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RAILROADS. HHHIUAN ÍTOTRAL KAJLHOA. ï 26, 1880. OOINO wfcsï. r, . .. , . A.M I'-M. .. K, F.M. p.M. Detroit, leave, 7 (KI i ;i.i 5 SS 4 M 8 1., M g.T.Jiinofion, 7 ir, 9 .-,-, B 10 420 25'ioi, WayneJunetion ; 52 -,,, 29 ] 42: 4 M s 56 m 40 pmlanti, s M (. 48 7 Ot S 09 9 18 11 02 öedée, h 80 7 20 AnnArbor, s 4'! 11 00 7 39 r, 22 :l 11 17 Delhi, s sa 7 4ti - : Liexter, 9 04 7 M 5 ss 9 54 Chelsea, 9 22 ' s 1. g III 10 Ora Lake, 9 50 ', 8 3j 6 lüjasO' . , '■ A.w Jackon, 10 20 12 16 9 OOI 6 55 11 00 (f Albion, 11 04 12 60 7 45 11 M i 16 Marshal), u 50 1 80I-30 , 8 11112 08 ; :;: P.M. MJ A.M. BttleCreek, 1} 19 1 55 T R 41 12 30 S 00 Galesburg, 12 52 915 _ A. W. Kiilamazoo, 1 15 2 3f, 4 5(1 3 35 1 15 2 42 Lawton, 1 63 5 2t 1 4: Decutur, 2 10 5 4a; 2 02 Dowagiao, 2 SS 6 12 2 23 Siles, ;i oe 4 il 6 07 2 47' 4 1', Huchanan, 3 19 : 7 11 a 10' ThtüC Oaks 3 40 1 7 27 N'ew Buffalo, 4 03 4 63 7 4 3 37 Micliigua City, 4 30 6 20 8 08 4 02 liHke, 6 is 6 02 8 54 4 52 1; ï Itensington, 6 00 6 50 9 I6 5 40 7 n, ChiraifU, arrive, 6 50 7 40 10 36 i I 6 30 8 00 OOINO EARI. 3wfii ij .M. A. M. p. M. l'.M. f. M nhicago, leave, 7 00 ! 9 00 4 00 6 16 9 10 Keneington, 7 50 9 50 ' 4 50 1 G OS 10 00 Lake, 8 38 10 30 5 42 ! 6 60 il' 13 Michigan City, 9 20 ]] 13 e :;n I 7 411 n n New üuil.ilo, 9 4911132 t SS 11 in Three üaks, 10 03 7 18 A M Iïuehanan, 10 32 7 40 - '12' o' Niles, 10 45Í12 18 8 10 9 00 12 '16 Dowagiu, il 18 ■ 8 38 1 ie Decatur, 11 3&j 1 9 05 1 32 I.awl.m, 11 57 ! il 2ïa. M. 1 t Knlamazoo, 12 33 1 38! 10 00; 6 00 10 25 2 ?6 GnleKbiirs, 12 63 1 . 7 OS I Eattle Creek, 1 28 2 15 ' ji K; 7 40 II 10 ;■, ( Marshall, 2 26 3 00 J 8 08 il 35 346 ï A.M. Albinn, 2 52 3 21 a. m. 8 3511 59 4 12 ■Tackson, 3 45 4 05 7 15 9 gol 12 45 5 00 Ontga Lnke, 4 10 7 38 il 50 6 25 Olielsca, 4 4o: 8 02I(107: 5 .-(, Dexter, 5 00' 8 16 10 19 6 06 Delhi, 6 10 8 26 Ann Arbor, 6 ?2 5 07 8 4CÏJ0 88 1 2 05 6 25 Ged'les. 5 29 Í 8 48 Ypsilatiti. 5 3S 5 23 8 BS 10 IS 2 20 6 41 Wiiyne June, 6 02 5 45 9 16 11 08 2 44 7 05 G.T. June, 6 351615 9451135 320 745 Detroit, Ar., I 6 BOJ 6 30 10 00 11 50 3 35 8 nO Hnnilaye excepted. ISaturday and Huuday exepted. tliaily. H. B. LEDYAED, Gen'l Mnnaer. Iletroit. H. C. Wenïworth, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. CA1VADA SOUTHERN IIAILWAV. The Only Ainf-rican Boute Torough (Canada. Traína leave M. C. R.E. Depot, Detroit, city time, as i'ollows: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. PftHi Day Express, daily, 12 ooon, Wagner car to New York and Boston. Limited Express, daily exenpt Sunday, 7.15 p. m. Wunrrcar to Buffalo and liooui Llghtnine Express, daily, 11 35 p. m. Wagner cnr to Búllalo and Bochestex. Toledo traiiis lave 7 50 a. tn. except Sunday ; 3 00 p. m. daily ; 7 15 p. m. except Sunday, 4SF" For infürmation and tickets apply to II. W Hayes, agent M. C. R. E., Ann Arl.or. Jl.C. KOACH, Western Pass. Agent, Detroit FRANK E. SNOW, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Awt. Buffalo, M. Y. f BEil WESTERN KA II. WAV- VJ Depots loot ot TMrd and Brusii streets. Detroit tirae. Detroit time. Le;ive. Arrivf. Atlantir Eipiess, a. m. tlO.OO p. UI. lay Express, '8.35 a. 111, 6.30 p. m. New York and Boston Express, 7.00 p.m. t9.46a.m. Detroit Express, 12.45 p. m. Steambimt Express, - 7.00 a. m Kilst Kxpress, 11.50 p. m. 3.10a. 111. JDnily. Dailyexcept8unday. tExcept Jlomliiy. JSEif I'"or information and tickets apply to li V Hayes, Agent M. C. R. K., Ann Arbor.' ". II. FIRTH, WM. EDGAR, Western I'ass'r Ag't. General Pass'r Aeent Keal Kstate for Sule. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Waahtenair, m. In the matter of the esinte of Henry Vinkle, duceafed. Notiee Is hereby ?"■, tbi in purjuanoe of nu order granted to the uuderngned, adminiatratdt with tb e wilj annexed, "t the csüUe of feaid deaased, by the Hou Ju.k".. i lor tiiü county of AVasljtenaw, on the tweutv-nrst day ofjuiy, A. D. 1880 tlwra wil] ha soul at public vendue, to the hlghest b front door of Mie Dsxter Exeoaiise, In the fllInjfe ol Dexter, in tbe county of washtenaw. In HJiid Stjite, on TuKSDAT, TUK fcjKVEWTH DAY I TFiiiiF.H, A. I). 1S80, at teno'olock in theforenoon of that dav fsubject to all encumbrances by niortgage.or otherviso exfetlog at the time of Ihe rtfutii of siiid deceased) the fotlowing decribed real eatnte. lo-wit: Lot nmnher two in hlock No. 19 in the villoge of Ueïter, Washtcnnw couoty, Michigan, Piwpting and rcserviiij,' tljc fo lowina Urerlbed 1 nrtr k-íhuímr at Ihe northwfsterly eoraer of smd lot two ' ) on the Ann Arbor' nmd. thence sontllwerterly on thé Hhe hetweeu tald lot tnoand lot ono in snid bloek to thu tontheaaterly corner of said lot two, thence southwesterlv at ri"ht ancles with snid line 6 f teen fet. theiice north forty-throe devrêen and thirty minutes eastseventy-two feet, thence easteriy nzty-one fret to a on theliueof said lot on the Ann Arborroad forty-one feet soulheasterly (rum the northwesterly corner of said lot two, thence northwesterly alons the line of said Int and Ann Arljor road furty-oue feet to the place of beginnina. Al-o the followmti lanii on said block nineteen: All that pait "I lot No. ono (1) in block ninetoen fl) lyine sotitlierly of a line running parallul to and eightyod feet south of the uortlierly line of said lot R'itvjuct to Ihe rlght of wy ovej and along tlie northerly side of said land. Also that eeitain parcel of land in block eifc'htecn in the Tfliage of Dexter, county ot Vaahten:iw, atate of Mii-hicau Kiiown, liounded.and descilhed aa foilnw, towit: i'i nduji "ii the -ontli side of the Ann Arbor roail at & point seventy-one foet westerly from the n.nfhi 'ast corner of said block alghtcen and at the northwest (.■oincT of a piaoe i.f laad sol.l to John Cmarkin and Alexander Soulier, thence ninninff uorth tiïty-four degrees west twepty-three -ci alonfr the l'ne of eaid road, thej south twentyii degreesweat onehnndred and flfiy feet to ín alley twenty feet widc, thence south ixty-four degreea cast aloug saiii a'ley twenty-three féet to the id pieoe of groond nld to Croerkin aod f-'oulier thence north twenty-Hix desrees eastalon? ihe line of said pleee of land sold to mid Cmarkin and oouiier onehundred nnd fifty feei to tho of beRinnin. Also, lot No. two (2) in bloclc No liftfon In sarid villaje of Uexter, Watbtenaw county ' MiohkraD, secordiag to tho tecorded plat iherso. ' Also, lot Xo. seven in Wook No. three In said villa-e of Tlexler. exceptin so nmch of (he north end ' as is cut OÍT by the Michigan Cential Eailroad. Dated, July 21, lsn. ' CHABLBfl 8. SBEOOBT ' Aiministrator with the will aoMXed of the ' estáte of lienry Ainkle, deceased. i - _____ 1 Mortjrage Salp. DEFAULT HA VING BEEN MADE in the conditionsof a certain mortgage beat ing date tlie y-cighf h dny of .November, il the yearof onr Lord one thotisand eight bundrec and seventy-six, made and exeeuted by Mar.-jiret Ryan of the village of Manchester, couiily of Wa.