TAKE N0TIC2! I will continue my REDUCTIOÏ SÁLE tntil September lst. I am 8elling from my entire stock of Clotliing and Hats at GHEATLT KEIHX'KD PRICE8. I haven't eelected a few OdDS and Ends and put the price down on them, but am offering niy ENTIRE stock of Clotliing and Hat. Come and see pricea if you don't want to pnrchase. JOE T. JACOBS, TPlie Clothier. N. B.- Linen Collars at 10 cents eacli during tliis salo. TheUniversal IJatli. itt e '' ■' ' 'AI1"S ft .'" ga j w ■■■.tJ. F3 IN ONE O lt mI , l-r'w ifr-n L: - ■ s :: S I'rife lie-luceii ()], KbUu Kuiiyweil. ? nrfm-iïr,,,,,. E. J. KOlVLTOrj, Ann Arbor, Mich. rovs,,]0at. the UniB Store of L. S. Ij6rrt. j„„k HoMMock; alio hy C. KbeibiichftgOB. South J[,iin "treet ; enflalso by the nmnufactTirer [: T Knowl ton, Xn ilNnrl), State Street, AnnArbór Mich I whom all corresimnilence slioald [,e. iddrentd. Lake Superior Transit Co. Detroit for Bault Pte. Mana and I.iiki',MiFm,r r. rts.)n Mondaya, Tuewlays, WcdDeBdavs, rhnndkjrs mul Baturdavi, at IOp.h, Rnilroad cenneetfona made at Duluth for St. 1 su, Mmnesrolis, Bismarck, Manitobu aud other points N,rib, Bouti nri Wnt. Htpamera nlan leave Detroit alter June 2ü on Sundays (to nevcland only) at 4 p. m., and on Mond.ys ux Fridajn nt 9 p. r. Wedaedy and SBturdajs, at p. m., lor Cleveland, Erin, and Bf. Ë&.SiLSb!" Wlth r;iiIrüails tliercat thü For tickets and furttior hiformatinn apijly to 3 T .WHITING, éïnirel Ageot, „- ,.,. ''otk 'ind oflice foot of Woudwnrd avenue i'''"t " Iietroit, Micli. GET YOUE PROPEIiTT INSUEEL BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ASÍN ARDOR, - MICH The oldest apency in the city. Established a quarter ot a ceutury ago. IlupiesentiuK the foüowiug fiist class copuiauiei Home Insurance Co. ofK. Y., Assets over $(i,000,00( Coiitiuei.t.,Ui,s. Co.ofN. Y., Asset over Í3.000 001 Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets $1,4)2 0( '1";l''1"1 1'"-. Assetsoveril.OKO.OOÍ Orientof H.rtfonl, ASseUJ700,iO( r' 1''clal ''"i"" "I fondón, Aanets 3.000.001 H,i.ptrtp!,i,j. miiy aajusied n ('■ H. HILLfiN. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. 'JUli; LABCiKSV ANO BEST BTOCK OF 7 J j ALL KINDa OF Paintars' Materials, &c.l AMEEICAN AND FEENCH iwnropw aiAss All Sizes. 6 and 28 East Washington Street, ' ANN AKBOK. A BT EMPOEIUM And Artist's Supply Depot. ?7 Woodwavd Avenue, AJTOBEW J. BBOW, Proprietor, Dealer In Fletara Frames, Lsefetag íílasses, OU P.lntlng8 Engravlnss, riiromns, Aitlst's 3Iaterla!s, and Art SpecJalilos. OI.O FRAMES RE-GII.DED. sHTTHTwoiLDri tS2ínss2&?' AND BI-CARB. SODA Vhich. ia tlio samo thine: white, eïamin, ,i ,' ' ntaJr Ppear yeSOtUwn?TrS wh.Prf' baa made with JINsi V A 8JMt oi.T-, Bakcry, Crocerv, AND . FLOUR AND FEED STORE. W keep constant]} on hond BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wholesale and Kctuil Traelet We slmll also keep n siipply of HELHI FLOtJE, J.OT, Swtft & Co' IJst While-lVheatflouc Kye Flonr, Bnekwhet l'lour, Corn Meal, Feecl, &c, &c, Ac. At Wholesale and retail. A aeneral slock of GEOCEEIES AND PEOVISIONS con tantly on hand, wlifck !IH,e solfl on ls reu. ouble term h al nny vllrarhenM it. , ii ■. . - Ca-h fmM tot Butter, Krei, and cJuntij Produce generally, Uu.dsdei!veretoan7 part of tbocily Ubi out extra obarge, KDIItl SliABOtTi Anti Arlior. Jan. 1, 1879. J1TNA IMRAKCH COMPAM. Capital, . . $3,000,000, Assets Jan 1, 186, $ 6, 792, 64:9. 98. Losses Paid in 55 Yera, S L-, 760, 391. 71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includiig Ee-Insurance lieserve, ,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includin Re-Insurance aud Caijital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agrent, Ann Arhor. EDWARD EUFFY, Wholesale ra d lietoil A I-urge, New, and Clean Stock of Staple & Fiincy Grocerics AL1VAYS ON HAND ! Togcther wilh a full and complete stock of BOOTS, SHGES, AM) RIBBER (JOODS, -Also a choioe assortment of I ;müs" tul IN ent' Cuttetwenr, Hoslery, lilov, s, :. Bpecl&i inducemonts ollered cah ciwtomèra! EDWABD DUFFY, Cor. Main and Ann Sts., Ann Arbor SF Cash paid for all Farm Products. TbPttiBOTlalIiU Tl;e nndenlgnad hai n li.wd tlië PENÍNSULA MILL Al DEXTEt, would revpectlully in fora Itae prrple r. id ia in. -ïii-iini, of Dexiei that he Kiteil' a hnr .■ the rujtuto trde TI.m 1„„ü! irv ndri-nte a'l ihe oMpatronsand eoufidtml] bi-llttH í fruta n rxperienceoi thirtj ymra m roiller hp Kill bj abl to sf.nie niiiny new 01 es. De will keep Flonr and all kinds of Feed Ou band ukd at the lowest cufrent nmrtfct isteta Iexler. .Tuly 30, loso. ;;j lt XHKOItT-AT STOMACHIC ASBUTÍS ke(i;lator. 'plIK Oítt l'i.miT BlOOD F0071 iv Fi.rjn X. Foem. lt n pitstDta the eonceotrated Kxtract ol Malled Borleyhy whici the vetai. xuti-ith'b elkmemb, ibe plKwphnles, iron, lime, etc., are cnnhil wil , „ut .)„.mir.„i chanire, cnnstitnting the post ïelmhle Woi.rt rnakiutr, rorcc ïencmtiDeT nod ik sustninint; Altei-atiTeTonte of the present -e neyci lalling r. medy fot Bilions and Urin'Hm and Onend De ly. Ir. cae ui Poiüoii, impoverfi-hcd Blood, and Scrof.ila it w the oi.It natura], mre.aud permanent reüerant. Itarousti tlie nervoua eaergiea, enridn-s ihe l.iocd prom..te appetite, and aeU Ihe.elugglsh liverin motion rítId a mik „i health apd comfort 24 boor Fmf -ale ,y prumiata ; nd Deden (?eneriïll. tl,V ,íJ"'d'Is' I"""il. Wfiotoale Alienta. II. J. """W!1 LO., agents foránn Arbor. S!-4t City SfiiTeiijeri Tlie undersiirntr] oflnrs lü sertiees iisSonvpnirer VBiilt, Cesspools, Sc, ,-., olei.ned to order or Í 'ne seasmu atieaaonahle prices. Ilnuae drnins made to order. Vautta luade. Orders m:iy he ir ft atJ. H. Nitbei'a Meit Market, Stat,, 4? soiith rhiiyer Street, or mwle througta the Tost-■■.■._ w ,.,i; tril, ho flnne as chip as the cheiipest, and ai] orders pruipl]y iittruried to. HILI.1AM AfTlON. A ÍÜW 6R0CERY! AT 16 EAS1 HURÓN STREET, CASPAR RiMSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries' at the above location, ComprieingeTorylhiiigir the linent bottom prita - and purchuaed yxcluaivel; foj cnsh. From a long e cpi-rience in the trade, retail antf t) lechra 'cB 'UV'U'i "C CaU gaS SS Cl'e"P " CALL AND 8KE HIS PEICES All Goods Wiirrnnted First-Class. VW Eemember the place, 16 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus