GREENBACK CONVENTION. A National Oreenb ckConrentlon forthecountr of iisluenaw wil] be held ut the Court House n hc city ut' .A 11 11 Arbor. on SaTORDAY, AüOOST 28 'Mn, at 11 o'rloi'k a. M.,for tlie porp ae ui iiominatiNK a county tirk.t ft stato senator, and forthenp. pointinent of a new nonnty CDiiitiiiitefl, and fur tin cmnsactioa of sucli otlier busincs#as may come l - foie the Each towushtp and au! wiii be entiueo-to deleot w felluws : Ann ArhorTown l!Nmtbfleld 4 Ann AH.or City- Pittafield . Kirst wani t Salem t Second ward l Saline ...!!6 Thiid ward Scio r; Pourthward I BhBrön .'....'. 5 Ftfth wavd ) Supeiior :, Sixlh ward i;Sylvan r Auiusta 4,Veb3ter 4 Hridjrewater 3 j York ""5 Pextfr Í Ypsilanti TÖwü'.'.ï.'.'.'".'." 4 f!'lt!"m 3! City, lst'd.3 '"' 48eeondward 3 Lvlh 4Thirdward : tnd?n Fourth ward "x Manchester (Kifth ward 3 . By ordsr of the Connty Coiiimittee, C. ï. BATES, Chairman. TN THE MATTER OF THE ESTÁTE X OF MARY K. BEASEL. Noties is heraby sriven that in pursuaiiee of a lioense nnd onler granied lo the uiulcrsiirneii irnanlian of tho estáte of Mary E. BtaaeL deceased, by the Hun. Edgar O. Durfee, Judge ol Probate for the county of Wayne on 1 uesday, the 17th dny of August, A. D. lsíiíi thtre will be suld at public auition to the highest bidder at the Irnrit of the Court House ju Ihc citv of Ai.n Arbor, county of Washtcnaw and state ui Michigan. OH TUK TWENTY-ElGHTH 1AY Oï SEPTB BER A. D. J88t, at 12 o'olock in ihf fbrsnoon, % of the interest in the west half of tlic nortliwest quarter of seetion mimlier ten in townsblp two outh of range Ix east, and reeorded in the office ot the Register of Deeds in and for said county IJated, Ann Arhor, Au.'usi 17, 1880, FKEDEKICK CUNWAY, (iuanlian nnd Ailmiuistrator. Éstate cf Georfje Sinith. gTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTt ;',":".!,, ';"■, ";;;,.' 7 f wasiiu.,,,., ....ïtie l IH I 14) Milt (.' ( ) hl-e i ti t liíi i.! ,. .. r _. . yethondtebt hundid d5StV. Present, WUlm u. Uarrlman, Ju -t „ i'rol.ate ( I.. . l,, matter of the estáte of éeor& Smith, L tem,eWf",IIe"?r' cxec"tor of the last will and testament of unid deeeased, oomes into couri -n,,! miino1"8",1"1 he f? now pre"ared "S& " anal account n8 sucli fxecutor 1 ic-ivupou it is ordered, that H„turday, the founh dar of September next, ut ton ..Vloek in 1 forenoon. beaMipied for e.x.„„ining „,,d liówin lerestea In id estntc are reoojred to nnne-ir il , do i of ic I Coart, iben to t. holrlên uhé Pr„ate Office in the city of A nu Art.or. in 8i,l countv ml „how cause, if ,iny tbere be, why "h "Z d ,,c' .y oí1 h2;iÓg.O8UCcessive week" p'-"iu-'i vm. . L)(ty, Probate Iïegister. Entate of Jiary K. Blitchell. DTATE OF M1CHIOAN. OOUNTY J Of V HShteilJlW. SS. At H p-mnn nfl, U i j. rtfortl.1 C."Unt" of WrtSStíSMlE bf'e Office, in the city of Ann Ar l,„r o M ,,, ,jd B,.ofF. rob.,t. jm TÜiSS?".? filin? the petition ''"'y wifi "f Juiv A. Mitchell, prayliig thal James 0. Cuslimn (orenoon, be assigned tor the hearing of a-iid andnlli.therpi.raoni. intei-ested in suid estáte ar to De boldftnat the ProbateWflee in the citv ,'f , " pry of thi petitionei riioufd Dol b CTnd Mto S'ü OMWÍ tllllt 8ili" PUSr, Commissioners' Notloe. STtuEh?P MICHIGAN, COUNTY reaaed, hereby we u„tiCe tlmt six moni lis hm date ara llowed, by orrteroi nld Pr„b ie 'o r í"íe of l 7 5 Pre9",nt 'heir ClHi1"8 ir.''t the oï uteof 8atd deoeaaed, and that iher will hum t the Probate Office, in tbe city of nu Arl or T, K-lMuurynext.Htten o'elock j. ,., ol , o J,. S4T' Cbmmitimen. Estáte of llamabas Case. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUKTY kj ol Wiisliteimw, ss. Notice lahereby siven thnt by m Me oí the Probate Conrt to Tthi ciunty 01 Waahtenaw, made on the si.vte.mli ,!,,,( tbe SBUte „ llamal,,, Oiso. late of 'I. ■■ -■, and thal all creditor. of sid ,1,, " - ,i are required tn present tlieir claims to nlñ l'n, -.u Cour , at the Probate Offlee In th .ity o ■ , ,! bor.fOTexainlBatloii and allownce.on o? bëfore il ■MxtM.ih dav f Februury next ud Uut .uoh oUUmi wt te heard beton id'lo t „, roejday tke sixteenth day of Novoniher and on Wedne.,, lay, ths ixteeuth ciay ol K.-brua'ry next Dated, Ann Arhor, August l'i A D 18KC J4w4 JudKe ol Probate. Real Estáte for S5e. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY j of Mr H S"f' , In '."e. matter of tho estáte oí Mi lord.deceascd. Notice is hereby eiveo oMune, A. D.1B80, there wi l,elrt i diiorof Ihc oun Bouh In th rfï „f . 'ülu in thocounty of Whtenaí' L 'id "„I ' UKDAT, TIIK 8KC0ND ,)av oí OOTOMH i' T ,V t !0 „Vloek in the fctinS "&nlbSt istniK at the time ol tho rleth ,.f ,.j j , the fSllowtog üeScnl,ed „„?!! tato" tí w t a'"' "' P;e(;'!Or.I'"'1 f 'aud situad in ïhe city " Ann Arbor ni Waslitonaw coiinty. Mictieon beinKlotlunMhrrthrcua),,, WoOk two (2) Bullt'h oí Huromtreetin range fl ve (J)eaat Pltod, Ann Albor, August 17, i80. CgARTiBS ll'. KJCHMOííD, Admiuistrator.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus