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"only For His Sake."

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One bliistprous night Mrg. Jerntnjrhnm teaticd back in lier cozy Brtnchair witlinpiuli of selflsh comfort as slio held t lic Japanesc screen betvreen hei" üelicate face and the ardent Ure. blic was a liamlsomc wonuin, ttIio ■wore anu veivui. 4.uo" wears her royal robes- a vrcalthy rouian uscd to eoniinand and control; haughty and dogniatic in her positiveAnd tbis evening sbo avüs in her most positivo, iniiKii-ious mood, as she Bat tlicre, makiug her decisión about Lila Sarton. , ., Thcn she rang for lights, aml by the Beivunt sent a messngo for Miss Barton to waii uiK.ii her aÍ.Y,','."v,4tócou'fJ ter ilorfice and Miss uuwvra couia dispense wtth her services. I il was ten minutes later vrhen Lila ol eved tlio summous and came into Uva. Jernin-huni'á presence- a slencici-, pale-faced girl of sixtceu or sev. ik i,.vnur livuwn eves, sou M vclvct.and a graat i o! brovwi hBir on her sniall, gracetul liead-a delicate, reftucd, tUooghtftal-looklng oi,i wlio buro the iiidUirtHable titwe of haviiig WOl'ked uhnost boyoud her i "shf caine quietly near to_ Mrs. Jernhigiiam,' m,d siuod awaitiug that lanv's plea8ure. "í seiit to uave a word with you on Usubiect wvy dUtasleftil to me, mOM , J Miss Barton," Mrs. Jcn.u.gmn'bc-an, coldly. "I Wjw W a pur part tuwunls oertain geutlewea In ilv ftirtfipr attcmpts on your pai-t, to say, niy son also I UAIi.ü l'.ilVlOll. VOU Lila atternpwd to gasp bey protest -, but the cold, i-eleutless volco moRavton It is a notorioiu fact tnat ,ir,„ i„ ,],= aiï-r.-,„„As;s ii non move uní -i w. , - Cinveglca mrsoniDto conversamortifeon and hisolted prute. " s", ?üe intcn-upUu, nujb a torient ot abuse at roe. It u not truc that I have triad Ut ilirt with "-uests or your sou. Doctoi v "...„,? c,„,Up. to km. and 1 ausweml, „STone woald havo done. As to agture.whloh did pot escapo Airs. the -ubjeot You havo actcd diagniceÍ kul, in JuBtföe to niytlttle ((entci,ikUcn,I Havo dcculed o reniove theni iVo.n your care ot You are dischargcd ftom toI , . ' and in DlBM Of a lUOllth'a not C can havo a month' W ages as ua.. „ifi. .,11 mv Ki'i-vauts. As o a cLi-acter and the cold eyes &kl nialiciona lookat the pa trcinbliii"' Kirl, "of course, that is out of"tóuLtí. ThatwilUlo.M Siiepuèhea some gold i.ieccs towarUs her, but Lila did nol touch j tUï!!stcaa, her faco gvew Suldenly cold and hauht,y, and aba waltod out witlioul anv turther protest. A , soèeUow, Mri. Jennnsmm ..„..,;.,„ i tl, mi. shchad duno souielhuig ;„örë tliau simply dluhuw V1U"; ' It's a shame- a burning shame!" Aunt Tabith said, üiUignantly. . eëm to lue that nowadays tho rich do notbiiig büt grüui the pooi-. Yott „oor ch Ui, vou-üou't cry any ian'i anv very great ihakes bei-bolt,. you teke my wonl tor it, or htfd not bo Buch thinga about you. Don't cry, Lila. Cheer up, and we' 1 g!; a walk in tho park thfai I uA'tcrnoou, oh ï" Uut Lila woiild iiot ohecr up, noi didslie go wiih old ui ui Tabillia tor ft walk to the purK. itend. ilie had wied and worriod . se, f iuto a hot lover timt dtfiud all hume remedies- a lever tlwt rou l.i-lier aud holler, oven auiit T TbUlia thoughtit was best to somt lora doctor; 'and a doctor VU SOUt for by little Tony Winioii, next llour uliovo. ,. i "And bc. quiok about ït, too, sno said, BÜpping a penny iV llLs y1'."11 little paw. -ïou can ruu round to Doctor Brovrn'a in a few minutes, I know, and teil hlm to come rouinl.' But Dr. lïrowii wasu'tat home- oiit oftowu lor severa! days- and Tony s wils wore puzzled to know whether, so Ion as Miss Lila was so awlully ill, ono doctor wasn't just as good aa aiiother; and, in that iull boliet, ho rtishod oll' lor hls motiöJrs tainily pliysteian, to flnd Dr. Satnpsou also uot ivailaule. And then, to Btand disconsolately ata stt-eet corner, womlering hat on eurth wonld beouine of Miss Lim, just asa (loctou's carnage pns(M nn"- ,,„„, ,1)(),n9 wifíeM the wcll-appol ted brouglmni. the m-oud-siepplng horro, rtie hamUome roba An'l rajrged 1'it.tle Tony, all unaware le was au instninient oí uiialuu-nl)lc fiite, ucpeeded ia attracungv Dormer'a atteution. lli! stopl You're wantod at Mis Lila's Barton's, No. 74 Canfora Btroet - sliarp, too! Güín'?" Lila Barton! Uoy Donner was Bururised, and conscious o f a yleasui-ct1Ic seusatiou alouï withit. ''Allright, ny boy! I'll W there bciore yon aro.;' And bun enougn, wu "j rcnohed home, tlicre stood the tloctoi's cariiage at tho door, an ol.ject ot onvious admiratioi) tor a score ot urchiits; w hile Roy Doruier was sltting in aitut Tabitfaa's Buiig lHUe purlor, expiainhu tho cause of his appearaiiíe. amllistemitf to her account ot Lila's illuuss. 'And uow, iL you'U allow me to see my patiënt;" he said. AM then he went in, to find Li y dclirious and talkative, and entirely UlK'OllSciollS. . , -Of course it is not true," she said, as hü sat down beside the pui-c white cot. "X never iliiiod with Maitin Jerainilmm, or Doctor Doriiier, either. It wasn't fair of her to turn me off without a cliaraeler, was itf .,i „n.,t 'l'.ihii.ha and 1 are so poor. And, alttiougb. he knevr the te was no i-ecoguitiou in bar bright eycs, still his face tlnshed. Sheisvery ill,"hc said, gravcly. I will see her again this aiternoon, Mrs. Lawson." . Tiiat was the beginmng of Uienfriendshipjand whou, tln-eo moiitlis later Lila was sufflciently restored to accept a Bituation as travelipg couipaniU to a l:uly, süo knew t hat her Lust valued friend ui all thé world was Dr. Dormur.. A perfect nftnrnoon, even for la belle Paria and Mrs. JerniugUam, leainng bad; in lier diair liu.-iulu the vin..ov ïnVhe-av'cufwasthconrthlu Je" I s rabie: a ui vvould be the OM gtorioju t i wero it nat for her son Mai-tii . 'oi! 1 er son, hor üarling, her clnet nride for whóm nothiag fu the world ?-. ,:„.-.-ood: tor whom tnarriagcable maidens and slircvrd raoWwrs irw .uvet had been dteppoiuted or th icd in all hia lite, was in a Btato rfdesp.nuionanddisn-ess that ma tó lta.1 Jcnin-hain wonder, m ngitouo. aiul d'sSíyhatWouidbotlie muit oí lt índ "t all mcant tbat Mi-tinJe;,„„„ i.'d (i;!t.ís, „„,,„ bid 5d to his motüer, Iwfora Be went ut tat afternoon. "1 teil you 1 must h ve Ier, too-beiore aoothev twen y' ld uot Oliioclöli au ol,SaSul0iit- ftfflSp said, trC1, blÍ?"know lt," he answerea, hotly. Shc is iri-aoioú and kind, uut bcyoiuL Sí? 'Look hei-e, moUier, lt you want todo me a lavor-if you don't wantte havo ine bivuglit in daad soine tnuc-you willgo aiui teil her you want hoi Aud Mts. Jeruiugham kneV, as shc looked upoii nor sous a"'. --o „ara luce, tliat even it it killed hei su üunible Ucrsclf, alie must do it lol Ul"U 'Is' awfully cruel of you ," sne mía pltaomly, and lie Interrupted har, fl"' You" can take yon, oh ob-W Barton for fout daughtev, or-get I dloiva without inc! feiSit. Sho Avon't rcfnso ra lf _.i ", " . tï .T„vfi! sho is thoouly reftrthigsiícVan offer ''ahesaM ; Wtlo of thé old scomfulness in voice. 1 Of courso you will gp," 1', awwerrl (lociclodlv. "When I como back At tav to say tVoni her. Thon he had gone, and Mis. Jernlnglianj had sat in trouWe and ilismal tbbking lt all out, wondenng a„d yet not sacrifloè her PMe- xret jrive her to uiulcrsuml ït was au Lunar Bhe had como toofifer her. öho Qidered hor carree, aud.dressad in a most elabórate tuüot ;i drive u tó Sits. WarringdaHfc, whefo; su-nnuulcL by all the uxurto o wcalth and velinemönt, Lil Bartou hadwonherwayto an.l n. l notonly the confldential friend, but "h bcloved danghter and olioice ooui1''u101Ai..n ivornindülfi'sirientl, JÍ.T Jila. 'T ll"""O . . I tv h:ul ouenea lt must, exclusive doos and littlo Lila had louiu , tl almost uueonsciously, a po and tavo ilta i" pleaaapt social oirele wbere her personal aUracuveiwss, har swöbi winsomc.css, her ifiai Lütelligeuce, held Uie position given nor. And Maltin JerniugtaiB tad renewod lita acquaiuuuco wUb bil moüiers ham Uiting ta " VVarrinale-a mvlorfor Lila Barton to co.ue, wit h whoin _8lio wu lo picad lu Uer MlZs aeemed likc somo Impoaaible leMiuc, aa shc vralted, and Uiere was a shai-u strugglo wiiuiii her betweeii mide aud love for liW sou-that mol ml Oai-liutf wlw uad never boen cknied, and whü ruled her with a rud oí 1 For bis sake. Only, solely for his sake. Aml Uien Lila Uartou canie 111 a vision of elejfaiicc, aud IovUuuas, and sweetiiess in her soft, wliiic dreB. Site grcoled Mrs. Jeniingliani m a courtooua way, and Üwm vvuited 111quiriiitfiy, lud, perliaps, jusi a triüo hauyliuiy. , And Mrs. Jerningham rushcd at once Luto lier erraud. N i doubt you willbe quite surprised to receive a uioasauo ot vvhicli 1 ain be.u-cr, bocause usual ly such niessago u-e dcilvered peraunully, Miss liurwii. Uut, as i mu Williiig lo remove auv obsucle ftt)in ilie way to my sous lanniness, 1 dttwiniued t,liat in nu boinT way couid the aecoinplishmftut of his wishes budecide.l lliau by ïny coming iu a perfectly friendly way 10 vnu_M Slic had not sacriflced her diguity, and oertainly liad spoken vury well. Ajjd iiia lun" iLlct3 expreive ()l surprise, fistened. -I tliink 1 do nat at all underetand you, MrS. Jcniiiigliuin. You havo evHteutly midertaken sume coiiiini.5sion iVoiii yoar sou, bul what, might I iiKiuire V XliiH lrom the crirl she luid discrraced! üuL she pui the curb 011 herelf, and went blaadly on, for.her boy a sake - "Your delioacy certainly does you credit, L cannot expresa hoir deliglitïuily charmiiy I ifud it, iuy doarMus llarion. Ycs, 1 am coiumissioncd by my sou to make vou au otl'er ot n hainl, nis name, nis umiuu", " -- tious. A11.I, Miss iúrioii, if yon wiil cburitably permit iius, I conlially endorse w hale ver will couduce to JUai-tiu's happiuoss." Aiul, lor tlj ttrat time m hor lite, Mi. JeiuiughaiH realizod tliatshe had eateu liumbic-pio. Axiirioua litile look had srcpt ovor Lila's i'acL'. "Wilt vou teil Mr. Jcrnintrliam for nifi olease, that in tho sooioty in which I move it is noÈcustomary forsentleuaen to do thoir propoaals of marna-o bjr ni-oxv? Will vou also be kind enongn to tetl hïm tlmt uader any circnaostances I coul 1 not possibly cousider hls ofEuv? And will yon iuform biui tlmt I have been euga.ied to Doctor Dormer for the paet throc months? An.l na Mrs. Wavringdale's carriage is vr.íltlng, and I have au engagemeui at half-past live, be 80 gooil as to excuse me, Mi-s, Jerniiiihaiu. And so LÜa's turn oauw, and Hke a voun' (lacheas, slic bowed to the wonao wl.o had, all unuoiwcionsly, been her fatc, while Mi-s. Jerninghani went back to her 80B. ♦ But as, a year afterwarls, Mis. Dovmei-, sitting in her di-awing-roora, reaU aloud toaunt Tabitha the notice of M. ■u-iiii Jerningliam'a marmge, it was gelf-evident he did not connnit the suicide he threatened- utilosa íushing into man-iage with a pretty girl, after a iiKtnLh's acquaintanoe, bc considero!


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