-h tenaw and State of Michigan, to WiïUam i' Osius of the towiisliip of l'ittsfleld, same count and State, and record ed in tbe office of the Kegister of Deeda of U'ashtemiw Coonty aforeaaid on the thirtleth d.iynf July, A. D. 1878, :it 1 Hl o'oioot p. M. of aaidday, in H1ht,-4 uf morttuges, on page 708, and (beamonnt clairnedtobedneal f 'ie date of this BOtice Is $684.87 (sii hundred thlrty four dolíais and oihty-sevcn cents), also thirty dollars asa reasonable solioitor'a or attorney'sIVe.i'n addition m all other lepal costs if any proceedin sliould be taken to foreclosc this mortgage, and no pr ïuga at law or in equity haviug boen inatituted to recover the tame or any part thereof: Notloe is therelore hereby giren, tliat hy virtue of the power ot alejimaid tndrfïrajre oontained I shall scll on Satukday, tijk Nixirit day or Ootobsb next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said duy at public vendue to the bifrhest bidder at Hia south front doorot theCourt House in the citv of Ann Arbor, cotinty of Waahtenav aforesald "(that beii building whonin Circuit Conrt for Washtenaw muniy iaheldl, all ihose ceitain picres or pareels of laud sltnate in the vilhiir. of Nfsrichester, In the iiinty of Waihtei uw and state of Michigan tnown and d.scribcd u follows, to wil : B?ing lots nunibcr ñve and eix in block nuniber forli .Te in tbe of Manchester, in Bid oounty and Stntc, aecordlnir to the recorded plat thereof. Dtted, July 15, 1880. COMSTOCK F. HII.L, Administratorol the estáte ol VVilliam F. .m;i-, deeeased. Estáte of Peter 8. June, STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. es. At a session of the Probate Court for the Cnunty of Washleuaw, holden ut the Piobm.e Office in the city oí Aun Artior, on Friday, the sliteentb day of July, in the yoar one thousand eijrht hundred rmd eighty. Present, Wllliam D. Harriman, Judire of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Peler B. June, deceased. Onreadingand fllinpr thepetition,dulyyprifled, of llargaret June, praying that administration of said estáte may be giarjtd to Aahei C.Taylor, orsome other BUitable peraoa. Thereupon it is ordered, thnt Monday, the si.xteenth dny of August next, at ten o't-lock in the aaaigned for the hearicí ofínid petition, and that the heir at law oí aai,! dea and all other persons interested in Huid estáte, are required to appearat aseBsion of said court then to be holden at tho Probate otHce in the city of A nu Arbor, aud show cause, if any theie be, why the pmyorof the petitioner should oot be rrrinited : And itisfurtherorderodthat eaid petitiomi ■ rive l Dotice to the persons Intereatad in said catate i it the pendeney of said petition and the baarnir tliereof, by causins h eopy of this order to be I pubhshed in tile Ann Ahhok Anous, a newnpiiper ' Jiiiittfl and oirculated in said county, 1 live weeks previous to said dny of hearing I I WILLIAM D. HARK1MAN, ( ( A true eopy.) Judga of Probate. Wm.G.Doxï, Probate Keeiater. i LEGAL. NOTICES. '■ I at oí I ír.ihis V.. li.tlmr.lBon. OTATE OF MICHtOAN, COUXTY kj of Waahtenaw, aa. Al b aeasion oí the l'iubni Couri rr the County of WaahteBaw, rmlden at the Probate Office, u tbc citj (.'Arm Avl..,r „„ Wediiteday, the twgjity-fliíi ,liy of Jniy, iuilg yearoue tbousaod lgbl bundred hii.i cighty Present, Williani D. Uiirriman, Judgeul í'robate In the matter of the eatat e of Eiuilus M.Kic-l ud sun, daceaseri. fcnuiy ltiolmrdson, exeeutoi of the last 11 nnfl testament ol aaid deceased, cornos luto court and represent thut he is now prejmred to reinier lis Una) nccouttt hh sucli exi-cutor. Thi'iiu].i)ii it l ofdered.that Wecinoffliiy tha eigbleetilh day o( ' Au( ten .j' inthe forenoon.. bc nnsDniod for eï.-imining and alldwiiis anah account, and thnt the déviaees, li-gntces, no heirsatlnwof aid decaaacd and allotheiprBrnaiiK Led In anid estutfi, ar vequired to nptar ut n spssion ofraid Coart, thm to be holden at ihe Pro butetillicein the city of A nu Arl.or n aiil countv, and ahow cituM, i( any tl, oio bc why t),r. ,„j,i „,,. ■■iiunt rhoTÜd no( beallowefl : Anrl l' is rn-t),Pi ol) dtri'il ilmt mid i-xpcntut gire notice to ptiai ui ated in suid estnte, of tLe ptndeiir.r ot „:iu int iind tbi Iji Hriii;; Iheruof, bv caomng n c.iiv ui th'.ivriei tu I. pnbl.-Lín) in the Ann Abbi h Rfiifl, t pewapaptsi piintp nnd rtrnilatiny .n anid ooon'.j, thruu aucceanve weekt nrerimis to Milí daj oi lieuiiuj; WILLIAJd I). HAIUÜMAN', (A truc cojiyi. Jndge of l'rohiite. v m. O. Dotï, Probntf Register. Slfttatfl of Kieliiirri IJcahan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COIINTY kj t WaalUtianw au. At a seáMion oi Mie I'iul.;iie Coart tot tbfl Coanty of Wttahtuumr, lioldfjn at t!: Probnt Office in tbe nityoi Aun Arbor, on Tues -l,iy, the twentieth dy of July, in tbu eiTya thouAnd eight ïmiidrod and Plghty. Present. Wïlliain 1). liHrrimn'n, -ïudireof Prnhnte, In tbe matter of the oí i: ie hard Beiilmn. deceaea. Dii re:ilin(?and Hline thn petition. dtily vnified, of Libbie BenhAn, praying that n rertain intmni'-iit now on ftle in this conrt, purportinj; to bff the las v. ín arwl rtttïiTnent of said fleceasen, mny inittt-'d (o probütc, and that shc may be iip i i il ■! exècutrix thereof. Thereupon it is ordere.i, that Mondny, the sixteen tb day ot August next, nt ten o'clook in the torectoon, oe assigited tor the heaiing of suid peti- tion, und that the deviseeajegateesftnfl heiratlw of said deeciised, iind all other pprponn interénted in Baid ístAte,nre requiredto appear at a Hfesioö of Baid Court, tben to he holden t the Piobatt ütHce in the city of Anii Arhor, and abow ctiuee, if any there be, why the pmyer of the petitioner ahouïd not be prnnted: And it is iurther ordered that Hftid petitioner irire notice to the peraong intereated in said estáte ol the pendency of tnii petiliou and the hcaiinp thereof, by causinp copy oi tlnsordt-rto bepubliphed intbo . nn Arbob A )í(,r.-v,a newapuper printed and circuíate! in said county, threeöucceeeive weeks previoue to eaidday of bearing. WILLTAM D. HAKRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate, Wm. .Doty, ProateEegi8ter, &atate of liHïiiHbas Case. OTATE OV MICHIGAN, C0UNT5 O ot Washtt.-miw, sa. Ata tession of the Frobtit G'ouit for tbe Oounty of WaaiHeiiaw; Molden at th Probate Ürh'cu in the city oi Ann Arbor, on Mon day, the nineteenth day of July, in the year on thousand eiht hundred and eighty. Present, WiMiam 1). ííjirriiimn, JudgeofProbatc In the matter ot the estáte of Barnabaa Case deceased. On readrng and rp.ins: the petition, duly verifled pf .Toaiali 8. Cue, pnying Hint a c-rta'in hi.-lru ment now on lii. iii thia eonn. purport i n to be tin last wiil Miid testament of said deeeaseflf, muy b fldmiltprito probate, and that Norton H. Case ma] lm appointed adniinistrator with the will annex of said estáte. Thereüpon it isordered, that Monday, the six teenth day of August next, at ten o'cloek in th forenoon, b assiirnuil for the hearing of paid pet tin n, and thM thedeviseaï.U'gateeH,iini bejri ut Ia of naid doceased, anfi all other persons interestt-r! il said estáte, are required to rtppear at Befaiorj o 6aid Courl, ttien to be holden at the Probate otfire jn the City of Ann Arbor. anfl Hh"W caiibe, it au: theie be, why the pinet t the setitknrer abpvli not be srrunted: And it is further ordereri tii said petitioner give notiee to the peruana intcres'ei in said estáte, ot tlie pendeney ol said pt-'.itiui] and the henrins therpor 'y Ctraamff a copy ''T ')i nrder to le publñhed in thaAjfi Arbok Amus,i newpaper pnntect and cnenlated ir. said eüunty tbree succesaive weekB previous to said duy o hearing. W.ILLIAH P. HARRIMAN, ( A mie eopy.) Ju lge of Probate. Wii.t.tam (i DoTY.Probatp Regiittl. Sheriff') sale. STATE OF JIIGHIGAN, COUNTÏ ui Washtenaw, sa. Jolin n. Piioc, "] M.wrisM. Peckand TJohn Atkinson Clark t'oniwtll t ra. i's. ] The Michigan Papel The Michigan Paper [ Company. Compauy. J By virtue of a -writ of execution in each of thi above entitled causes, isaued out of and under tbfl seal of tbe Uhcuit Court for the Couuty of VVnshtenaw, to me directed and delivered, I did on the lUlhday of June, A. 1). 1880, levy uj.oti all lh rilit, title mul intereat of the Michigan Papol Campan y , in and to the Jollowing described real e t;it, landtf and teneinents, to wit : All those c . rtain tracts or parcela of land sitnated üt Oeddesburg, in the township of Ann Arbor, county ol Waahtenaw, ï-tate oí Michigan, cumineoiiing at thfl poiut of intersection of the north nnd soutíi (juirter section line of section mimber thirty-eix. m tcwnaliip twu eoüth aml raoee six east, in said State, With Che soutli line of tbe Michigan Oenlrtl Kailrouil, running thencesouth said quartsi Bection Jine four chaina and fifty lints; tbence imriii iJHhtj-üi-ven drgrees vaat seveu chains nd tbirty links to an oaktree; ihence north doKras weat fle clinina and oinety-firo link to the touthbaakol tbe Huron riïer; theuoa duwn said river along the aouth bank tbereol to the BouthcrIy baak of the tuil race where said raccemjiiies mto the river; tbence up said tail roce on the simlh buik ihcreof to tbe center of the highway; thenc ■outherly to the 'uth line of said railroad ; thence vesterly along the line of said railroad to the plnce of begiuning. Alo that parce] of 1 ,nd dwunbed as beginniug wbers-thehiêhway above mentioned eroaaes the rsilroad on said sectiou thirty-aix nmï rumiinir tnrn eaat side of snid hixliway east parallel with tbe center line of the present muía track of said railrond twenty-rlve iret ; thence north parallel with said highn-ay filty feet; thenc west twenty-five feet to tbe nst line of tbe IiíkIi■n-ay ; thence soilth tifty feet to llie place of beginning. Also tlint otlier pareil of land bepinning at a pnint tifty liet south of the .nid Michigan Centra! Railroad. and on th-1 westerly line of the sftid highway whioh crossrs said railroad nnd the Huron river on said section thirty-8ix, and running thence parallel to the railroad west ninety-two feet; thence south two huadred feet ; thence east one hundred and nve feet to the weat line of said higbnoy; thence north on the weet line ot said highway to the place of begtanisg. trpether with tha milis and buildings theieon standine, and all the machinery and tools placed and used in and about said mili and overy part tlu-rcof, and nlso the water privilege peztaining to said milis and propt-rty na the saine has been heretnfore enjoyed, with all the rights, interests and privileges mentioned ir Isaac M. l tonkliu'a ueed to Jamea l'uey, J r , au-l George li. Kelly, Maling daté the fftt i'ih day of May, A. D. 1872, exoenring part of tbe tirst above descrip tion a strip of land four rods in width along the eaat line }L the same and sonth of süid rmlrnad ; and alto exeepting tbe lands occupied by the Michisun Central Ruilroad Company na a railroad. AlBo all i'mt c-rtain pieee or paroel of land sifuatè in tbe township of Aun Arbnr. County of Washtenaw, state oi Micbjgui, nnd describid as follows, to wit: l;i-i.-iiniiiiL' at sou th east corner of the nortbeast quaftei of section thirty-nre 8.5), and running tbeuooDorth on thu east line of id ection to the simlh sidc of tbc Michigan Contral Railroad; thenc; west to the center of Mallett's ereek so callnd); thence northeasterly ahmg the (ester ; safd créet ti the ent line of suid setion thirty-tivt.' (85 ; thflooe aprth on said section line to the Himm river; ttencc up said river to n point forty-one and one-half rods east of the north nd iouth auarter line of said section ; thence south parallel with suid quater lineuntü il. tikeB the iast and west qnarter line of said section ; thence ■ast on s:iid quarti-rliue to the pLice of beginning. Whioh süid lands and tenements I chalí sell at pubïc vendue to the highest bid-ii-r, ut the north door oí the Courr Bouseln the city of Ann Arbor, in said oouoty ot Waahteoaw, (that being the place oí holding1 the Circuit Court in said eoanty), uu the Eleventh dat of Bzptbmbkb, A. f. 1W0, at tea o'clock iu the forenoon af ihtit day. Dated, July 30, 1680. JOSIAn S. CASE, Sheriff. Real Kstate for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY f Washteniiw, ss. In bhe matter of the estáte ui .luim C. lidiklninit, Senior, deceast'd. Nofice i hereby freo, that in punuanceol an order gruntod to the uodersitfoed. ad ministra tor oí the estáte of said deceaaed, by the Hou. Jiulge of Probate for the county of Waahtenaw, on the twnty-lmirth dcy of Juoe, A. 1) 1880, there wül be told at puhic réodue, to the higheat bidder, at the south front loor of the ('ourt Houm in the city of Ann Arbor, n the county of Wasblenaw in Raid State, oq ■ Y, Til ) Si VKMTEKNTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. U. 1880, Ht ten u'i-luek in the forenoon of th&t dny subject to II encumbrancea by raorturttge or other:tstinir at tbe time of the death of said deUowjoff dwcHbed real estáte, to wit : ?he west twó'thiros of the toííowfng described ieue of land : One ma twcntv-rive hucdredths of in itere frontina: the líber White roid (o calied) Qekundred md forty-nine feet and ifí ion of a oot and running b;u.-k from the center ol' said road hree hundred and sixty Bve feet, bein the south nd ot a eertain wr el of laud aituated ín the cityof Ann Arbor aforeaiid on the vest ha'f of tha quarter of aection twenty-nine in tow.i ;n-(ii:!i oi range i eat, botiaded and desoribe 1 aa lollows. viz: Cumeücing at the center of Mili Creek road sixty-one rods nnd foTtn and n half links eaat "f where said road crosses the line between sectione and tlrirty, riuininir east niotm ilifcenttT óf said rond eftgbt rods and twenty-tiiree nnd onc-lialf links, the nee due soutit to the center of aaid fcber Wliite rond, thencewesfc rij IH)& the o otar f aaid Kher White rood ntne rods and two links, thence uorth to the place □Ding. Dated, June 24, 1SRO. KMANTKL MANX, Adminlstrator. Keal Brtftt 9nn Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washierm-w, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Morris Qtvegg, deccMétl. Nottoe is bereby piven,. that in pnrsuance af aa order graated f o ib-e uu4erslgned admlnidtratrix of the estáte óf Raid deeeased, hy thfl Kon. Jurfge of Probate for the oounty of Waahtenaw, on tho twenty-aixtth dny of Jtúrp A. I). lssn, thore will be boW at public vondue, to thebiebest bidder, at. the c;ist front door of theEouse in the city of Ann the covititv of Watiteiuiw, in sn tl State, on Tukwimy, THE' i INTi! DAT 01 ÖEPTIOTJIKR, A. D. 1380, (it ten o'eJock in the forenoon of that dny (subject tcv all encumbrunoes by mortfïaife or othorwitje cïist[ög ut the time ef the dcuth of sti deceused) tbe fofíowing deecrlbed renl eatatp, to -wit: AH that oertftio piece or p;irw( of la-ïid aituated in Hiscock'8 addltlon to the city of Ann Arbor ocordi7ig to ttie reoorded plat thereof, known, boumled, and deicrihe R3 follows, to wil : All thut part of t,he wt tvro-thirds (%) ot lot Tnunher three f.1 ia blook Dumber kíx (6J not heretofore oonveyed by N'eheiuiah F. I'urBuus aud wife to aaid Alo.ris Hregg. Duted.JuIy 36, ISnO, AUÜU8TA GREGO, Administratrix.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus