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An net by w'hioh vo matee onefrionrt mul uiiseuêuiy is a losinsj gainu, bu-, causo recugc isa imicli stroncr I ciple théin i'atiUKle. A grct 111:111 1111 the sliartow of dctVat iJtnujiUt liow precious are tuO ii(,es of adv'ersity ; aml. as a ti-oo s roots ai-e Btrengtlielieil by iu slia.U-w, ko all-deloau in a gwod causo are out ïvslin.ii-ylaccs on tho ruad lo viotory U last. No one is trui y riel) vrho has not Avoallhof lore, woalth o I' íyrtiuiithy, wcalth of goi)ü-will íor men. .Noone Uimws what luxmy is who has uut enkiyed the luxufy of doing good. Nuuiíe has í-eal liappiness who hiw no I the happiness ol' niukin otliors liappy. A man deeiriug to enjoy the ilc]i ■■lu.s aiui eousolations unknowii to a shule coüjílition, pieyared to lo ve ana cheiish uuúor all cahunities and chances, Wou ld do wcll, if possiblc, to léara rfjittle of the early training of the -ornan be dwires to inake tlie parUiv oí" bis. joya aml the cousoler of 1-fts sol-i-ows, iuid to liuvo soiuu knowleüijo oí' her in a domestic relation. Yoiiwill notbe sorry lor neanng belbre judging, f'or thinking betora BpeakiiM, tor holding au augry toiigue, tor etuuDing the ear to a taie-beaier, lor ilisbclioving most of the ïll reportó, lor bciug kind to tlip distressed, lor beüig patiënt tovrafd cvcry body, lor good to ali men, lor asking pardon lorall wroiigs, lor spcaking evil of no onc, for beinx oourteous to all. The Chinese havo a proverb tothc ,.ir,.,-. t.lüir, it' vou keei) a serpent in a bttuibuo it rcnmhis straight, but ülrcclly you let it out it resumes lts crookeil nature. So it is -wiili niaiiy men. They are placed in circuiustaiicca which act asa rcstiaüit uuoii tlKiin, and tlioy seein to bc walking ario-lit; but take that vestntint away, ana tliuy oon sliow by tlioir lives thftt the ïuauro of tlie old ser)unt is in tliem still. The body is affected by every mental and moral action ; the mimi is uiofoiuiilly inliucnccd by bodüy couüilibns. Fora yenect sysleui ol Iiygienewémost combine the Ituo.wledge ol' thö physioian, the schoolinastev and tlie divine, and must train tlu: body, tlio intellect, and the moral soul in a .crlect ana balanced order. Xlien, it' our kuowlcdgc were exact and our means of auplioatiou auequate, we sliould sec lüe minian uv"'S iu "" periect beauty, as Providente peraap iu tended hiai to be. Talent and Tact.- Talent seos its wav oloarly, but tac t is firat'at its ïouniey's end. Talent receives ninny a compliment fïOlU tlie henoh, but tact receivas lees trom attorueya mul clients. Talent speaka leapedly aud loically, tact triumpiiflutly. T.Uent matea tïie world won.ler it 'eis on no laster, tact excites astouisuiuout that it gels on so la,t ; atui tue secret is that it lias no weiiii to earry, it niakes no ialso steps, it luis the nylit nail ou tlie head, it loses no time, it takca all hints, and, by fceeping lts eye ïïtaM-e 'bv-clv ..nv..U...rn l-.'.o. I Warmth.- The ohiof ifnot the only ,s, ;„, Wiaps and "war" wuj; in.'S is to avoid the loss ol aniuwl heat Ktiactton. 11 is neitUer sciau Üjo nor liygienic,iiiauy u-ue sense, lo trust taexauual aroéS of sulu,ly tot t e wftimth we nquin to live woll, happ,ly, nnd aseiully. The food fa imow su-o lo help tw l)ul'r an;1. mila ,I over tlit-ir "Uead p$U" "i tl couwe ieed them woll and ta in the management oi selt-to 1 ve well is to ieed ftmropnateiy. Btunulauts do not gie sirengtu, b.ui . so Ucy oam.ot add to the i.or.nal aud lieuhhy sourees of auinul heat. uUiuieufis the only truu mei.


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