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LEGAL WTICES. Real Kstatf tor SívIí. STATE O F MICHIGAN, COTTY of In the matter oí the "stste oj HcDry Viuklt Noties Ishi given, tbat Ín pumissec oí an order grmited to tbe undertte&ed, administra tor witli the wiü atincxed, oí the estáte of aui dcoeused, by tbe Hon. Judse oí Probate for thf cmtnty oí Washlenuw, onlr.Q twenty-flrst day oíJaly, A. D. 1880, there will be Bold at pubiic veriuuo, to tbe ïtitfliost íit íe front door of the Düxter Exchange, in tbe villairoof Dfxtfir. In tbe county of Wahtenaw, in sKid State, on Ttjksday, ths Hkvbhth da y f Sevtkmiï] u, A. D. 1880, ut ten o'clock in theforenoon of t)i;it day (subject to ill encunibrancefl by mortgnge oi othenrise existing at tbe time of tbe death of ad dECeased)the toUuwinff describad real esUitv. to-wit : Lot nuifilier twp in block No. 19 in .ihe TÜlsge ví Dexl#r, Washiemiif eoquty. Micbfjran, MMptína nnd rencrving tbe fo lowing deBoribed Innds. b 'giiming u tbo nortliw'St'M'ly corner oí' flttid lítt twfl C't on the Ann Arbor road, t,bcncè BOUthwHsterly o'n tliH lïne het ween said lot twoBiid lol one tu euiO !tck to Thn southeaaterly corner of said lol tvo, thenee southwesierly ut riuhi aitglca with wid line iift.t'ii f ( et thenee norih forty-tbree deg rees aad tbirty intnntêi i aai seTenty-ïwo feot, iliciict' eaeterly sixty-one fct to a i) rlm on tbe line of wid lot on tbe Ann Arbor road brty-one feet Boutbeasterl fi-ora the northwesier jy corner nï Bftid lot tiro, th tico northwetrly along the line ut Kttd Int and Ann Arbor Wftd foily-oni; feet to the place of begiuniup. Alo the following land on said block mneteen: All tbM part of lot No. one (1) in block ninpteen (lü,i lïing noutberly oí a hnertinnínfr pftraïlei to and eiylMyone fret loxrtb of tbe noriberly liie o f sa ld I"l, subject 1o t li e rigbt oí wuy over and al"Dg the OOTtherly slde of said land. Also lh1 oertain nrcel ol liiiid in block ei;:l;tetm ia tbe villiwe ut Dexfter, county of Washtenaw, Mate of UlcMgan, known, bound(d,and decriled as follws, towit: ciiciiig on the south side of tbc Ann Arbor road ut ti poini seventy-ötie feet westerli from the Tioithe:i 't eornfer of ?avl bleek eigbteeti and at the ndrthwesi corner of ü pieoe oi laud sold to John Croarkin umi Alexander Boulwr, ruimiriq sor tb tixty-four degreea west twenty-tbree feet along the line of ;v] rond, thncp soutb twei lysix degree west one bnndred end ttfty te-t to au nlley twenty feet wiie, thenee south ïxty-four degros cast along ■ aïd aily twenty-three fiet to tbe Baid piece of (it-ound sold to Croarkin aud Soulier, thenee nortb twetity-nix degreea eti alonp ihe line of sniil pieoe of land sold to na4d Croarkrn and Souliej one handred nnd ftfty fe1 to the ] '■ bezinning. AlsoIotNo. two (2) in block tío. Öftfecn i ti ftid vUlttge of 1 tester, Washtenaw county Miobigan, accnrdJDff to the recprded plat ihereof. Also. b't Xo. seven in bloek No. three in said village of Dexter. exroptinii so mnoti oj' tbe nortb end as is rut off bj tbe Michigan Cential Hnihoad. Bated, July2l, i--u. CIIAKLKS S. GEEGOEY, Adminltratnr with the will annexed of tbe estáte of Hem y Yiukle deceused. MortgagG Snl. DEFAULT HAVl!NG BEEN MADE in the oonditions of acerlain mortgnge bearing date the twenty-elghth day ol ■ ovitnl.ev. in the year of our Lord on.; thousaud eiyht aundred and swenty-hix, made and exeeuted uy MaiL'aret Ryan of the village of MiiDchester, county of Wahtanaw and State ol Michigan, to William F. Osius of the towssliip of Pittsfleld, same county amístate, anl recurded i tbe office oí the Ri-gister of Dewls of Wwlitenaw County aforesaid on the tlilrtieth dayof July, A. D. 1878, at t.M o'cl.ick l'. M. of s;ud dny, in liher "! of mortKBges, on jairf 703, and the amount clnimed to be dueat tlie dale oí thia notice is MM.87 (six hundred tliiily fonr dollars and elglity-seven cents], iso tliirtv dollars asa reaROsable sohcitor'a or attorney' addilion to all otbei loL'al costs if any proeeedinga should be taken to forecloae thia inortagc, and no proccedingsat lavv or in equity haTiüg been insütuted to recover tñr samo or any part theieof: Noties is therefoxe hereby given, that ly virtue uf the poVc-r of pai'; in iiid mortgage oontnlned I .sill sell on Saïüuday.tiie ay op Octoueb next, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day fit public vendue to the, hilast bidder al tbe south front : door ol Coori House in the c-ity ofAnDArbor, OOunty ol U'aslilenaw atorrsaiil '(that being the j building wherein the Circuit Court for Washtenaw eounly is lieldl, all Ihose ceitain pieces or pareéis of land sitúate in the villape of MaiiL-liester, ir the county of Washtenaw and State of MkWptn, known and dpseribed as follóos, to wit : Belng loM nuinber flve and six in block nnnibei forty-tive in the villaire of Manchester, in said eounly and State, according to the reoorded plat thereof. Ilatcd, July 15, 1880. COMSTOCK F. D1LL, Administrator ot the estáte of William F. Utóius, deccased. lístate of Peter S. June. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT of Wasliteuaw. ss. At iHuioa of the Probate Court for tlie Couuty of Washwnuw. holden ut tlit PiobiiieOlhce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Fiiday, the sixteenth day of Jnly, i& the yeur one thinisund eifiïit hundiedund eighty. Preiciit, William D.Harrimnii. Judge oí Probate. Iu the matter ol the estáte oi' Peter 8. Jon, daeeased. On reailing and filing thepetition.dulyvenfied, of Mnrgnret June, prayiDE that adminislration of said esta'.e may be granted to Ashei U.Xajlor, ot soine other si;ital)le tienon. Tlicreupon 11 is O'dered, that Monnay, the sixteeüth dny of Au.ust next. t ten oVloek iu tbs for(-noOD,be assignvd for the henrine ot suid ptltion, and tlmt the heirs ut lxw ot snirt d.ceased, and all other persoon nterested in and estáte, are required to appeaT at a Bession of aain court then to lic holden iit the Probate otüie in the city of Ann ,I„t ■ lahj ■ i uus.e if iii.v ihare b, v.-).y the prayerofttie petítloñer líSuld not bo rranted : An(J it is furlher urdeiedtliat fftid petitienel irie notiee Ui tiie persons intereted in said estáte, o! the pcTtlency ol s:uil petition ttöd the ' iiiLr thereof, by c.iuinK eopy of thlsoidei loVe published in the Ann Arboii Akgus, :t newspitper printed and eirculated in said cnmty, thrce succestive weeks previous fco said day of !:earini?. WILLIAM D. BAKK1KATT, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G.Doty, Probate Rejiitei1. Real Estáte ftw Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Waiihtanftw, ss. In the matter of the estute of Li.zie Kellop.(r, minor. Notiee is herehy ííiven , that in pursuance oí an order granted to the un'ersigned ffUKtdian of wW minor by the }lon. Juue of Probate lor tLe eminiy of Waahtenav, on ihe third day of June, A. D. lKso, there will bo sold at public veudue, to the btfrhest bidder, t ihe eai front door ot' the court iiue Ín the city of Ann A rbor. in the eoiinty f WashtPnaw, in said State, on SatüRDat, THK KiGHTïKKTH d. y M' Skpti mbki:, A. D 1HH'), at len u'clock ia the foivnoon of th;it day (subject to all eDCumbrnnces by morton g or otherwtae xistiap at the time of the sale} the lollowing described real estnte, to wit: The eqnal uudïvided o&e-slxteenUi part of the Dortheast qu:ir ter of the aortheasi quurler oí seetiou mimin-T eitfht.een in township iburnouth of range mx cust f York) 1b Michigan, eontaining foxfey acres oí laúd be the samo more or less. liited, August ñ. 180. ALBFET C. KELLOGG, Guardian. Kstate of Ezra C. Seaman. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COU1STY of Waslitenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the eounty of Washtenaw, holden at the ProbiiteOiiicp in tlieñityoí AunArbor, on Tburaday, the ftfth day of Auguat; in the yêar one fchoasand eight huBared and eighty. present, Wiliiuui 1). tfijrrlman.Jitdfre of Probate. 1 1; the matter ol the estáte oí ExraC, Beaman, deceased. On reudinfï and ftling thepetilion, duly verified, of John 1VÏ. Whcolor, as ex ecu tor of eaid decedent, praying tliat may be ordered ana autborized to sell 297 sharea of oapitol stock in "The Industrial Works" at Bay City, Michigan, for reasona thereiu stated. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Saturday, the twenty-eighth day of A.UgUt instant, at ten o'cloek Ti tbe foretioon, be tissiiined for the lieanug of said petition, and that the devlsees and lieirs at law ot aaid deoeased] and all other persons intereted in said estáte, are required to appear at a sesion of aiiid court, then to be holden t tlit' Probate office in 1 w? city of Ann Arbur, and ah O cause, ifnny there be, viy the pruyer ■■ he petitioner should not be granted: And it is furtlur onlered that nald petil tonergivo noiire tothe said parlies nd persons fntPieuted in aaid es tule, ot tbe pendencyof said petition, nd the henrini? ouusing ji copy Of thia order to bepublish'-d in the AS ArborAb(;[ 's, a nevHpaper printed and oiroulated in said eounty, threesuccesïsive weeks previous to aaid dav of hearing. WILLIAM D. H ARIÏIM AN , TAtruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm.G. Doty, Probate Register. Bátate of Anthony Gallagher. STATE OF MICHICtAN, COüNTT oí WahhteiiHW, ss. At a sessioD oí' the Probate Court for Ihe County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in tbe city oí Ann Arbor, on Baturday, the thirty-iïrst day of Jnly, in the onè thnusnnd eitibt hundred and eigttty. Present, WillinmD. llammnn. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ot Anthotay (iallnL'her, derea.i'd. On readlng and fillng tbe petition, duly verified, of Offen Gallagher, admlnistrator, pmying that he may be lioenced to sell the real estáte whereof said deceased died eized for distribution. Thereupon it in ordered . that Tuesday, the tblrty-Örst dny of August next, at ten o'elock in Ihe forenoon. be assijíned for the hearing oí said petition, and that the heirs at law ot said deecfised, and all orher persone interested in anid estáte, are required to appear at a sesaion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Otliee in the city of Ann Arbor, and show -jauie, ifam there be, Wny the prayer of the petitioner should not be erranted: And it is further ordered thfit said