Bessie's Answer
Tou've a letter, Bessie! What newi, wto Cries stout Tom Manncring. pioneer, As into his cnuin, with weary thews, He strides at even, lus chiUlron lear A-fvisk at his heali wttb their lambkin-wnys, When Bessie looks up, wtth her witely Trom the o'pen letter, wl.lch vet her gazo 8eems lingering in her Up the winle, It is father writes; and ho asks a place, For hls ml-c xviüi ns lh the backwoods hcre. He ha. lost his all; and both Maud andCirace ltcfuse him ai.l ; and he'a 111, 1 fear. 'Oh, hol" And Tom, with his eycbroNVS knit, Ili's a in a corner itMid, and then, Wlth the bairns at his kneo, and his pipo alit, ücsins to give to the news his ken. 'Til liltle we owe your father, Itess," He snys at length. "And, because you linked Four ilte v. ith mine in the wildevnes, He ncvor so üu.-h fta a gfodsend winkcd. U liilo lan.leaml housci ho lavislied on YouvMsic.i when ilu-y wer richly wed. slv yon? No tat his fortune a gono, They've ïieitlicr n rooi lo shiulU lúa heiid.-" No, Ton,. Thcy ure ingrates-heartlw coldl Jnst read the letter; it makc-s me cry For rage nd ptóy," ' Nol l ! crlea bóld And oheery Tom. with a brightoüing eye, As he damUoa the littlQ ones, one ly one, "l'üii'rea clirialian woamn, and thercforo freo To answer the letter as vouM have done Jla.l he lavished his favors on ymianJ me. 'I et me kiss yon lirst, Tmn. Thcre; I knew Just wJiat you would say," aays the bonuy wile, - And shc straight way p to tho tablo draw, Where her pen, with plirases ot klndneM rife, Soon fashioncd a letter, whofse homcly pith Was, "liaste, ni y fatlier, oh, liaste to me! llore la íielter and rest tor your gray liead tvilli Mf tuin, and me, and the clülrtren three. "Wow listen," sho saya; and her good mia hcars The simple Unes frota her fnll heart wnt, ■Y hile her brown eyes glislened with happy tears, And the curly pates at their elboivs flit. '■What a timo we shall havel" Tom, laughing cries. 'NU, Jenny, and Sandy that letter see, "oVaHagrandfather to children throel"
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus