Ann Arbor City Markets
Carefully lievUed Weekly bjr the Publinher. Aks Arbor, Aug. 19. Wheat arnvefniore plentifully the best bringing 90 cents. A large pnrtion of the erop is not worth that, pricei raiiging from 80 to 90 eenls. RKT.MI. IIATK8. Beans - 5e per quart. Hran - "Octs per hundred. Butter- lo. Cheese - He. Coru- 35c enr; shclled 60c. Corn Meal- Eoarse$l.7ó; 32 bolted. Enes- I2j4c. Flour - $J SOÜ, Patent $8íaí).í0 peí Ttarrel. Grouud Keed- Sl.lOper ltundred orlti per ton. Hams - tsuf-arcured 12c. Ilominy - 4c per lb. I-a rd- 10c. Oats- 36e. Oatmeal - IföSc. Potatoea - 50c. Pork- fvesh ICiili'ic; alt 8a10c. Slt-Onoti(lH(rn$l.'id1Sagiuaw81.7B,Coar8eS2.25 Shoulders- 6c. Tallow- Cc.
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Ann Arbor Argus