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Tlie renstls enuinerntors have ascettftlned tliat tor tbe bist ton yeai's the nioriiiliiy hi New Örleaiw has been iwelve iii one thouwuid per aununi, an cxeeediniily luw doath rutft In Arizona recent ly a Papado Tndian aotud tire part of YirginitM aiiil killed lii.s daujfiiter, who hail lcen made the victini ot severa.l brutal Mexicans. The Mexicana ware lyllowed and oue ot' theni was shot. A Toronto small boy stole a ball of i twine irom a store, the otlior day, by catohing the louge eud, and wheu he i ■iot, outsiile he uoftly proceeiled to "lay I ín" the twine hand over hand uutil be had Secured the whole. Tlie one lmn.lred aml ñftieth annivcrsary ot' tiie tbuiicliiig ot' Baltimore ■vill be cclebrate.l in tliat city, next October, by a tliree-days' ohser vanee, and on one of thedays the corner stone oí a ncw posioffioe will be laid. In Englanrt there are at present about oneliundreilan -1 eigbty generala bolding hoaorary colonelciw ofreglnientg, costina the country ncarly L200,000 poumls a year and Ooing not tnie hoiir's woi_k iVoni year to year l'or their pay. Mr?. Úrsula Ilumphreville, of North field, Conn., novv more than 100 ycars old. ïvcenily rode toanádjoining town, distant l'our miles, sat tour time3 tbr her photorapli, and made sonie calis, mul i-pt.iii-iifid honic verv litl.le vvcaiied. A cuse to test tlie logallty of the appoiiitmeut of Commissionevs by tlic G-overnor of Califomin to manaM tho Yoseuiito Valley nnd Mariposa ú ti-ee urove, will ba imineUiatxily' brouht uet'oie the Bupreuié Court oí' that Btate. The mallet nised at Tnn'o by tlio Princc of Wales was the one with Vrliich Cliarlos 11. laid tlio foundation stone of Bt. Paui's catliedral. It was nresented to tlie Olil Lo I ge ot' öt. Taul by 8ir Christopher Vrrcu a memoer of the lode. Fanny Richavdson, nged 17, living at Paris, y., bcing discovered by her lïiilier iii "tlic act of criminal intiniacy witlia niarried man, atteinptetl suicide by jumying into the river. 8he was rescued ulid taken cbarge of by relativos. The iiumbcl' of burilarles in London bas ineroasod 26 per cent, iuee lsb'J, while it luu (ieorf;i-t'd oü per cent in the: rest of Eiilanil. lt is asserted tliat sílice the duath of Sir ii. Mayne, tnu Luuduii pólice torce lias been steadiiy dtíturioratiiig. Patrick Kearucy, theOregon pioneer wiio 111 löuü thiew iulo tlit; sea a biiü' oi golti, tlie bard ourningi of mauy vears, to rescue a little girl t'i'oiu drowiiin;-, i now at tlie tsktiy;it Uiiuci) Biill bwvi at wovk. lic röys tlmt lic uocsn't ierut tlio loss of tliu gold. A pamphiet entitied "Agricultura in tlie Uiiite.i Siates and liussia," just issued in Öt. Pleuurg, coucluues tlmt uiik'ss all tiie tnoüeru appliancus Vu i roTuceTl TuTTússfaj'ttusswM pïöspcr iiy wiil bo ücriousiy euoanoTod. Au ourang óutaug lately exhibited at Muuicl amizea peoplu by ils tknl on lbo Viohn, uuiiJ onc evening a doubtiug viMtor stuuk a peiikniio nito il ami, as tuis had 110 cileot, pulled ils tailj whicil cauieoil, bnugingaloiljf a uiecü of bide. ïue aisuise Uud auticd dclfcliuii ior a wee.,. Tlie vvearer was the iatner of Ut cxlubitor ot tue irouigy. A matter in legal oontroversy, in the city 01 .New Toi-Ktbroujfüt by iliu as si Ou 01 Uio Loiand isros., against the e.,tace of A. ï. Öiewart lor me distribuuou ot 3i,UuO arising out ut the „Uu of tlic luruituw of Uie Alülropülit-iu llotei, una ïiuoi-csD to Llicjudyuient oreuitors, waaUooided and lluwo reuiaiuoa 63.ti3 lo uistribute. AH Uio luiuls, bilt Liiis snniii iviiiiiuulur, liad úeen eateii up uy lawyei's' icoó aud tlie Couii's ne.ay i'or ten yc.irs. Tn TitiiPvillo,Tn.,1Sirs. ,To?cp1i Böshnell died fi-om the effeota of kUsing thedendbodyofhwfotherjWhHeat. tonlin, hls ton in PltUbnn. Her lathor dled ot ervsmei , .u . that timo mentioned ilw bad ft soio o hor Upa, through wluch her blond vr8 oiso.ied. Her Uttle dan-Mei, Ella, 18 notexpcctüd tu hvc trom kissiiiir her mother. Stonewali Jackson's last dlspfttch, written by liia owu Imnd in peucU 011 a si Ie shcüt.of Kn-lisU note P"PAl Jii-ve.1 1 a caso il. the tflrgtata Si;tc It was wrtiten to Gen. Lee ust belore l!ie battle ot Chaneelh.rsvüle, wliereJocksou receivod bis death wound, atal eiids Üius devoutij . -1 trust thnl au ever kin i proVUWuet) wiH bless us with mcM. At the regular moster of the Pintes at Yakiiua, ïu Octobcr lust, there were presuut, Uy actual couut, 4tó, aud the whci-eabouts of 85 more, wlio were euiuloye.1 at the ïleftiu mili au. l o t hei nlaces, was ueliniiely kiwwn, lt tluis auiMittW, arcordnu to Llie (Jregontcul, tbftt tiioe.u-lieruitenwiitab.ut u'k'"' uumbersjwTUigdwuiaioUdowutoless tlian 2UU is a niisUiUe. Tbere are uoW 4,077 postofflccs in the Ouiteu BuiLes, au iucroase ot L,8M :.. ■ .h c ■. Tui; ot es moro tUaii $1,000 each, aud üereiorecalled pitjsiaeutial postufllecs, s 1 N;w Yoru üe.uls ihe )ist,wuU ,sy' llliuois i.cvi, with 163: theu 'cüusyivauia, witu lo,a,udO.iio,vvuh 112. In order to tost thè 8cotch lawon the leueiwuu vno"s si.-u-r bill,iii expcn ueul is to Uo inaau iu llie nietr[.oliun couuty Of Mi.loiliuu.. JSvery eieotor m Uiat coumy is i,o üeasKed to ftil upuiiayur suying lio is Lottimt tno uil! or ui ns Uvoi; aiul it test of tue geuen! oyiuiou oi Uic couutry. A workman employeil by tbc phouo compuuy was eneJ in erect in a wire uu the i-oofot Uu; St. Lawivncoliull, MüiiU-üiil, tue otlicr nwrainjr VVlulo wtiug iio fcll aleep tï-ora Uie heai, uki wheii discovoi-ua lu budy wuï partly over tueedgtiot t iu ,001. bul wr thouly nssistauce Ue would have proba. -ly rulled over Into ttie sti-uot, iuüul oue huiiarca tuet uclov. New York Perhaps the strengest iucineiit ot tue turribk disaster on tUe sound was wlicn two geutlemea, foaizied uythe porilofüwir uiuattou, drew pistola tioin tüoir pockets ma bicw oui tUeir owu brains. liie reluaiKabje tni-edy lias vury wlierc baon iian-uMsd. bui tUe lolly 01 the solf-disu-ucuou luis not L-eouiveü me auonuou iruin Liio presa il uestirvos. Purohases hare at last been Grand for inu lar-e iujuso by ir. Albort Gnuit ni tlie K.eu8Ui'ton roatt, touuon. A couiiniUee. aciuiji lor au luteuüed ncw club, whioa is to eouslst elnctiv ol subven bu is to Hurliugtoii, the Or leaiigj anti ouier exuúug uuüics, havd ugruoil lo s'vu 1,UIK) the proper ty, Tnu siiiu ui L100,000 Í3 lo üe paid at oiipe a ciiuiioii mouuy, and tlus ia already iii luuuU Kailmul Miuiiof Nevada say thnt the tJniouPrtcitlo roaU is liturally üiwd vitli traiiips. Tliey swarin at every Vftter-UUlk am stiitio on the íoad, and as Uie Lraiu-inen havesti'ictoi'vtera not tu let tliein riúe, they havo to count the lies íroui station to station. A groat íniiny of tliem gct into se.ilei cars at stations aiul ride unlil detectad, or coinpelied by iiuugr iukI tliirst to culi l'or assistaucu aud he to bu let out. Move than one hundred ycars a?o HaiTisou (xiiiy UtS) Of Boston, ovrne.t larjje tracti of lana iii Maine, and tliiee tovriw weie uaincdufter biiu, rogowjiively, UuiTisoM, Gray, and Otistíold. Tne oitizens ol OlísIíüIU intena to hold a reunión uext, to wliicli aro to bo nivitcd all peraons wlio havo goue i'onh froin tlw toru and tliuir acsccu.iaiii. A public rñootinr wns beH ín Ett011, O., to cliscuss the marriáge of a white woman anl a blnek man. A rcsolution to drive the couple out of the villaye was disoussod, aud voted down. It is shown by Rtatistics relntinpr to the years 1872 to 1879,, while the total incoine of the populaüon of Frussia has not diiriinislied, the lartre and vory large iiicoines h ive fullea ofT, ind medium incomes have increased. Tli(! fear.ot'an asi-rossivu accuiuulation of wealth iu a teW Uaiiils aeonia tobe grounuleso, and the real core of the natipn, tho niiddle chiss, is extending and faiuiug strenah. Tlie bnyin' power of inoney iti the country, lifter Jiaviug undergoiw an alniost unitroUeu diiuiuution from 1843 to about 1874, secnis in the Mibtcquent interval to liavu bcconie 8 toad y , jind eveu to hava partly riseu. A niovcinent, oriarinatcd bv Sir An clrcw Galt and a, few enthusiasts, is on loot íor a Britlsh wnigrotion scheme on a gigttlitic seale. The idea ie a combina! ion 01 the loadiug classes, to help out, withaid frora the state, emigra üon to British cokiiiies, lor it is notcd with alarm that thosc uow sec k ing cluow-room outside the Btraiiietl aml crowded liniits of Eligían. I, go to rwell the growtb and gntatnesi oftho United States, instcad of atding to build np the colottiefli ín ntteea jcar out ot' iwo raillions of pttoplc who lelt the Unitua Kingiloni lor lamia be youd the sca, on. y ■ quarter of a mil lion went to Cunada, scvun out of every eisfht (1,7JÜ,OOU) going to thu UniLed StaïeSi An cxpediLion of twenty minei-s, escoried by a faiting launoli front tlio United States ship Jaiiiestown, left Sitka for the Chiikuie rivur on May 2U, with six inonths supplies, The in ten üon of the party is to prospect for placer digglngs on the Yukon riv ?,;i!l.(i:iPltHü-K...ï..8nvvMt.At tliuv lound diposed to be Iriendiy, Wluch was, per.iaps, owing to tlio faCt that the expedition was oscoruid by tUreo ot&cvn and lixtceti men lroin JuuiestoWU, undtr oonmiand of LieuU E r McClellun, with iiisiructioiis to eáforce perinlwiou lor them to enier their couutry, WtiiaU had hcretolora beeu always refused, London expects great tliings from Col Benumoiii'8 eoinpressed air engiue Whiub is said to liaui tons U miles with but one chango of air. Tliis en „■;„.. vf.mld beaareat thiiig tor voted railroaus, as ït nas 110 spnrks, in-uuse or coal to drop, and it is tliou-ht that it miglit bu used to ilravr cniiaes upun coininoii roads. EiU sou isilso at work trying to run en trines witli electricHy, Uo luis buiU u short uiece of ti-acU and run liU iniiclnne over it, driven by clecti-icity irenci-aied at a central station. Ho fiiakea the track itself the conductor, sonüiHít the curreut up one rail and aowu the otlier, the enguie beiuji ouerated by the cuiront lonmng a circuit thnwgb it wheii proper con. nectioaa are made The railway ttp the sules of Mount Vesuvius, just ooinpleted, runs aiong a road sleep as a ladder or a fire es cape and eight lnnidred and sixty incircs in lenth; but as regm'ds dan aor it is raiuced to a minimum, lt is nota train iw wluüli Uie passenger traveis, but a sin-le carriaye, oaluyuig ten puibons only, and as tlie useendinjf camage suu-ts', auother, counterbaU anciii" it, comes down lroni Uic sum nut, tlie woiglit ofeacli beiilg fivc tous, 'iie carriageg, are so consti-uctud tluit,. riüiiiif OT desceuding, tlie passenger siLS olí a level plano, and whatevui eniotion of hesiuuion may be lelt on BUl-Ülig, chances, buloie ouc has risentwen tv meti-es, huo a t'oelmget pertect fcocuniv. Diiuouutinf at a httle; BUtiouat tbesuniniu,yoü eau searcely bc said to clamber to Uio edgo ut the; C-ater,for tlie conipany liaveout i eou-Veuieut winding pa.h, up wind alU exceut tlie ueu, heavy, C icuolc ca. aik witli case.


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