The Public Sewer Noticed
Editor of Akgus:- In justice tomyself, will you please allow me through the columns of the Akgus to deny one of the many malicious falsehoods that has lately graced the columns of the mis-named "Democratie" sheet of this city. I refer to its statement of the escape of 8 or 10 prisoners (through carelessness) during Mr. Warren's connection with the jail in the capacity of Dept. Sheriff and tuinkey of the same. Now the f acts are that the records of the jail show that since Mr. Warren's connection with the same, that there have been between eleven and twelve hundred prisoners incarcerated therein and of that number but three men have beeu lost, which I think is as good a record as former Sheriff 's can show, taking into consideration tlie number imprisoned, and the unsafe condition of the iail. Ann Arbor, Aug. l'Jth, 1SSO.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus