Democratic Congressional Convention--second District
Tlie DeiiK.cilitic ConRTtwtoM] COOTenUon for tlie SccoDtl (,'ongressJMtial District - cmnpnspri of the roimtir ul HíümIíiU', U4IÏW. Walmuaw aud si.itimc wíl! ii,.j ai Hanrhñtw, ooTuetdr. Aiisiist Sítli, isn, t II o'rlntsi i. w., for the piirpnw ol nutuinatiniraraniliilatefor Bepri'Pelltativ in Cangro, and the troiiF.icticiu uí uch othr bil .hb inay bedwmed necrstütry liy tlie conTihti.m. l'.aih county il] be t-ntilJcJ to i delcpte for each reprparntatiTc in the lower branih o' tile legislntuip. W. ft.i'Ai.i .MAv. IHIMale, O. Si cv, I.cfiaWí'f, W. D. RabrtMAM, Washtenaw, H. Siiaw Noiíi.e. Motirnfí, ('onre3:(iiiíil Commlttee.
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