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- Tíancock and English Clubs are being formed in every seetion of Patersoii, N. J.. some wards having two or three clubs. The eatlnisiasm amone tlie Demócrata is unprecedented. Of the eighty members of the Hancock Vcteran Lesión, one-third are BepubBcan soldiera who wiU vote for Hancock for President, but on the rest of the ticket wil] vote for the Republican nominecs - Since Hancock'slettertofen.sherninn li;is been made public, tlie Republicancry, "He's nothingbutasoldier," lias a rathërdisma] sound, and wegueas it will die out altogether. General Order Nu. 40 and this linter toSherraan will suit (avillana quite as wel] as that Sort ui' statemanshlp which prompta a man to take Credit Mobilier stock and De Golyerfees.- ilartford Times. - Tliree falsehoods have been drives evenoutof tbe Republican papers: (i) The falsehood that Mr. Englisb belonged to the Knights of the Golden Circle - a ealurnny whieb htwcofitthe person wlio comed it hls place on any newspaper; (2) the falsehood that (Jen. Hancock took any disloyal position in 187677; (3) the falsehood that a Democratie Congress passed a .Southern claim bill, when it voted to drive i all those claims out of Congress. These are on the retired list.- Albany Argus. -The Lowville (Lewis county) Demoerat says: "Tlms far during the Presidenüal campaign the number of Demoerats who liave declaied their dissatisfaction with the ticket is remarkably small. In fact, not a siiifie one in this county is known to have made such a declaratton. On the o'ther hand, in every town in the county there are a number of Republicana who, in a quiet and detennined marnier, assert their purpose to giye a vote for the gallant Hancock, lf Lewis county were to furnish au index, the defeat of Garfleld would be overwhelming." -The Republicans discover that tl Democrats mean to run this campaig on the personal character of the cand dates and on the subordination of tl military to the civil power, It does loo thatwaya little. ïhe personal cha acters of candidatos sets Hancock matchless intergrity ajtainst the Mobilier, back-pay and DeGoIyet record t$i fñmV.'ifv )n")1Q ;,,:i .; line witfa the DemocracytíJ the reoor hberty has made in the past and all tb hope it has of becoming the vital prin ciple of eveiy people in the future bnt what a confession that the Repub licans are against sucli issues as these - Albany Argus. -Thewliole Repnblican press have beenanxiouslyawaitinsthepublication of Gen. Ilancock-s letter of acceptance, "i "i iiiiuiuH sorne saüent point therein wliich could be magnified distorted in order to mar the high character and principies of this honorable genttenmn and patriot, but without Bvail, and in dire extremity thpy assert that he is 110 statesman. But their chagrín must be great wlien even the most rabid and hatred-loving among them would not daré to attack or con" teadict-the principies he sets forti, so manifestly ratriotic ideas of constitutional libertv. Tts li(m;t,r o„.i .,..„:i.__ oi sentiment ia in accordtace with the noble purposes and character of its aiithor, and is in striking contrast with the pohtical panderinga so noticeable m theiefterof the Hcpubikannominee -.Letter to JS'ew Fork World.


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Ann Arbor Argus