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The Czar's Intentions

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lt is consideren ip - ■ r tevsburg tliat the deatU of the 1. - StedW" wlll,.e tong. bo followed by the ab licatioa ot the and his retirement private lift. UponthUeavy sholdor8 of Uus ' ttppointed aad perplexed pótentela the bui-den of responsibility attached I toito altad posuioa has Cor mp? tJlerablo uressure. bliortly after tuo i,t nade upou lus Ufe by Solovioü ího Caafa earneet wUh u raigq his scenti-e to tho hamU of Uis natni-a was sueccsiully combatcd ïïfïïï hi relatives. The terror and anxiety ha has ixporicnoed unee i na Xua.ily conseuted to towgo that wisli are, tornero, undewtood lo have pvodueed so depi-ossiag au effect upo Fila healfch aud spirits tliat, aiidet tüa I adültioual excuse of hw recent boMinpoiarily IVu.u-atod revivo. Hia ief for tlio lost companiou ot lúa iTuüa.Kl.notUcL-ofhchilareiiwoud be acceotód by bU paopla as a, bclici state" affaire. I hta ifL M lio eaiuys somo pew. and alety, tUou" tlieniost elabonito precautiems S safety oi-e taken even tbei-è, and it appoaw extMsmely improbable abode io hot to a capital i wliloh, ?ortwo fears past. he U beeu 1 jeuLod to coamles annoyance. I The cnsineer of'a'nairocoinotivo fouid amusement at Boston m tímistinga' negro boy's head in tho ed off and his face scorclied, -


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Ann Arbor Argus