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MEDICINAL. NÏRVÖüFDËBrLITÏ. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. RADE MfK.TheQrea E-rRADJ,K JmÊ: fi''n} nnfailiny cilre LL& jfc flB'fiP for Heimnal gESff , Tfet. wa sequence out ïcfore Ittbgijf r ffior" Í ftw Takimr Univeral Lassitiulp, Pain in tin Baok,T)Iinne88oí Vision, i'rtimr.L'irc 011 A(te anil ruauj oLlir-r'liseitsei that lead to Insanity, CoriBa .iptitm and i Pi"matnre iiruve. t Full pnrtioulars ii mr pfimpblfts. wliicli w psiTf t'1 w '"1 i ■■f by mail to QTery one. The SperiHc '■■li■i)il boM by uil DrUgarirti1 i -i pr pucknc, 'T bix pRCkíiees for fö,4i wilibt icnt by mail m '"'-fipt nf' tic moBy i y nddressinj rïv (rit v m rpt rxF rn No !0 MeohaniCB1 BUck, Dn'roit Mieh. iTff-9olu ik 'Xnn ibor by all PruKgitffes and bj drugg "Mpeverywhrp SCOYILL'S BLOODi LiYER StRMP, a peerless remedy for Scrofula, White Swellings, Caueer, Erysipelos, Gout, Chronic Sores, SyjjnilU, Tinnors, O.rbuucles, Salt Rhcum, Malario, Bilioiis Complaints, and all diseai-es indicatinir ar Imjiure Condition of the Hlood. This Grand Remedy is a coinnound oi' veeretable extraéis, the chief of whicli are SARSAPARíLLA and ST1LUNGIA. Tlie cures effect ed by SCOYILL'S BLOOI) AN LIVEB SVRUr are absolute and their record is undisfinred by failure. For sale by alI.Druggistg. "üvhTpills. The Sreat Cathartic Vegetable Regulator, Theij reetif; torpidity of the Liver. They yiv tour lo the StonDich. The'i) act, without gripiiiy, upon the botrels. Thry Remove hile frnm the blood. They jniriy, regúlate, invtyorate tlte body. Iltey cure all bilimts cotnpamti). ROMO WORM SYRÜP instantly destroys 'WOajIS and Is recommended Brpüysicians as the best WORM MEDICINE lh aje. fot JËAJTand 3MHJË8T. Fot Esternal and Iuternal Use. The greatest Pain Reliever óf the Age. For sale by ad DrussistB. JOHN F. IIEXRY, CUK.KAN & CO., SOLE l'ROPRÏKTOES, 9 34 CoIIeee Pracc, Xew York. BEST ISJSHEAffiSÏ! i rui ie! nhunEMcn STRÏCTLY PURE! Wc Vlill iive $1000.00 for any Alum or otherMtlultertitUrti found in th Is VOWJtMK. idorsetTbyHie Urooftlyn Board fïealth, and by the best enemistó United' States r It is SïKOÏCER tlian ftsiy Tcast Powtiei' il uA tüe world. rA It KEVER FAII.S o Aninlcc Itellt brtad wlicn öu..r.'d as dtrertcd. ItlsCOJlMïüSdïEDtij'eYery housekeeper wlio lias given It a trlaJ K' & "Ttlsau'entirclyNE-VVINVElVS T10JV,flltlioutanyottheb:idqunlI'gg tics of soda or s.ileratus, ycast or 1 otlier baldng powücrs. a,B It has in ltsoK a tonriency JB ajSg&tO etistaiu aud íiourisii UiO - system. Goofffood makes good henlth; andfcealth ia improved or iiiipaired in proportlon astUe lood we cat Is mftrltlous or othonviüo. Lewis' BAKINQ POWDEB alnays inalrca good food. One can of this is wortli two oL any other baking compounA It inalies bread wliiter end rlclier. ' itore t!ian nalf the complaintsot liad flour arlse trom the use ot rmnmon baMng powúers, whlch often make tiic best oL llour tura oiit (larli bread. The mo-t delicate persons can eat food proparcd with it wiiliout lnafury. Ncarly evory otlier bakin? povder la adulterated o.nd is absolutely injurious. This la made trom Ki'iiuert Crape Crcam of Tallar, and Í3 PBItKISCTIjY PU1115. It malees tlie BEST, lightest, and mot uutritiiius UEAD, BiSCUiT, CAKE; CRULLER8, BUCKWHEAT, INDIAN, AND FLANNEL CAKES. JS nlngrle trial vrfil rovc tüu supcrlorlty oí tuis Powder. SE0.T.LÉWÏS&MENZIE8C0. PHILADELPHIA. tmm i .dgdl WIElIAllI REÍD, IlJHFmtMiJ 'lw asS P'a!e m' , ';-'. ■ ■■,.: l ui i:. ,-v-!, i' ■■ r..r prfa 'j 'j' jy ■HP Laad and Üil, Colorí, Puttyl jlr -if!W.5 ol atl)iliioí wriic for estii . .i, ii - - . - -■.... _s niales. 12 & 14 Congress St. East, Betrsit, Mich. HOVf ÏO A I'TAIJI tLCCESS. Without heallh, lite is a failure. Yellow Kyks, Complexión, Loss of Appetitk, DyfPEP9iA, SickHkadache, Bjjjousness, and Cukstipation. is the renult of :i couplnining Liveb. MARCKAU'8 Liveb and Anti-Bii.ious Comi'oumi is uknowledged as a sure cure for the enIVjebled syslcm. PoMCMiiig "CASCARA SAGRADA," with othrr mi i-itorious ingrediente, makw it an infallible remedy lor Equalizino THK ClBCULATION, purifyiDg tlie Ulood, and restoring tci PebFBCT IIkalth tlie enfeebled svtem. 75 cents per bottle. Town's l!i(in -nuil Öyrup cures all Lung, Tliroat and Cúest efiseases. 75 cents per buttle. Fabkand, Williamí & Co, Wholesale Druggifcts, Detroit, Agents. ... le by II. J. BltOVVft A O. i ouríg iwi c n utteuiimg tiiü jusiness College at KALAMASOO, MICH. St-ndíor Juurual. W.F. 1'AKSOSS, 2I-I3t I-resident. "IiEA'JT WESTIiKN KilLWAVVJf Depüt íoot oí Tliird und Uruah streets. Detroit time. Detroit time. Leave. Arrive. Atlantii-Expiess, J4.r'0a.m. J 10.0(1 p. tu. lHiy Express, 9.35 a. id. 6.SÜ p. m. Nfw York and Boston Express, '7.00 p.m. t9.45 n.m. Detroli KxpreaB, ri.45 p. m. Steamliout Express, 7.00 a. m Faat Express sll.o p. m. 'SAO a. m. íüaily. Dnilyexcept8undiy. tExcept Monday. ftd1 For inforiuation and tickets aj.ply to 11. V. Hayes, Agent M. ó. R. R., Ann Arbor. W.Il.FIllTH, Wil. irXiAll, Western Pase'r Ag't. Oeuerul PoBs'r Ai;ent


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