Our State Ticket
The convent ion ut Detroit was the reverse of tbat held at Jackson. At the tonner, offices sought the men, iit the latter, men Bought 1,1 ie otliees. ïhe fonaer was free trom IoLbyists, whereis Jackson overflowed With tliem. The republiean candidate for governor Mr. Jerome. is a oreatüre of comhinations mul rüurs. Mr. Ilollowav. nn "m,n. date was nomUiated without eilort at caucus-packinR or hutton-holing, and afaraefof widetmd excellentrepute. If those republicana who appealed at Jaokson for a candidate indntifled with the agrie n itui-al interest of the state and failc.i tn gectire tlie pémm of their cboice, aro honest, they will vote for Mr. Ilolloway. The remaJnlng candidatos aro Rcntlemen of cbaracter who, if elected 11 adminiater thodntiesof their respectivo oilicps witli credit to themselves and the public. Mr. Albtiit Cranc of Vpailami, candidate formemberof the state board of education, stands hifti In the lega] fraternity of thw portion of the state, is a gentleman of high character, and would grace any position to which the people might cali hlm.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus