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The Exact Census-taker

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The most precise and thorough eensus-entimeratoi' is just now passing Mirough s minng camp in Soutl evada and be is having a hard time Of As an illustration, lic cailed at au old propnetor'g nabin the other morniiiir and taking out his big blank book ato ceeded to pul the miner through éhe eirare category of questions about as rollows: " What streel, do you live on?" J'on't live on no strect; J livo ver in tlie rocíes. " " VVlmt's the number of your house?" askeu the riten-oator, stiíl adherinö to thetext of his blaiifc form. " Tlic niimber of my ("abrn?"ntiizzed the miner, ' its N. 1, I reckon." ■' Wbat's stout name?" " Bill Lamar, ' "Are you white, black, mulatto, ( límese or Iniüüny ' "Wal . neow, " said Bil] slijrhtly ruflied Biul risiiif?, " I dou't know whal ver dnving at, stnmger. but I want ver to unclerstand thal 'round tliisyercamp l hen-H the reputatlon of bein' white. "' sllU Pra n .- (!■ ty, tiie (ovemmeiiüii ;ipn( nnntinired: "Are you Bick or temporarily disableclï " "Sick? disabled?"- roared Bill,dancing wudly before the young man with the l!g DOOK, "you blank nol " Blind?" " Not muehl " bissed the miner, with oyv nasniíitr. " Idiotie? " Wild with rage nul klaring Ilkfl a madnaan at tlu's quastíón, Bill slmok lus list unflp.r the ajïent's nose usi as the latter looked mildly np and iimocently tollowed np liis qiieries with- " nsane. crippled, bed-ridden? " rl)is was too mupli. Bills Bstcame !vn on the census-takers unfortmiate licail like a rock-hinnmer, while at the same time his number fourteen brojans sought such a leverage mito the poer fèllow's coat-tnils as üfted him ■!c;tr (inl doors. lxiok mrl all. The a'iiizríi pnumflrator gave oné nance back ;it the advaneing forra of he mosi dangerous looking buman beug liis eyea liad ever rested on and saarted for a gulch a hundred yards away, where lic rnbbed down his bruiscs and seated üimself on a rock opeued iiis great book nnd after the name of " Uil! Lamar" wrote the words: " Maimed, crippled or otherwlse dlsahlertï" ' No?" " rnsano?" " YES!''


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