The County
-"Fi StaíTim is furnishing Chelseaná Witfa ice lmported from the east. -Mayor Allen is president of Ypsi lanti's Garíield and Arthur club. - Material tor the new passenger de! pot ;it ('helsea is on the site where the buiiiiiiig will be erected Boon. -Supervisor Kress of BddgeWater sold Ui lleeces of vvool weighing 2,106 lbs. to a Manclicster bityerfor 24 cents - Unwashed. - l'or the benefit of the latter Whosê health has been feeble from ffrver, Mr. and Mrs. Frencfa of Cheteea are in the east vlslting friendo. -The Dexter and Chelsea Reform Clubs' excursión to Lansiuff will be cm Wc(luesdaytliei3tli,itiste;ul of the 17th of August as heretofore puhlinhed. - belegates elected to attend democratie county convention: Augusta, ThalesBuck, W. II. Lowden, Jamee Sherman, Dr. Douglaea. Dexter, Jas. Reid, James Lyman, Patrick Kleuring. - A bani property of GeorgeS. Wood of Iodi plains was stiicken by liglitning on Tuesday nlght of last week. The bolt struek the south peak running down the rafters and diaappeadng. Damage slight. -Mis. Catherlne Brenner who has been living with lier daugliter. Mis. Wagner of Lodi, was buried on Snnday last. Funeral services were held at the Salem Lutheran church of Scio, Rev. Stephen Klingman pastor of the congregation officiating. Deeeased leaves six sons and daughters to moors her loss. - Brother l'attison of the Ypsilnnti Commercial is proud, as lie has reason to be, of his new oiBce, erected in an accessible portion of the city. It is a two-story brick, and being apon a corner, is therefore well-lighted, convenient and airy. Our oontemporary is to be congratulated upon its commodious new location, evidence llmt it isintheenjoyment of prosperity thatitmay long continue to reap. -The Germán picnic, yesterday, was a success financially and otlierwise. The Germán workingmen's society formed in line at tlieir hall, on the east side, and headed by the Manchester cornet band marched up Exchange Place and back to GiaiiRer's grove, vliere thry wera joined by a large party of Germán friends from tlie vfUage and nrrounding country, and spent the day n dancing, visiting, Manchester Enterprise.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus