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Alan Sinclair's Legacy

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Mr. Alii Sinclair kultted lil brows, very perplexcdly, as í'or perhaps ihe balt-dozenth time he read the long, closoly-writteii sheet of paper that lav bofore hiui on his desk. Tlicii lie walked up and down his library scveral times, that perplexod írowii -clearing oíF his handionie íbreliead; uiut Ünnlly he. sent word to his liousekerpar, Mrs. Viney, to attend to tli: iniutei4 lie liad nientiouud to lior au huur or so bclore. Wliich order g'ivmi, Mr. Sinclair reKiiini'il liis cliair aain, t,o think ovur nnd dfiiiiitt'ly decide t lie plans lor the future, wliich tliis lonjf, uud wellfiilod letter had made nenessarj'. And Uie oii„iu of the UCCOSéity WM tl):it, iiyin ;', his old tVieml ui t cliiini, LtlVrurU -W ivnttri i, li-i.i iol't liim !- piolín li i tn not to refase tho leucv lus liauglitui' V'iiiiiie,utterly ÍVieiidliss, utlerly hoiiiciess, unies in heavcii'n uiorcy, Alan Sinolairs heart was turned in pil)' towar..s iier. Uu t to briua; a airl- a delicate, a kwani, siienl chila inlo the house, ÍO11 Ir. iayne had wriuen plainly ojni t'rankly about httio Wmine. li iL luid beeu a boy - a wule-awiikc active boy - wlio could have been his coinpanion on hc gruw olaer, in whose spolLH and lesson lic eoula Havo taKeu a .eceiit sliare ol yuanlian-iiKe interest, uud lio niuht have, sometimos, with nis muir, accoinpunied li. ui on liiusc tours ubioaü no was so lona oí;. duu gin "iiot at all prettf, or vcry intcn-'SiiiÉg-, bui. sliy ana ola-liislnonoa," iM.yiiií i l s.u-i, "buL gooa as gold," ana lic (.Sinclair) on the eve of auoiiter lUrte o.aV umt over ïoiciu Lüiinaius. . _. _ - W-p I It" philosophiiel himseirinto nnkin.-' oi. .1 it. Hn telegi-aphv tina Miss Wiimie ïoHiu io miay toHiwoiuiimivtiijsoHforttlyithewiMi] l sein to briujj lier lioino to Boscieijfn, ai tbree tliat aftemoon ; nnd theu, after a Ion , wrioiM talk wltli gportf inotheilv Mr V.n-y, who biul bcon houckiier tor liis fetlier before bim, tli.H h.irlny-tkvoml young jentlenian cniisi. i "'i' d tlie iiioiiieiilous ifi.iir setthd diuunased it trom lus minü as niuch as i)O88ible,antl went urn wiüi his iirr;iiucnieiis tor leiving bome earty on the ïiiurrow tur mat wan teriuz abruaü, i whicb, lmvin.' unIniiUL'd iticaus at roiuiy coiuinaiid, he so niucli ueligliuÜL , „ , VVlicii bis dcacl fricml's ohlld arrivL'd be went 10 her at óncc, aiul tuo uní m't lic croiwed the ilircsnold lio uict bcr eyes - roat, ïnounnnl dark eyes, duep-sut ind üLsti-c-cn-cicl, with a look in tlicm Mal was a siniiiiCiyniiiyitd oiiu of otter frieuuleiisuess un i sorrovv, and íiuoesáiLous Huil. ö..e certainly was not prctty In the least, uid ui lier tuin uu,uiar ii.ure, pru.iuvü so awkwardly iu a big-cusUïouoü eay-cuair- iu the sallow, ueake.1 fciceí ana short-eut, stuuborii, ii'iliL liair oí u úoliuesori'lit colur, uud perlectly straight- meru was scaruoiy a nroinise ui' liuure altlMCHveuesa. bue aauseaud counos'icd gitvoly as Mr. 8uic.air nuvaucevl, her caiiously, and swiitiy dcuidmg' Uiat siiewasa liopeiessly uly litiie soul evun liomener man ber lamer had guiU-but all, all alone in the world but lor linn. And the thought imconsciuiisiy lenta bi-ight., syuipaLhetic sniiiu tu nis g'm:ini. "And tnis is tiLt.lo NV inine that has come to live al ltosetolgli, is it? I hoiHS tliey took goot care of you on tui' wav. ana a id nol, allow you to come vèrv iircil. Yon sliall llave faiíouh úu.üs üurent Kaseleigli," he enliiu.-üisucally coutinueu, as iie iftiüed in lier olcuiíi, iorlorii luce. "You know 1 go lo-liiorrow for a vii He, unU Uuniijf niy absence I sluiU want you w onjoy youreult'all youotui, You Wili havo lu Have v ïiice littlo puil) -curriiiíje, and soiue bi dulls, :md loi 01 iiui-y uüo to itaui, ui t wouey to uuy canities. Tnon. after you ;ct bn-un-er. aua leel pcr.ecily ui lioniu, you can liave ymir lessoiw and louru [o ue u llice, acoinpUoliod youu Ud W'oti'c you'i" Bul instad of an aiiswerinj; smilc team gusüod tfotn her eyes, ana ner íwlu lips quivelieU pucoiiüly. -O.i, picase, Mr. Alan, indeed I doii'twautuuythwig at all. 1 don' wisn iu ucauy irouUleor expenso. : tu ni k 1 woula mtliLT- y léase- I wonl nulier uie and sfe papa LbauauytUia, Au . I pray every Uigut uiay- vui buon I' And tlien tlie smilo diod out of Mr. Sinciuii-'s naiiasoine eyes, and tiie luaii's lie.u-l lelt a pan of pitiiul conbiueiauou tor tliis patieni, coid Hule waif. Mj' cliild you must nol t: 1 k liUo tliau ii il w iicnvcu'n wijl Lliat you live, you snouia not repilfb. You. i baVU 'f'" !('"L ltJ "JC - pciiiajis to uc x Vci'J' yltMl, cu.ului'l aiKL iiapllii'.ss to Usuii. Wiiy hol iry - wliy iiotueuiao you will uei' Wny not uiuke up voiuwiiicl'you will accopt tl5.aavuutigos ouercú yon LOgrow, u tuto a IovuTujo, lovt'l v, acooüipiioiuM woiiian - a biesiur wiierevöf you go?" And uol tiil Luoii was tiiere a partido oí aniiiiaiioii in iior lacu. 'JL'iicii her eycs oeau lo sparkle, nud a painlul llusli Biruggled witli saliowncss in heï Lulu cuous. "Comal? (Jould do that? And, Mr" Alan, woula it ploasc yuu? And Wuulu 11 repay you?" -li, ccriamly would, Winnie," lio saiü gravely. 'TIr-u, sir, VU do it. l'd do anylliin I can ior you ; papa made uia promise. TH do n." And when Mr. Sinclair bade her goml-bye Ulat night, hor ,str:in_;c, wuirU "cyea cvc luwing eaerlyf iinpaiieiKly. "I sh;ill besin 10-iTioiTow, sir," slie saitl. -is Iieshook hands witH hoi. "Very woll," ho huuho l ; -and sena me a leiter roufiilitrly 01100 a motith. And wlien I como bnok, in two yoars, L shall c))oct to focoivc a very pleaRiit woloouie IVoin my good little Winiie.' lint lie did no t come in two years, nor in twice two, nor 'in tour timos two. He had delayoil his return, now for one reason, now for nnoilior; once tor a Utree yoars' tour in tlio Iloly Land, onoe to" acoompfuiy some friends to Aiistniliü, and tlio iast tvu yoars becauso ho had fouud his tato at last, and was too deliciously happy with swoet Aura Brian to ever tliiuk of uumiug lioino. Bul oiglit, nino yoars ftfter he had said good-bye, he was 011 his own elwre aMlin, at'ter suoh exporience as he ivould ratlicr have diod a thousíind deaths thau have sutFered again, and ;ill bocauso of Aura Brian - the i'aircst, IlioPt lii-acious woinan the sun over aliono upo, anl tlw only woiuau who had ever tutitrli t hhn the diilerenec bctween lancy aud paasiou. Hu had inet lier at Paris, with a pari y ot' i'riends with whom sho was travel in? abroad - a cliarrfling liulo lady, witli even iike brown diamond, whose voi-y flrst glaucos had thoir etlect upon hiin. 8he was accomplished and refmod, and carried jnst a trifle of gracious haughtiness ui lier liili -bi-ed. air that was the oae cliarin Sinclair thouglit most bewitcliing m wuman. S'au was vcry beautit'ul, fair as a lily-leaf', with briglit üoUlen liair, and Alan Sinclair lost hisliead,.liis heart liis will.iml worshipiicd Aiinilirian as ouly thosu men can wurship who have liveü tilliuktdleago with uo serions daniago previously donu their all'oolil)U. And Aura Brian reciprocated, and thora ensuud au etigageuieut, wlicn it acemed to theni boih tliat thore was tliey in usliQtUer- days when Öiiiclair would wonder it' such bliss coiild last in UuiOitii lieirls, and WOiulering and Ualf ttm-iug, 86U-1 UV a breatiiless, pasgionate prayer lliat he might uevor lttil in Uc;cpm lus darlins lovc. And at last hall' a dozen or so of the Enlisli colony in gay Paris returuod lioiue, öiuolair aud Aura auioiig tnom -lic eager to show lier tlie home to wlucli ne woul.i tako lier; ana she oqtialiy glad to go With liini. ile êa-or, slie glad, unul the very last uijilii oL the voyae, whon tney wero proinen.iding tua deck, arm-iua-i.i, tul k ing :'S levers talk. . -Tuero ujustonetlniyiamanxious to spe.iU to you ubout, iny diiniiy- soinciliiiijí 1 h.ivo lierewnorj iieglucisa tu usll you- ttuü thu u, liulc vv mine May iic. wliu livusat Jiosuieigb, uur lioiíw, sweei. 1 want to besuuuk your kiudiioss and sympatay íor hor- a íiliin resorvod, Sülculll littlc tlinu,tou oíd u'r Uer yeai-s. and euliraly trieudless bui (ou me- but íor you and me, Aura. You wiü UoljJ UW to bu goud tu her, uear?" lie iiu tlie question BOmewhat anxiuusiv tor Hiero had come a loolt ot' aurnse aud- wasitdistasiel'ulness? - o.i lier lovely faco Winnic Maynel You never mentioiied her befoie, Alan. And slie Í8 to Uto at BoseloUU with- us?'1 _ 8arh ■ ravo. ciiriousqucstionin.? was in hcr'eyes. Somehow it arousud vairiie disiiíay in liia loviiig liaart. "With us, my darliug. 8he will be mdetrop purty. Sheis ï-esei-vdand vci-y sliy. Slie has no other homo. Yon would not wish me to turn her ad r i ft?" A únase, Btrangelyonnnous, lollowed "Alnn," shc said, and she lifted her raro, dark eyes to his eager face, "Ido not wi-sh yon to scud her adrift. But, olí niv love, 1 want yon all to mysolf _a!l to mysclt! íiml sucli a tnriu 01 isiion fiaah'Bil into her voi:e that evvy uurvu in bis body thrilled hotly. If tbis child- she is no Jonger a child, emcmber- eight yeaw make suon a illrrencc- sbc may hare grown i ito iomething tbat will please you otter Umi I can- oh, Alan, I cannot o to llosulci-ili ifany othor woraau as a rlgtat there. Alan, mf darling. ani jealoua alrcady of lier. Take me, lid let her go." He was astunndel bevond all forier experiences of hU lite. This froip Alu.a_this cold, delibérate injusüec o a sister wonian, and, in the sanie ireath, tliis Uirilling passion thatwas o inexi)i-essibly sweet to hlm. It was a supremo moment to mm, ookUig in the eyoa of the woman he lovwt botter than lile itself- Dut not bet.ter than rieht and duty. _ And duty forbade hira Bonding tuo child of chailty back to the COlU world. , , And lic kncv, dospite the pale anffuish on her lace, that it had come to a choice betvreen thisroyal vomut bo wowhipijod, without wlu.ra hU Ufe wou ld bc o drcary desert, and tbo arown-up school glrl- plain, qmct,as bhe could only ever be. . Aml lier voiue, prompt, low, decisivo, rang out like a doom Yon must choose, Alan. 1 await your decisión." VVhile in lus reply.yoti would nevc have recj-nizfd tho voicc so ahakfe aseoond before; ïov the moment o tcujptation was past, and all bmclaii..■nu! 1 umiiliuess an I aujfuish OÍ TOSO kil ion was on his lace and in h voice. . "Always vemember in the dnys come, wiieu you perhaps mftV vegv .it, tUat it was your own wlll tli gout me froni you. l'or I choose keei) niy vow to niy deal triend; ,-hoose to do what 1 know is Vg And this is gooJ-bye, niy lovo- il oue lovc- niy lost love." Ho tooU her in his anus and kisscd ],er - Hot p issiouatoly, bntalniost litw oiic wuo kissen tlio lace Üial will BixiU bc under llie outtlu lul. Aiul twonty-íour lioui-3 later, in tlie glory ol a niounligltl iiigïit, Siuoluir went back alouc to ltuoeieili - aller all years oi ausunco, alter all that piwsioiuius iia]piiiüss, alter lue wieckuig leinuost - went back alono, mui wliuii liu liad expecied it Would bc so (tiltoroni. XHero was only the revvard ho feit . that Uu liad dom; it all lorduty's sake', lor lionor's ai;e, tuat uphuid hini ui tiio.o aonized minutes vvheii lie went up to tue üiiiiiliar uiitruuce and imo tno urüliaiiily ïUumiiiatud hall, wheie Mrs. V'inry. uud tliu butler, tuut iln; servan u, wuro iu.waituig to uuicouie hun. And then hu went silenUy on to the librarv. nis own speuial aouiain - tho room wiiere iie Iiaa otieuest pieturud seein Auni, his vcry soul laiiiting wiln desperate pain ut liie senso of utu.T ïonelintiiss tliut Wüuld never leav hun aguln. And n swcct voice c;uno out of tho diiuuess to tiiiu tuat struuK to iiis vory soul, anti a oí rare wlme aruïs woro cliiiÍH; about iiis nuoic and tlie ücar oyes lie so loyed wcre snnliiy lUrouli tears iu lúa lace- Auiii'ü owii bluscd t'yt'S. ■1 could nut nuip ii," slio sobbed, as he foliMti her to his noart ; ■! vvaiited to Uuuvv il you wen as gooil as 1 havo dreamed you wereail these yuars, since that nilit 1 stood just liere and proinisod 1 wouid no wuatever you sakl. Ou, Alan, Alan, üon't you undersuuid?" Ailil with siuklen, almost startlod wuiiaer iu his eycs, he uudorstuod then, ior the tune, that it was Wiuuie Maynu - thut tlie tivu wuincii weru onu - wtio bad wou hiui, ' "And, iliense, we vvill üolIi stay- mayn't we? Va uotli lovc you, you oe, Mr. Sincliur, oud wc noitiier ot' us will give you up ; and, uu, my love, niy lovc, i wili liever be joalous again." And Alan Sinclair bowcd liis hcad on brilit iiair, and Lhuuked huaveu lui' wiiut Imduoiiio to liim.


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