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■ - jTidprc Cheever expatiated on temperance at Dixboro, Svmday. - "Squire Winegar is occupying the official quartera of the late Justice Bealian. -rol. Crandall of Dundee, is announced to talk temperance on Sunday avening. - Republican county convention on Tuesdav next. City caucuses to-morrow evening. - Several car loads of excnrsionists ifrom Hillsdale passed the greater portion of Frïday in the city. -Mr. C. A. Fellows of Three Rivers. 'SO gradúate of pharmacy department, has accepted a position with II. J. Brown it Co. -The tent hasbeen engaged by the gresnbackers for Monday, Aug. 28, at hrhicb meetincr R. F. Trevellick of Deitroit will speak. ; -The Frèe Press says Michael G. Eane of Arm Arbor, aged 79 years was a kfdger at the Woodbridge pólice sta(üon Friday night. J -Oscar Tucker, who reeen tly entered nhe employ of druggists Brown & Go., Ibas engaged with a manufacturing Icheniist, Philadelphia finn. I -Dr. Stone contemplates seeking [ome otherclimate in wliich to reside, thrs latitud?, especially the winters being too rigorons for bim. IIis partner, Dr. Parsons will remain. -Co. A, Capt. Manly comman'ding, ith about forty muskets left tlie city ionday, fora week"s encampment wiüi the state brigade, at Kalamazoo. - Joe T. Jacobs lost a turkish moroco pocket all mm between this city and lYhitmorelake on Friday. The finder rill oblige by retnrning it to him. - A very large excursión f rom Spvingtells, composed of Michigan Central ar employees and occupying nineteen loaches, passèd through this city to (ackson its destination, Saturday. -The synod of the Germán Lutheran hurch comprising Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri and Illinois will asemble in this city on "VVednesday of lextweek. Ahout one hundred delefates are expected. -The Register has resumed its occupation after a respite of two montha or ihereabouts, and proceeds to pummel the " Ross." Trne, it is not characterstic of brave ry to strike a man after he Idown, butour cotemporary is probaily jealons of another concern which it not intend shall rival it in the oud-slinging business. -The other day Dr. Herdman was (itting in Dr. M. Maclean's office a fellow came almostbreathlessly running in and informed them that Bieir services were wanted forthwitb at 'the depot. The horse was quickly hartessed and attaehed to the buggy, the jractitioners with surgicaltoolsjumped d and started,talkingoverthe probable tailroad accident at whicli there must te a great loss of life. Reaching the lepot, afellow was discovered who had ainted away f rom gripes in his stomach. - Some enemyof Miehael "Weinmann sintent to do him injury by fire. 2iot tony months siace the barn in rcar of lis meat market was fired by an inceniiary and nearly consumed, its contents ting of hay and grain harina; en burned. Saturday evening an larm brought the hose companies to he same spot, and by dint of energy iTed more of the building which had ■ n recently put in good repair, than I the former fire. Hay and oatsjust ilaced therein for the winter were lost. Loss estimated $250. I nsured. -The extensión of the Toledo and inn Arbor Road as far astheFlintand 'ere Marquette is now ;v. assured fact ad the company is making everyeffort push the work to completion. They !"e offering cash for ties delivered on ny portion of the line including that in Peration liet ween here and Toledo. 'licy aiso have contráete to let for ert and cattle guards, timberforwhich ley are ready to pay the cash when deyered on the road; all arrangements te in the hands of Mr. II. W. Ashley las an office in, the National Bank uilding inthia oity. - A snbscriptipn of nearly $550 has en raised for the purchase of amonuand fence to mark the resting of Rev. Mr. VanErp. Themonuwill be eleven f eet high with base d column, and inclosed with an iron toce. A contract has been entered inby the committee componed of Messrs. '■ Duffy, David Rinsey and G. W. topsey, with Anton Eiselo for the ifacture of the monument. The "mts composing the subscription y from 25 cents to f75, the latter ttount licing subscrlbed by Father ftcker, administrator of Father Van ■ïp'a estáte. David Rinsey contributEdward Duffy f 10. - ;;. V . Cropsey is iucreasing the leptli of his store by an addition of ten ■ -The Sain'. 'Thomas Benevolent 80have arranged tor an excursión to fut-in-Bay, Aug. 1 i. -Mr. ;uid MfiS. ,1olin Lowry, Dr. Stevens and James Moiwick ieft the Wednesdaj for Dakota. -In turning a wrench Saturday, Adolph Christman injuröd his wrist and dislocated a number of bones. -The reform club tent drew a large crovd at Forbes' Corners in Saline township Saturday and Sunday, where addresses were made by local orators. -The reform club tent can be engagert during the oampaign by either one of the politica] parties, by appücatión to Messrs. Watts, Junes or Shumacher. -Fruit growera will be higbly interestedin theperusalof a paper elsewhere appearing in these columns, written and read before the Pomological society, by Mr. C. II. Itichmond. - Some idea of the magnitude of the trafile in whortüeberries may l)erealized by the statement that Rinsey and Seabolt have retailed 130 bushels during the season. The otlier day the firm paid one Chelsea dealer $241 for this berry. - A thief entering the premises of sewing-machine agent Grinnell on Fiftli street, on WedneBday, and advanced to a window where a gold watch and chain carne within range, seized it and made off. The fellow was pbased a short distance but he gat away. The jewelry being a wedding present was highly prized by fcirs. G. -On Wednesdaj a stranger witb foreign accent presented himself at the office of Professor Maclean, rem rking he liad journeyed from Ari.ona. tluvc thousaiul miles distant to place hiinself under his care. AscertaLning that the Professor is in Eufope lie wil] await his return, meantime being cared for by Dr. A. M. Maclean. The fellow has been shot in one of his lower limbs, and together with eomplicated diseases rendéis his case a critica! one. lie is at present at the hospital although abundantly able to pay his way wliich be proposes to do.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus