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The Electric Liglit.- If Prof. Edison 's Electric light is going to supercede tho use of gas, we areglad of it. Gas isthe n;me oí our national existence. When 'loarse with too much speaking, take tialrs Balsam. It isespecially adapted to congressmen, ministers and tlie rest of mankind. S'-'J.t Instbuction in Frettch. - Prof. Bachimont, Pb. D., of the Cniversity of laris, is now forming classes in this. city. He employs the taauveur System' which enables stuclents to speak fluently the idiomatic language in a very short time. Persons mteregted are invited to cali at the ChaiHiler House ïhursdays, Fridays or Saturdays, between 11 a. ji. and 4 p. u. The Cash City Tea Store, No. S South .Mam Bhte Front, Tea Kettk Swn- is where you will find me now selhng Fresh Teas, Coflees, Spices anda genera] yariety of Family Grocenes. ('ome in, no trouble to show joods- no Imrt it you don't buy Selling every day, the reason why: I buy for cash and sell for cash, so you see tlie nioney keeps moving. I pay cash tor íaim produce. M. J). L. BRAisrrir. Proprietor. Ann Arbor, June 8, 1880. 23-tf HOLL'S THEGRTÍAT STOMACHIC ANDUTEB REGULATOR. TUF. OKi.Y Pekfect Kt.ood Foon in FLnn Foru. It representa the eoncentrated Extract of Malled Pavley by which the vital sutiiitivf. eliïmf.nts, Uio phosphates, iron, lime, etc., are extracted without chemienl chanire, oonetitoting tlie most relial'k' hlood mnklne, furce frenoratin, and lite snstniliiníí Alterative Tonlc of the present atre. A never failing remedy for Biliou and Livei Complnints. Indigestión, Sick Headache, Dvupeiie a aml General Debiliiy. In cases of Malarial Pois.rn, Impoveiijhed Blood, and Bcrofulg it is the onli nutural, nre, and permanent rolievant. It arouiei the nervous energie, enrichea tho hlood, promote appetite, and sets the slutrgish liver in motlon, giviiHí a sense of healtli and comfort witMn 24 liotirs. For sale by Drogfflata i nd Dealen nñaratly Swift A Doíds, Detroit, Wholesale Aent6. H J. BHOWN & CO., agents for Ann Arbor. 33-lt Estáte of Mirhael Butler. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wasbtenaw, 6a. At a sesaion of the Probate Oourt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probnlp Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tucsday, the t-nthday of Aupust, in tho year one thousaud eisrlit hundred and ('ighty. Present, William D. Harriman,.liidfrp of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Mlchael Butler, deeeased. On readingand SllDVthepetitlon, duly verified, t Emmi Hutier, praying tliat .lohn J.'Clarkon, r i)oin otber suituble pereon, may beappointed uministrator of said cfnto. Therenponit is ordered, that 'londfly, the ïth day of September next, at ten o'ctock in the forenoon, be Bsigned for the hearing of Raid petition.and that the hoirs nt luw of Raid deceased, and all other persons interester! in said estáte, are reqwired to appear at a session of said court.then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show canse, if any there be, why the prayer of the pctit [oner ahould not. he cranted : And it if fiirther ordered tbat Paid pctitioner pive notitie to the persons interested in said estáte of thd pcndcncy of said petltion and the hearinir thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publiahed in the ANN Abbob Arou, a newspaper printed and oirculated in s,üd county, three suooessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM L). IIAKIUMAN, (A trne oopy.) Judge oí Probate. Wm. G. Dott, Probate Eegister.


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Ann Arbor Argus