petitioner ivenoticeto the persons intereated in fttid estáte, of the pendency of eaid petition, and the hearing thereof, by eausinp copy afthls order to be published in the Ann Aiamn Aroit, n. newsp&per prtuted and cfnmlated in said county. three succossive weeks previous to eaid day of hearing. WILLTAM D-ÏTAKRIMAN, íA truecopy.) Judj?o of Probate. Wa. G, Doty, Probate Register. CIAWADA HOf'THFWti ICAIIVAV. ' The Only American Route Through Canada Traiosleavfl M. C. R. E. Depot, Detroit, city time, as follows: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Kast Day Express, daily, 12 noon, Wagner car to New York and Boston. Limited Kxpress, daily excopt Sunday, 7.15 p. rn. Wairnercar to liutlifío and Boonester LÏghtning Express, daily, 1135 p. m. "Wagner car to líuflalo and Rocbester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. m. except Sunday ; 3 00 p. m. daily ; 7 15 p. m. except Sunday, #& For inforniatiiHi and tickets apply to H. V? Ilayes, agent M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor. M . C. IÍOACH, Western Paf=s. Agent. Detroit. FKANK E.SN0W. Gen. Pasa, and Ticket Agt. Buffalo, N. Y. City Soaveiiger. The undersifnied oft?rs hi services as Pravenfxor. VhiiKs, Ceaspoola, ftc, ftc., eteaoed to order or by the scason, at reasojial le pnces. lïoiiFe diains made to order. Vaults tuade, Orders may be left atJ. H. Niehej's Ment Market, State Street, 17 öouth Thayer Street, or mde throngb the raet oiBoe. Work tviII be done as fheap as the cheapest, and all orders pjomptlv a tiend ed to. WILLIÁM ACTIOK. LtGAL NOTICES. Krtí ate of Kmïlns H. Blchfurrifuni, 3TATB OF MIQÖIGaN, COUNTÏ 0 of Washteua. as. At ojession óf tlic Piobait Üourt fnr the County of WtoMfchöW, nublan at he Probate Office, la the city of A tin Arbur. n iYedueaday, the twenty-Arat day of ,huv, In il. e peti one tbousand elghf hundmland eiit ty. Present, W&tftln D. liarrhnau ■■ gu uj ft& nte. Iu the matter of" the entine ol Êiuihu W. flitiiurdïoii, decepscdi I im-jy Hitbnidson, executoi of tlie lat wil] nnrt testament of snid deceased, comes mto couM md representa tlmt he is now prepttred to ntjc-r j is Üual iccouDt as such exeeutor. Tl;t n npon it im oidered. thnt Wedmduy the eighieusvto dayol Attguvt iiext,at ten u'clock inthe lorenooD beitMigued lor eAnmifaiitg And ttUovinK suebaceoont and tlmt the deviseiLi, legntvex, and lieira ut w f sdid áot Omfd anci all otltei ptTsonf iiitpresttjd in tnld entrtte, ait reqnired to nppt-nT ut a spfsion of Baid Cottrt, thm to be hnldeíi nt'heProbutt- ofr.ct; in tlie (:it of A vn Arl ot iu iid eúiintv, una show CHiise, it imy tlieiobe. Wby ihc m d ücroont ihouitd not te allowtfi : And It i fot1lr ! dfred thit unid i-xcentin give ootlW to tlu ri h..ih intereafed in Raid extate, of the p-iidcncy of úd ttocouut und thf h rtIiil' thweof, by esttins u t-:py 01 tbi ordei ti be pablishtd in the An Ai.ikjh ROL", i aewHpHpti print ed nnd rtirubitinfi n nid odan'y, t!ir e lucctvsire wtpk pnriouB to said aay üí iieuiíllg. WIU-IAM D. HAKR1MA3Í, (A truo Opy). Juúyu ul liuuan!, Wm ü. Ur.TY, Prtbule tliffieUtr, i:-itatc ol' Richard Beahnn. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UNTÏ kO nt WttShttttiftW . At 11 sessioii oí t)ie I'robnto Ounrt i'íir Míe Coun'. y ut WaabteDHW, bolden ni tl. e 'rubíite otlice in the city oí Ana Arbur. oti Ti ay, th iwentieth dny oí July( in tb yubroao bounnnd eighl himdred and pightY Pierent. WiUimn D. H arriman, Judtreot Prcbte, In the matter oí' the ettt ol Kichard Bial ant k-fefi;-cd. Un readiriK imd fllinp thc petition. duly Tcnflid, of Liubi' fienhan, prnying thnt n fertuiu itiaíia ii.-nt now on file i ji tlii conrt, {nirportinii to b ti.f last willand testa men i of iaid d-eaaen, muy be admitted tft probate, and thut ibe iBJty be ppointed cxí'cutiix th(-r-of. Thcrt-upoii it is OTÚeieá. t)mt Mondny, the sixday oí August next, nt ten o'clock n. ilie ■íiooii, ne rtSïjineo" ïorthe he;iiin: f :iid pctition, and thíit thc deviset,Teg&teeB and heirsat Inw ul said deceued, and uil other persons inieTeHtta iu aaid estáte, are required to nppeat at h f.ioïi of Btfid IJourt, then to he bolden ut the l'rohate üiliceinthe city ut' Anii Arbor, and aliow enuea, il lu-.y there be, why the pruyer of the petitinner sliould uot be LTiinted: And it ia lurther ordtred tbat sívid petitioner uive notice to the persong inteetod ín eaiü estáte of ihc pendency oi BHÍd petition nd thf be-bríiiR thereof, by emuiug a copy oi Ibis order to bepnHished inthe Aun Ahbu A ttocs, a newsp;ipei printed und circnlate-.i in Hd county, tbretsucceMlTe wecke prcviou to saidday f heaiing. WI1JJAMD. HAKR1MAN, (A trnecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wti. ! . 1(1ty, Probatí Reprit-ter, Estáte of Baniabfu Cuse. OTATE O F MICHIGAN, COUKTY O ui M a reaMiin of the Probate Omrt for the .'oanty of Washt. naw, holden at the Probate Office in city uf Ai n Arbor, on Monrtay, nineteentli day of .!ulx in the yoar ons thous:;utl eiu'ht hundred and ei; li tv Prenenl. William 1). Hurrim. n, JudgeofProbste. In the matter ot the ertate ul turnaba Case, deceiised. On readinp and ftün!' the petition, duy veriltml, of Joainh S. '■, pi:iy Dg a ceviuin iustioment now on tili in chis hit pu'pirti n to be the lni wlU ná testament o! saiu decías: il. mny be ailmitti-ri to piob te, Kud that Nirton-.Ca! niny be appointed admiDKtratoi with the will anoexrd of fiiui estáte. Thereupun it isovde er1, that Monday. the n teeDtli day of Ausrat next, at ten o'clocli in the fovenoon, be arignsd for the hem na of aid etitiou, and that theáevisees.lega'ees. ;tuil heir at luw of said deceaaed. and all other peraoim interettil in smd estáte, are it quired to appear at a wnaion of aaid Oourt, then to be holden at the I'robau uüiie, in the Cüyot Ann Arbur. and lh"W enusc, il nivy títere be.whythe piayer ot the petitioner ahmiid not be aranted: And it is fnrthei ordered thitt suid petitioner iivenolice t o the persons lnterl4 in aid eetate, of the pendency 01 aaid pvtition. and the hearinr thi-n.'ot hy mnamv a ccpy "f ih order to be puMitlieil in theA.vN ARBÜB Amvs. newspaper jriuted ftlid cnculated ie said cininty, three successiTe -weeks previous lo aaid day ol hearmg. WILLIAM I). HAKPIMAN, (A true copy.l Ju Ife of Probate. William tí' Dott, Probate Begiter. Sheriíl"'s .Sule. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜUNTY ÍO ot WaslitL'itiW, ss. Ji.lin ït. Pricc, "1 Morris M. Peckaud fJolm Atkinson Clurk Cornwell vrt. vs. , The MicliiHu Taper The.Mu Uiyan Paper Compiuiy. Coniptiny. J By virtucof a wvit of execution iu cfich of the above entiiled cauaes, issued out ivf aud umier the goal of the Circuir ourt lor the Countj ot Whleiüiw, to nio directeJ and (telivered, I (lid on the liMhday of June. A. V. ISbO, levy upou all the righi tftle anti interest of the Michigan l'nper I Company, in and to the lolkrwing described real estáte, lauds and tonemeni;, to wit: All tlio-e certain tráete or paroela of land sitnttted at Geddesburg, in the townahip ot Au Arbor. couuty oí WiishteMiiw, Mati' ot ]chigin, curamencíng al tlw pof t of interaectitm ol tla-nirth and ;-ouih iu irter secUoB line of neiiioD oumber thirtj-süt in tuirutfllip two BOUtti itxl rail e six eust, in MM m,4! ■■, w:"th ilie Houth lirití of tht Michigan ■ RaiUond, running tlieneesouih nlunr said quiiiiti I kciíuH line tuur eLafos aud fin y links; iheiice I uorth tifthty-seven di grtOt wett soien chaina muí ihii'iv linies to an oal; tree; tbenee north one degree west flve oliuiB4 un oinety-ftTe ttcki to the Bouthbttukol rheliUTon riyer; tbeneu dwn snid river aluug 1he south bank ÜK-reol tothe sonther)y baak ui the t ?-i 1 race where id taceemptiesio lu the river; ihence up aid tafl ac ■ on tlie bou'I buuk tbereof to tfceeeuter of th higtiwaj; thei.ct smiiheilv to Ihe south Hue ui s. .1 ruilruuH ; thtutri weleil tiiong ihe line ol saitl ruürottd to the phi ot beginning. Aiso that pure el ui L.ud describid us begihtiiuy wlitie the higi.way mentimicd crosses Ihe rail toad on s;iid section ihirty-ux and running irom Ure eiwt sitie of aid l.iyhway wut parallel vritb ihe center line of the piesent mitiu track of .uid raUrud twenty-flve let; thenrt norfn 1 ar.illcl with iaid liighwiiy ttfly feet; tlienci west iwi 11 ty-ti ve fect tu tiie cast line ot the biith way ; Übeocesouth tilty feet t the plnoe of Leninmrif. Also that otlit-r paicel ï land b-v inning' i iv oint . üfty itet souih of ihe snid Michigiti i( trui Baitroad. and om hv' west er ly line of thesaid hiinv.iV wliich croas s:vid rail rond and ihe Hunn riveron said ?etíoo tbirty six. ind running theuci paxullel to the rallroud weai ninety-two lett; tlicnei south tww huudred lVct ; llirnce east ona hundrcd ünil tive feet lo west. line ot saii hihway; ihence oortb on the Tr# lirte ot said haprhway 10 Ihe plaeeof beginnina ' g;t her with tli-1 milN hd) buildings thereon sUndinir, und srll ihe machiofff and tooïs place I auu uscd ia and ai-out said ibHIi nnd every puit thureof and also the water prM leg e peitaining to sAid mi ds and property u W same h w been heretf re enjoyen witli U ÜH righta, interest and privileges mentioned ir. Uw M. conknii's ueed to .Jame Vuey. J 1 . nud Geoig B. Kelly, hearing dite the fift ei.ih day ot' May,A. 1. 187ii Bxeep'ifiK part o' the tirst above desenp tion ü strip ot land íbur roda io width ulong the rust line ot tht same r.d south of smd i'nlroad; and al.-o exLeptln[ the landa ocnupied by the Micbiil;in Central Küilroiid Coiuptiuy as ti mil ruad. Albo all that c1 rtatn piece or parcel of lund situatt 111 tiie towtibhip of Aun Arbor. Cotinty oí Washl1 naw, State ol Michigan, and described as wtt: lï.-jinf.iiii; at sni.theuai eornei of tb( nortlie;iïit -jiiaiirr of seution thiity-flTe (35), nd running north on the east line of said lion to the sonth sido of the Michigua Centnjl Raiiioad; tbence west to the center of Malletti creek (so call'i ) ; thonee northe;istevly along tM center of said cieek to the ea-t line of 8-id etiot th!rty-ñve (3ö); thence borlh on enid seution liiw to the Hurón river; ttenci' up said river to n poinj furty-one and OTie-half rods east of the nortli aW south qnarter line of said sectlon; thence south parallel wil h 8'iid quarter line until Urikes tM east and west qnarter line of sa;d sectiou; thence rast on said quarter lin t' the pi ice of boginninflWhlcb said Undsand teneraents lehu'l st'll t pullic vendue tothe highest bidder, at the north door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, il said county ot Washtenaw, (that being the place ol holding the Circuit Court in said eonnty). on tbi Eleventh day of Heptkmueu, A. D. 18a.', ut te o'olock in the lorcnoon of that day. Daied, July 3o, 1880. JOSIAH S. CASE, Shenff. Kt'ill Estáte fr .Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÍ of WaahteaaWi as In the matter of the est'1 of .Tolm y. Burkbnrdt, Senior, deceased. Noiice i hereby given, tliat in pursuaneeo! an order grant ln l he tnulersigned, adiniuistra'or of the estáte o suri deceased, fcy the JJon. Judge of Probate t the county of Wasutenaw, on the twenty-ïourtl day of Juiie, A. I). I8S0, thcrc will be nold at put lic venduo, to the higheat liiddcr, at the routh fio door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor in the county of Washtenaw in said StHte, ol TUKSDAY, TUK VKNTEENTH Diï OF AlGUST, A I. 1880, at ten o'clock in the forenoou of thht d! (subject to al) eucumbrances by mortgagc or otli' wiee exisling at Ihe time of the rieath of Mild o ceaeed] tlie foQoving dem-ribed real etnte, tolt, The west two-thirds of the foUuwin describí pieceol land: Om nd twenty-five hundredtbJ1 an acre frontins (he Kber Wliite rond (so i-alW ooehundred and iorly-nine feet and 16 100 üfj (bot aud ruaoing bark from the cnter of eaid roiw three hundí! (1 anti sixty five feet, beinif the som' end ol acertain parrel of land situated in ihecitl of Ann Arbor atnrosaifl ral tl.e west half of tw southweat quartei of soction twenty-uine in lowj twosouto of range six east, bounded and describ as tollowa, i : Coranaenelng Bt the center of M' ('nek road sixty-one rods and ï-even rid a b1links eat of where said road crosses the line !■ 1-ween seetioax twenty-nine and thirty, ruuuini eMt alonü the center of said road eiht rods ft" twenty-three anti one-half linkn, thence due sou lo Ihe cenWI of said Eber White road, thentj westerly along the center of said Eber While ro Dina roda ana two links, theuce north to the pi0 ol beRinnisg. Dated, June 24, 1S80. EMANÜRL MANN, Administrstor; Krul Estáte for Snr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COüNTÏ of In the matter of the eft" af Morra Oregg, deceaard. Notii-e is hereby gi tbal in pnrsuani'e of an order granted to the "u siirned ailmiüislratrix of the estáte of said deoeaej by the Hun. Judge ot Probate for the oounty Washlenaw, on the twenty-sixtth dy of JnlJ A. I). 18", there will be sold at public vendue. the hijihent bidder, at the east front door of ' Court House in the city of Ann Arbor. in the cou" ty of Wnshtenaw, in siM State, on TrEsD y, I l'lUKTKHNÏIl HAY Ol' SunUlBEK, A.D. 188"' ten o'clork in the forenoon of that day (subject all enemnbrances t-y mortgaceor otherwie c' ing at the time of (he doath of said deeeused)"' foilowiiift dewifbad real estáte, to wit: All tnj certain pfeca or paree! ef la' d siluated in HiMOCg addition to the city of Ann Arbor according to v recorded plat thereof, known, bounded, and fl scrlbec'as lollows, to wit: All that part of t B-"St two-thirds (!'j) ot lot nnniber three f3) '5 bloek ninnber six (6 not heretofore conveyed j Nehemiah P. Parson and wife to aid Morl GTegR. Patea, July2, 1880. AUGUSTA GBE30,


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Ann Arbor Argus