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- St. ('lair gir!8 Ktnoke. -101 manufacturing sstablishments in Adrián. . - PotfltoëS are rotting badly ín Ihe región of St. Clair. - A Haucock and Kutflish clnB ha been fornied at Howeïï. - Grass Lake is goiuu to have a towf hall S6X70 feet, costíiíg $2,006. -SI. Clair ha m tTanci'.'V anit Fnglish club of over 180 members. - Two sinall boys aiv ttorter arrest at ilowcll for defaeing a tornbstone. - There have been oearh 1,060 barr-ls r car!;, appk.s shiyped ïrojft WA roe thii scason. - Sonic scoundrel tiirew apples tbroi' cháncela of the Windows of Momoe" Episcopal church. - Friends of Mrs. Lucy SQ:ong of Mnrshaü have cóncfuSea to seEa lier to an insane asy'ura. - Tlie Monroe Commercial places the damage in tlmt county by thu lrith jjdt. hail storm at -S17è,WK). -The trial of an Adrián inniK'hargeft with keeping a gaming house has already been adjonrned four times. - Geo. W. Burt,of Howell, is Bekíng for a lost son whorii he has not seen in two yeara. The boy is 16 years oíd. - T. ShorcH oí' Jackson is. to run a foötracéon the I9th of August with an Ypsilanti colored man imsMia sido. - Edward Kaesmeyerof Port 'Hwfon was c;irried oilli} aquaforüs. He wiia a butcher by trade and a resident 20 years. - Joseph Crelghton of Adrián 8 years of age waded into water to get hishat and getting bey oud bis heighth, was -Somt; of the Boyd & Pcter's circus gang, arrosted for outratfing a yonfií vvoman in Someraet county. Pa., ha-il from Koyal Oak, Midi. - Ziegler's tannery at Lansing wa destroyed Tucs-day ïnovnin;,' by lire, wíth ahita fixtúres. The loss is said tq bc sl.-i Q; "" ins.uraoce. Kourlmndi ed and sixty-lour coupte goi married in U-nawee connty during the fiscal year just ènded. Wliat a iine beginning for divorces next year. - Populat oii of JaCfeBon ciiy, wfifm Villajes in .lai-kson coinily: lirookiyn 472, Concord 540, Grass Lake 682, Hanover300, Napolc u l'ninia 4S2. - Wm. B. Smith of BlissfieM is imdor arvest ciiarvil wüii aUcmi.t to raj.e Wís. John M. (.ray a m-iiílib r, fcdl families having been on intímate terma. - Ilillsilahi was ovcrnm with swind Iers, paniblcis, wliccls of fortune men, etc, during the regatta. L'iciqioekets did a flourishins,' business, and a little bnrglavy was also hiduled in. -At Hillsdalc republican convention E. C.-ilincr was nomiriated for slieriff by one majoiity; O. A. .James, probate judge by Beven majority. The bank rlftg of Ilillsdale was defeated all 'round. -Chas. Sedman of Franklin, Oakland county, wlio kept a general stofea't that hamlet, is reportèd to have snicided od Tiiursday. He had been to Detroit, where he had spent or lost a suui ut money. -The Second Congregational church society of Jackson have expelled their minister, Rev. ]). E. Hathawav, lor unministsrial conduct dmïfiïï tiu absence - ilessrs. Cavod S; Arnold o Marshall, have patented a device by Wltteh íi-üin from a threshing machine is taMJ Is i i i. il... !.),-'.fi.ii' ai.d but;gt'(l aiiiL vj-uchi il . fnnS sartfis bm lj]n at east two men at each threaher. -CongrwsHJan WiUils has a West Point cadetsfeip at hjs disposal, who must undergo a competative examiiwtion bc of sound anatomy and betsveen the ages of 17 and 22. Kxamination at Monroe latter part of tMa month. --Agas wellhas been stmck the south line of sov.thiicid towmhip.thrrt miles west of Boyal Oak, in Oakland county. Major R. F. Judson of Kalamazoo, owns the well, and is mithonty for the statement that it is blazing 40 feet high. -On Jamiary 30, last, ahovse, harnee and platform spring wagon Wére stolen from Levi 0: Runctell, of West lïloomm.ld. Oakland Co. Tuesday night -il„.vilT Stantonsneccedod in findingthe whole of the property, part in Wayne Co mty and part in Monroe. - A gay sewing machine agent located in Adrián and, ouder suppositiQfi of beimí unmarried, i yoitng lady m;untained a flirtation with hint) some time. before his wife discovered What was Soiii" on. Then there was a rmv. a tribunal of three, and a solenm promise. -The Springport Sisnal Rives an acr-M-nnt of the poboning of a family named Cootey, in Parma townshlp, by the ating of toadstools, inisUikuig them lor mushrooim. The little giïl died tast Saturday, and motber and ixriiiidiDüüier were not expected to recover. - A fellow by the name of Sullivan bas bet'n routed out of Brihtoh % an Itidignant people. This half-breed Livingston counlyS.wH) onceoiv a rapo suit in whk'h he was ri.nvicU-d, bat n suspension of sfiiitence uavehim oppW-j tunity to become disgusting again to &n extent past forbrnranci-. -Charles l'ndervood, aged 18 years, son of Dr. Uudcnvood of Hillsdale, was thrown from a bugy a few days ago, and eacaped with no bones broken or hard bruises, but acconting to medical opinión with great intcrnal injuries. JLe has been upcouscious eveï sime, aud late Fiiday nigbt died. - Monday ' eveiiing Samuel Billinger of Uover, Lemnvee ('. stoppeö the nmzzle of bis gun with his tinirabw!iil he lifted a pail over the tVnce. The iail iellon Ui" haiumerof the ,'un. Tliat thumb will nevev be ised for t pihpf'"!í a„am. One shot entered Billingei-s right eye and R is very likely that the sigUt Has bei destroyed. - Tlie JacKson Citizen saya that eme of the brfghtest spots in thatentire city . is a flower garden inside the prison walls, cultiyated by Thomas Kidd, a lite convict, but a yöung nian murli ttlced by all the offieers oftiiê prison. He sells bouui;-ts lo yay the expenses !s ,i,i(l pliints. aiul the wardca allows him to worU ni, when not rnsaged in bis occupatiqn of cook. - ïiip bcftiét of íi stwn: hrsber exploded In Ogden, Lenawee foimty,.Tuly 80 añd a young man named I.uther Wilz was severely scalded, bul H ia thought he wlU recover. The explos.ou was heard threo miles and picces of thh boiler were thrownhalf a mile. JLjam named Fogelwteg was at ot1L alt the ïatoleof il -niudwiis cnrnet ,,.,, OTetthsstíawcarriearRnd dumped down uninjured.


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Ann Arbor Argus