday evenlags. -Prof. M. J.McMahon, a Bharon boy and gradúate of Manehester's unioh school, is engaged as principal of the' Manitowac, Wis., high school. -Delégales from Aun Arbor townBhfp, elected on Saturnay, to altend democrtrtic county convention: Iessrs. A, J. Parshall, John O'llara, Andrew Srnith. - Auditor-jgeneraJ Latimer designares the Ypsilanti Commercial to puUlish list oflands in lliis coiuity upon which laxes liavenot been paid, sale to take place Oei:. 4. -Farmers of Bridgeyater will hold Iheiv ai'.nual picnic in Jüniua Short's grove, to-moiTow. Ur. Kynd of Adrián and othcr speakers are expected to address tlie gathering. - From 63 trees of föur years growth, and of the Béatrice varlety, Mr. T. E. McDivitt of Ami ArDor township shipped 510 ba: kets o-f peaches, besides giving away aliont 30 baskets. - Jnin'i Kinii's in Salem was burned op Thursdaj night the 29th instant. Most of the 'f urnituTB was also destroyed. Iñsured for f600 in the Agricultura] of Watertowp, X. Y. -A maas meeting and basket picnic ofHambnrg aml Wliitmore Lake fonn clubs is annwonced to take place at Whitmorè Lake to-moiïow. Speakers, Prof. Dickie of Albion dolïége, J. Bouteeou of Jackson ; nd local orators. - Mrs. Jos. Weis of Frecdom, notice of whose injury ppoara 1 ip tliese ooiumus last weck our MancheBtcr correspondent, (lied on Wednesday evening of last week, inortitication having set in at the aukle joint óf the left i'oot. - Faculty of Dexter's school for year errauiftg: Prof. C. ('ook. principal, $900. Miss Julia Ward' preöpptress, ;..:;-!!. Miss Etriüy Palmer, -con I grammar, S320. Miss Jeniii ' Clark, l'imkiic.lÍ!-st "■niiimiav. 280. .Miss Lena Suerin, second pri n 0. Miss Juíía Ooë,"waid seh ) '■ $1 '■ - At the grove of Dr. GíAes about one-half mile f rom Chelsea, a harvesi picnic is annoüriced for Saturday, A.üg. U,tobead(lns;ca by W. E. Depew of Chelsea. Charles II. Wineá will be Uw presiding offlcer of tlio day; Walter C. Wines will bave charge of the vocal musite, imd Mortimer Freer of the instrumental nrásio; -On last Sunday SWphen Clsxk of Lyndon look a buggy ride to Waterloo After visiting there for some tüüe h( returned home, he Uimped out of the buggy, and just at that instant a flash of lightHiffg cme and stnick his house killlagltltistantly. Mr. C wceived severe shock but soon recovcred. Tbe hore was valued at $200.-Chelsea Ilerald. ■ -On Saturday a Germán named Mat Ithew Gall, living at Iron Cteek, tiv miles south of Manébester, was found lying in a Öéld in sp.ásms. He was at íirst' supposed tobe intoxiealed, but it I was afterwards asn-.tained that he bad taUcu a large dose of strycbnine with the intention oí' enáing bis Ufe. A physician was calUnl and tbe prospecte are now eood for bis recovery. The cause of his' act is supposed to be desiumdency caused by ill health. - AR incendiary set a tire in a barn adjoiniuR the box stallsof the Ilawkins house BtabU, at Ypsilanti, Sunday evenins, wMeïi fortunately was discovered and extinguished in time to prevent what must have been a disastrous conflarati(ni. About the same time the grocery store of Havens Bros. was entered ttoough a light broken in ine rear door and tbree or four small revolvers, a quantity of dgart and tbree or four dollars In ctiange taken frorn the - A Hancock and Iuiglisb club was forraed at Manchester Saturday eveniM with the following offieers: den1 M D.Case; Viee-President, BiunsonGoodyear; Secretary, W. L. Watkins; Treasurer,N.Schmid; Executive oomittee,N.8.Case,i:.B.Norri8,W. ,1 EngHsh, John Stevens, W. X. Clark. Voout 160 BiUOM hae nlready been obteined as members of the club and the work is just commence At a caucus held the same evening the following were appoipted delegates to theCounty ' i Convention: Jas. Kelly, Munson Goodyear, A. K. Gage, Wm. Englteh, E. M. Tracy, Robt. Englisli. -Clark CoraweU says the Vpsilanti Paper Co. wül build at the Geddes mili property a pulp mili in case of Garfleld's election. Mr. Cornwell un'.erstands Mr. Gariiekl is a higli pr lec.ivc advocate, and holding balance of power upon the waya and means committee of Which be is member voted against repeal of duty on pulp, the revenue from whirh last year was less tiran $1. H also in eoBUBittee voted against the repeal ol 20 per cent duty on white paper, thus eömpeMng evéry pubHsher to pay an exorbitant price for rt. w aetner in the house, sonate or executive chmr I Mr. Gaxflëld is in favor of high tantl Paper as well as other manufacturera appreciate bis lubors in their behalf and of éöurse, are peenolartty interes Ld in sustainiñg their friend. Thj promise of buiMing a mili in a certan contingency is a specious plea to me chanics who wM like the job o building to voté for Garlielcl,


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus