Items Of Interest
At tHe rnd o( 1479 Franco aá 14,120 mi les üf vuilroíici. The oiiitc ilrive from Texa ttna yenr -viU ro;ich nearly one nul 1 ion 1LJíoir Kavoso(n,T-x., Iwo families of eiiiifimntfi cainpeil tojrothc;r ovor ni.rht, wiien tlie lieiuls of the families qiTai-veled, rosuUiwg in the kiHing ol une. Tlie negroos of Gram, pnvisn, Juouisinna arekillinsroach other with item ful encrgy. Two munters and throe serious wóundiuga in a week is a velT fair average. The oewspapers of Trelafid say it is timr that the tido ofoiiiiM-afuin from the Emerald Isle lo the ünilod States hc-incsir.l, as laboMi, at the present rate of oótflow will soon bocoime tíi'.arcOi Beveral ladies in Mnnpliis havo made applications lor positio8 as lettórcarriors, but the law próvidos that lottcivcan-iers sliall wealf only the reristratioti unifonos, imd tliu ladiea wjll iiot submit t.o this. Onomia-a couiity bondS fov $75,000 bcniii" 8 percent iiuerest, were sold m Svivusr, X. V. ihc ollicr ilay, at nis and the premium reduces the animal iuierest to 4 per cent. lhu buiids run iintil 1893. A person in women's clothos at Havre de i race, Md., was deenoed too BtalWOTt for a real womftn, and, lus niaBCulIiiciiess beinz ünally exposed, heconfessed that he was a fugitivo niurdeier and had taken to sku-Ls as a disguise. ... . _,__... ■, A wealtny u uniese meruuuui ui B'iii Francisco has a full-blooded neirro wife. Their six children are a coiubinatiou ot' two races in appearance, willi erisp, curly hair, coppery sk'ms, almona eyos, and a Mongol ex pressioii of lace. J D. Galluway, a notorious cliavaoter oí' northern Texas, claimmg to be au Indjan Horb ductor, died siuldenly in Lliu uegro quarter, in Dallas, last week. Ho lad been inarried tbirteen times; lias tour wives living, and liad tweiity-two sons in thc Confedérate ariny, ton of wliom were killc.l. Owen Buck, of Oceánica, Mil., had a vicious, kicking horse which he was anxious to sell. Wliile trying to muke a bargain witli a irobab]e purchaser, lie reniarkeü : "That liorso is so gentíe that my little girl con Id aro un behind liim and twist his tail, and he wouUm't raise a I100F' The girl ...,,,..l,.,.,i-,l tilia lin. t.O()k itfol' tllC trlltU Vf 1 I 1 vu vi. !"- j t aiM tried the experiment on benig lelt alone Witll the hoie, and was killed bv :i, kick. 'The census shows that snveral Massachuèctu cities besides Boston hate made rapirt gaiiis in populatlon. Lowdl,wliich in L870 lmd 41,000, uovr bssabout GU,UOU. Lawrence luis advanced in ten years trom 28,921, to 38öOU,aud Lynn from 28,223 to nearlv 4U,UUU. lïostou shows an üwrease of loU,UU0. ïlie inemwe in the cities and towiis lias not been made at the expeuse of the country lowna und villages whicu seem to hold llieir own. Theiv has just been a new sengalion tome of her deoeased husband, sue "i m-cd hor dren for that ot a man, m-o urea employuieut iu a iactoi-y. eml a mi contentod. By and by sho I pavLtó. and, in orde. tü save her mm riage. after having intormed hei ot ciovnSex. The ceremony w"ns Pfi-roi-n.od in a f J Su Petereburg, and tho pair Uvedhapnily until the tacto veré discovwed un cxnosed. The pair were arrested a co nnnued tu tnal, but the JudgM I V!„,,. n,,7.zled bv a case which liad i.ot Uas bcuu scut to tUu benatc tor deciB1OU. Silcycllow.orratl.eritw a„o 1 Soben Allen was so IU at Jackson. Molvi ilo was 011 lúa wuy tUere to kUl fiU V s, i,i, was kuoWU to be vaised bis weapóu strike. Just tUn Allen teeliiy piuviww -""-" iVo.ü under tlie beU-olotiu and hot his ossailant déad. Among the cabin passengere of the íSíSi ïoSto to aiow L n eet heir parenis. Ac the tune ot sUlUJ-r"1" ', . hia arui8 he alniosl. li t.a " oll0 of tUü swieI fourtecu i-atUc%
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus