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- Mary O'Kane, wife of John 0'Kane of Detroit, died in tliis city on Friday. -Sheriff Case sold liis pony on Monday to Rev. Fr. Waterschoot of Northfleld. ! - Demócrata will please remember the caucuses calledfor this andto-morrow evenings. - A picnic under the axispices of the Catholic people of Toledo visited the city yesterday. -Constable Gidley sold the furniture of the late proprietor of the Central eating house on Friday. - Annual picnic of M. E. clmrch Sabhath school Uikes place to-day in Mr. C. B. Cook's grove on Miller Avenue. - Mr. Stickney has secured one liundréd and twenty subscribers to the book entitled " Johuson's natural history." - Democrats of 3d ward are called to meet at the court house tliis evenirig to swlect delegates to attend the county Convention. -Mr. F. VV. Buss lost a little girl hamed Amanda C. on Tuesday of brain iever aged two years. She was sick only twenty-four hours. - E. C. Boudinat has received theappointment of deputy U. S. Marshal at Salt Lake City, and gone thither to perform the duties thereof. - Mr. Sessions mounted on top of a barrel addressed about twenty urchins assembled at a pole raising on Friday evening in front of tobáceo dealer Bliss' residence. -The Washcenaw County Pioneer society will meet in this city on the lst day of September. At that time will take place the annual election of oilicers. Otherbusiness will be transacted. -Annual meeting of school district No. 1 for the election of three trustees to succeed Messrs. Israel Hall, Christian Mack and W. W. Wheedon, appointed to flll vacancy created by resignation of A. A. Gregory, will be held at the court house on Monday, Sept. 6. - Theodore A. Bliss, sou of Alonzo C. and Sophia Bliss, of this city, died of typhoid fever, in Kansas city, on day, at the age of 26 years. The remains arrived here Tuesday and the uneral services were held in the afterloon at his father's residence on División street. . -Anthony G. Freeman of Fuller St. in 4th ward, died on Saturday of kidney feease, aged 75 years. Deceased was iresident twenty-six years, a portion of which time he preaehed to his colored irierids in tlie Second Baptist church, kt of late years f olio wed the occupation t whitewasher. - Jennie M. Cook is a 16-year old iaughter of James A. Cook a carpenter ide. She Ieft tlie city early Sunday Boniing with an uncle on an east-bound rain. Father of the gal hastened to etroit insearch of hisdaughterwhom I helieves intends te niarry her uncle Sea 47. The pólice of tlie city, unable ) find the Couple think they are in nada. - Our Germán readers espeeially ose residing in the country should not il to cali on Mr. L. Wak when they me to the city. Mr. Wah. has ereeted landsome three-story brick building Liberty street, near Mtvck & Schmid's bich lie has neatly titted nf as a gro:ry and restaurant, and invites all bis íuaintances in city and country to 'me and see him. -The premium list of the "Washte' county agricultura! fair, to be held Ann A.rbor, September 28, 29, 30 and ttiber 1, will be issued this week. te premium list has been caref ully red and the premiums oflered are nuirous and liberal. Among the new Uures of the fair this year is to be a ky show Diplomas are olïered for e two best heel ge fences in the county. -The Vestry of St. Andrew's Episal church have, andar the direction ï building committee commeneed the fting down of the brick andother inaial of the Mundy house on State 'eet, and are to remsve the same to 'church lot on División street, and 4e use of the same so far as practic'e in the erection of a rectory. The rectory is to be built on site of the 'Wooden church, wliich is now altso Ier process of beiog razed. Work on 'chapel to be built of stone and-recR of brick will be begun at once.


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Ann Arbor Argus