Republican County Convention
1 ïfiocr:1 tos fiotli tl'.e towns m! warda of the couiitv met it tlieromt houso ntl Tiicsday. The gatlierins: wiis palled to order by cbairtnan of thecounty conimiltpe Bawyer who Mtocted ffm, X. Stevens of Northfleld, chaifman, .1. K. Sumnerof Ann Arboi y, secretary. Adjounuilciit was onleml to 1 P, Jt. AFTKKNOON BE8SION. roiiventioit rp-convptied ;it appointed hoüi, when coimiiittpc on credentials j reported the following delegates entiticit iiM'atn Mtd to participate in pi'oCeedlngs. ïemporaty chairman Stevehs rtsfusing to (iirsiiic perinanently, Prof. Walters was elected by the committee to perforrn that duty. and Mf. Summer was contioued In his position. DELEGATÏ8. Ann Arbor Towti- S. W. ShurtleiT John C. Bird. L. Davis, r. N. 8. Koster Aiin Arbor City, lst, ward- Orville Webster, a. L. Noble, E. J. Morton, E. I). Kiune. Second ward, Philip Bach, Christian J. Wagner, E. K.Frueanfï. Tin ril ward, A. A. Gregory, X. Sutherland, E. J. Johnson, John Freeman. Fourth ward, J. F. Lawrence, George A. Gilbert, A. McReynolds, M.C.Sheweraft. Fitth ward, X. II. Pierce, A. M.Doty, X. Felch. Sixth ward, J.E.Siimner,J.II.Peebles, E. L. Waltere. Augusta, George Tïemiett, Hiram Thompson, C. II. Willlam Dnsingburg. Biidgewater, G. S. Eawsos, C. Dickerson, V. W. Hess. Dexter, Tliomas Birkett, L. 1). Ball, W. II. Weston. Freeíom, F. Fitzmyer. Lima, Ti. ]!. Cates. .Jinnes McLaren, George II. Mitchell L. F. Tucker. Lyndon, W. II. Coliins, J. D. Clark, Fnmk Judson. Lodi, II. W.feassett, Theodore Ilicks, L: 8. Wood, John Dftvis. Maocbester, A. C. Sheldon, Frank Spafford, II. J. Calhoun. C. Walbridge, E. Steadman, L.Brown. Northlield, A. D. Graves, Jíelson Stephens, Ií. Leeland, Frank Duncaa. Pittafleld, W. K. Childs, T. J. Smurthewaite.Andrew Campbell, J.H, Webb. Saline, A. II. Holmes, M. M. Rouse. N. G. Nichason. Milton Reynolds, R. II. Marsh, G. L. Hoyt. Scio, Wm. Warner, N. A. Phelps, W. E. Zeigenfuss, J. W. Wing, J.L. SmitL, W. H. Wagner. Sylvan, W. F. ilaleli, Wra. Judson, Geoi-ge Wnght, J. L. Gilbert, A. L. McLean, T. Vogel. Superior, Ira Crippin, A. Campbell, M. K. Clements, ï. P. Goodspeed, J. A. Wilber. Sharon, M. L. Raymond, J.M. Wood, AV. 8. Crafts, George Cook. Salem, Sflas Pratt, John 15. Kenwick, W. R. Hamilton, George S. Vheeler. Webster, T.B. Stanton, A. Valentina, R. C. Keeves, A. Olsaver. York, John W. lilakeslee, Lyman W. Lake, James Gauntlett, Jr., J. X. Laurence, Osborn Case. Ypsilanti Town, C.M. Ilubbell, Cha?. Fletrfier, A. B. Giaves, 15. D. Loomis. Ypsilanti City, lsh. ward, P. W. Carpenter, ('. S. Wortley, D. C. (iriffin. Second ward, N. M. Thompson, W. Hall, Reuben Roys. Third ward, A". F. Pattison, Frank Stowell, J. II. Top. Fourtli ward, II. D.Dickinson, Manly Holcomb. Fiftli ward, G. W. Havens, F. Ilickley, John Worden. Mr. Stevens declining tlie permanent chairmanship of the convention Prof. Walters was ehosen by the committee on organization. Mr. Summer continued secretary. Xominations for connty offices being in order, the name of Irving Yeckley of Ypsilanti town was suggested for the sheriffalty. Tliere being no other aspirant lie was unanimously nominated. Xext in order as per report of business committee was the position of judge of probate. IVm. E. Depew of Chelsea being presented, and there being no other contestant in the race, Mr. D.was also nominated byHacclamation. Mr. Kinneyarose and moved the same honor be extended to prosecuting torney Emerick, connty clerk Clark, circuit court commissioners MacMahon and Ilunt, to none of whom tliore was apparently no opposition. They too, were similarly dealt by. V. F. llatch of Chelsea was named Lor treasurer; but that gentleman arose and declined the honor, for his village liad already the distinction of furnishihg one candidate, whicta in his mind was enough. Another delegato relieved the dilemma by suggesting Mr. Fitzmyer of Freedom, postmasterof Fredoaia. and the delegates applauded over the idea that there might be a prospect of electlng him on the supposition that democratie Gertnans will come to his su pport. Mr.i was theref ore nominated. Who shall be the victïün for register of deeds developed some rivalry. A ballot showed the following result: E. F. Gilbert , 73 li. II. Maren 2i W. W.Hess 20 II. R.llill 1 Mr. Gilbert was voted be the candidate. John K. Yocum of Lyndon was renominated by acclamation for surveyor. E. ü. Kinne asserted that there was a necessity of legal learning being lodged in the candidate for coroner, and he suggested the name of J. F. Lawrence. The latter delégate arose and Raid that inasnmch as the reraarks of his legal brother were true, he suggested that Mr. Kinne bo also nominaled for the other coronership. The neat turn of the joke upon the author brought down the house, which refused to lay both nominations on the table by motion of Kinne. And the names of these legal luminnries wili therefore appearon the ticket nrovided the couhty committee don't let them ofï. Who for senator? was asked all over the house. Wheeler of Salem being named, said he positively declined to run. The convention went to an infor mal ballot resulting thus: A. .!. Sawyer 26 Zwinke 24 Wheeler 7 J. W. Childs 2 Dr. Sinitli 18 ,1. W. Wing "■ . ..... i E. D. Lay. 4 s. Spafford 3 E. E. Leiand 1 S. H. Douglas 1 John Lawrence l Cápt. Allen 8 J. T. Jacobs 1 Informal ballot Ko. 2: A. J. Sawyer 68 E. 1'. Allen o Dr. Smiiü ïy Z winkie. . ■ . ■ , . . . . , s J. T. Jacobs . 4 L. 1). Bal] 1 (;. 8. Wbeeler 1 R. .V. Beal 1 Mr. Lawrence Withdrew Sawyer's name; Allen liis and suirirestoti Jacobs. A formal ballot resulted: J. 1 Jacobs 08 , [nkip 1 Dr. Smith 22 Childs 1 Jacobs was declured the nominee for senator. ('ongressrnali Willits beingin waiting in the grand jury room was invited to Bpeak. He piocccilrd to wave the bliioily shirt as vigorously as lie knew how, decrying the south and ifppealed for r sectfonal north to oppoee her. - Allen and Sa'.vver spoke brielly, and thus the funeral services ended.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus