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Personal Glances

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- R. F. Trevelliek the greenbacke wlll be the guest of N. B. Covert whil e remaina in llie city. - Eugene 13. Abel of the dry gootl iouaeof Bach & Abel, expects to leave :or the commercial nietroplisnext weel .11 search of a fall stock of gooils. -Congressman Willitsof .Monroewasin tovvii on Tuësday In attendance at the convention snaking hands with delégales and smilingupon his constituency. - W. II. Arnold of Dexter township, unconnected with the fraternity, is in ihlcago this week looking upon the neat aggregatlon of Knights Templar. -F. J. Swaine of Ypsilanti was honored by being selected is vice president of the democratie state convention from this (2d) congressional trict. -Dr. Kapp of Manchester, brother of mayor Kapp of tlüs city, carne to town on Monday and went to Chicago in company with members of our commandery though not a member of the masonic order. -August Spring of Jiew Ilamburgh, Out., who has been visiting his grandfatlier, Mr. August Ilutzel, for several weeks, left on Saturday for "Watertown, Wis., where he wil] enter a theological seminary. His unole, Titus Elutzel, accompanied Mm to Chicago. - From the catalogue of 1879-80 of Albion college we observe the names of Sarah 1'. Hopkins and Clara P. Geddes of Ypsilanti, and Myrtie Pitts of Pittsfleld among the students pursuing a full musical course. In preparatory school, Baraey Beadle of Augusta, Elmer Bowers of Manchester.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus