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Longstreet As A Country Postmaster

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Not inauy nionths ago an EiiL'lish' visiloi' to ttio Unitcl States happenecV to find hinwelï passing throu,'li Ht tle town in Georgia, to vrhieli he hiuV. lcf't instnictions tliat hls letters slionUl'. be aiUlrene.1. stron repaiH to the lmniblePost-OlIloe, íltdfttwl uta woo.leii luildiug, tliroagrh the flim-sv roof ol" whiuli the vertical sim of the Sou tli beat with almost uinterruuted inteu-ity, aml, meationia' hisnuine, iskeil turuiiili tho nan-ow wioUct wliether auy letters awuleiL hun In the iutcrior sat a vavu. el ilcvlv niaii. witha lon,i Winto bearcL and willi n i;iraiyze.l or, at nny nitoj, heluless rijfht nu haiitfing teculy by his lLs face, ir aul ïnaunor seuuied to bütoken Üu I hl hnow botter timos uut had boen familiar willi tlio txperieuooa ot a stonny Jilo, As Gen. Loiusuoot, lor lic wus tliu Fostiniistcr relonul to, rosu IVoin lm scut au .1 tliriist hU lult, Iwnd Hito a pi cou-liulü to searcli lor tlic Jlo inquiroti afwr Uy liis visitor, u flrtsliwl tniou-li the lliliHt of the Kii-lislimaii tlial liu had secna puotosn'l)' o1 tlie reinarkaule niau in wliose (traMHM ho loun i himseif. A lew syiiipallictiú quostioiw tli-ew frota üun. Loii.struot tue avoWftl tliat Uu lia ., nearly tve.iiy years ago, bocn a coinmaudür ot a dt visión iii thc anny oí Gon. Ituucrt &, Loo. A lave Jíewfoundland log, accom' pauiod ly a sinall black and tan, visitL-tt a llaiaford pólice oflicei's yai-d aml delibératela killed a petöcoich terrier1 belousíing to tlie house. Ihe two sti-.ii e Uos caniedthe body away, linalíy lo-ivuiü itou W indsor nvouuo.


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