Circuit Court Proceedings
Adjounied term of circuit eourt opened on Tuesday last, and continued only two or three days. ïhe following business was disposed of : Elizabeth Glidden granted a divorce from Benjamin 15. (ilidden, on rround of cruelty and neglectto support, l'arties reside in tliis city. B. F. Xrksey vs. R. L. Godfrey. Ofder ?r:i Ml pi] ijimnioumnf oppl iiler appellaut pay entry fee in ten days. George Henry Reeks of Webster admitted to citizenship. Wednesday, Aug. 18. Mulford Cary and Conklin vs. Aretus A. Bedell. J udgment set aside and new trial granted, costs to abide the result. People vs. Henry P. Boylan. Charged wtth embezzlement. $1,000 personal recognizance to appear when wanted.
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