liUSISES'i JMJKEtrrOllïj esecuted _ fTB. TATMR. ATTORNEY AT 1.AW, l). Chi'lsea, Mich. mirt trom i (o 3 p. m. __ . . ítered i f desired. 7'CEAMl. FBÜEAÏFF & CO1UUN, Attorneys at Iaw. F K FRnSU'fF, Justiceot the Peace. HKNRY E. HILL, A.ttorney at Law5 lealel iu Ueal state and Insurance Agent. Office, No. S Opera üoue lilock, AKS ARBOR, pitEDUUlCK KllAl'SE, ATJGTIOITEEB. Will ttend t.o all sales, on short notice, t"Mgr ible charKW. Por further particular cali at the Aboc Ornr.K. pUBOPEVN HOTEL, Ylsil:uti. Mich. New House, Fivst-Cliiss TaWe, Clean Beds, Low Prloes. V. H. I..EWIS, Proprletor J. H. NICKELS, DB LEE IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Hams, Sausigcs, Lard, etc, ITATEPTlLEET.OPPOGtTE SoKTll WKST CORW SEROF bNlVKBSITÏ CAMPUS. Orders promi.tly ftlled. Farmers baving ineats tose'.lgive liiin u cali. EVEEYBODYSAYSTHAT S. B. REVENAUGH 13 THE Boss Pliotographer of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, Kart ot Court House, 1-t THE ANN AKBOR ] SAVIÏTGS BAind ANN ABBOK, MICHIGAN. ... S 50,000.00 Capital vai'l i " ' _ loo.oo(,.oo Capital secunty Transacta a general Banking Business; buys and .e!., pxctange. ou New Vork, Detroit ml Chicago ells Sürht Drifts on al! the principal of EoPe;a„o, 8eUSPaSsage Tickets don and Glasgow, via the Ancnui --;■"-- "hips, whose ratcs are lower than most other firstelrnJlBk,.ireiï hTÜ aisebusinen.v"e merchanta and othenUo open account, Wüh (hem, withtl.eas9L.ranceof mostliberal dealiug consisent with safe banking. In theSaviogs Department. intere3t ia paid semiannually on the first days of January aud July.on II! .U . t ere deposited three montbs prev,on. to those days, thuS tóoíítaf .e people of th cty _j ,„ . , „ safe depository for tlieir Cunds, together witu a fair return ia tatSItt ft the 'aïoncy to Ixan on Approved Securltie. DLUCCOBS-OhrUtlan M;u. W. W. D HarrimMU Daniel Hlscock, A. U1..1J1 Uoubcl, and Willard 1!. Binitb. OFFICEE8 : CHAS. K. iHSCOCK, Caslner. EWIANUEL MANN, Druggist and Pharmacist. S SOUTUJUIN 8TBEET, ANS AK1SOR, has on hand a well selected stock of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, ;CHOICE PERFUMES, ! Toilet Arie,8iimWw Broce, Truss.,c.,which he bffera sale at price to suit the times. l'hysioiaus' I'ieacripUuns carefully prepjvrea t all liuurs. EBElÏBÏCiT&ÖNr Öruggists and Pharmacists,1 12 Sonth Main St., Have on hand a largo and well selected stock of DEUGS, s MEDICINES, CKEMICALS, DYE STÜFFS, Artista and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND ÜQÜORS, Physlciaus' prewriDtions carcfully preparea ai All 'bun ra. ïï)stnictsF7fïtïcs7" AU parties who are desivous of MMrtainingth BoSditiotfbf the title to thei! land., or „n, ■ƒ.. .! wishto loan money on real estáte wil] dowellto sall at the tteiriatei'Bulüce and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. id books are so lr idTanoed that tlie llegister an furnish on short noticc a Perfect Statement as to tlie Title of any parecí of land in Wahtenw county as showrlby tUe orginal t; Eegi3ter.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus