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- Capt.6ite8 of ColdWáteris the lnefey recipiënt of 3100 back pay iind pension niojieyi - Jackson's coal mine ojieratives threaten to qüit unless coiicessions are made to Ihemi --Ttae aggregate incorne of the ,T;ick son postollice is stated by the Juckson Patriot to be 24,000i -MarsTiAli tfes raised ?ÏO,000 for the Toledo & Milwaukee iiiilroad, and Battle Cteek is trying to raist' Í40,l)i!0: - FiiT, fi Tuesday mornitig burned '!ic rl welling of Daiiiel Adiinis of Feptouvüle. Loss s.'t.öoo; IhstH'ftiicfi Ü1JM. --.loNopii Preed of Eckford, Calhoun connty, attempted torise from a lounge on wliich he was lying A lig; g, and feil deadi - Hui Sovöreiffiis of Irtdiistr.y of Jack' son contempláis a BoHperative store. Another probable opportunity forstoek" bolden to be rwindletíi - Judx Aiitcheü of Port Iluron, hav ing been accused of being a greenbacker, wiites to a (rand Kapids paper denylng the charge. A man canuut stand everythlngi -Charles U.rSwitzen of Hamburg was drawing oats Aug. 7, whett his little girl climbed on the wagon and feil off, the wheel passing over her head and crushing her skulli -The jury at Detroit, in the case of Lulu Mortimer iot shooting herparamour Morris, disagreed, althougb the wornan admitted her crime on the stand. Queerjufy. - C II. Corwin of Graas Lakfej suffer= iiig from blood poisoiiirig cansed by a cut in the hand from a circular tew, died Aug. 11. He was much respeeted by those who knew him. -The individual whostftrted tlif, story that a threshiiig machine boiler blew up near Brighton and killed seven men was a man named Charles Graham. It is charitably said that he was drunk. - A correspondent of thë Mörenci Observer states that a thirteen-year-old girl of M'eston has given birth to a twelve-pound baby, whose paternal ancestor is unknowli. ïhe story looks lisliv. -Prof. ííogíiri, tlie Jackson aefdnaut, made a balloou asétínsion at Greenville,, in asevere storm. He went beyond the doods, bat in attempting to land was dashed against a fence and badly bruiséd. - Lightaiag stmck John Day's biirn, in Delhi township, Ingham county. The barn, one hundred bushels of old wheat, this -year's wheat, hay. oats, four hogs and three sheep were consumed. Partly tnsttredi - The antiual excursión öf the (Jent' ral railrüad employees in Jackson will take place Attgi 28; With thelr families thöre will be about 1,200 persons. Xhey will probably go to Detroit and I have a boat ride on the fivei: -E. IL Thomson of Fliut, who liiis been nominated forlieütenaiit-goVernor of this state by the democrats. was at One tiirie a law student at Canandaigua, N. Y., with Stephen A. Douglas and Ilon; Henrj B Payne, of Cleveland. - Some of our young ladies now consider it f ashionable,on special occasions; to carry large yellow carriagë ümbïéllas, while othéfs, to gain attention, smoke cigarettes a they saunter tlirough the principal stieets.-l'f" ir...-.. v -Miss Nellie Swëeney,who actedthe good sflmaritan durirlg the recent illness öf tlie late Mrs. Jerusha Convaree, at Norrell, has been rewardedfor her can and kindntíss with a deed of the house and lot which Mrs. Couvarse owiud ii Norvell, valued at $12001 - How pleasantly our Adriari brethreh of the quill do gr'eet oric anothei Yhua the Times (Applegate) Rep;, saysof the Press (Stearns) Dein.: "Conld Willard SteartiSj democratie candidate for secretary of state be elected, hë Woulc make an excellent ofi'icial." - ïhe Mt. Clemens Press thinks congressman O. Di Conger will be Michigan's next U S. sehatoir, and that secïetary of state AVm. Jenney will succeed Mri Conger as representittive in the 7th district. This is looking several miles into the dim and dusty future - Hiram Barton of Lasalle, who re" Cently died left a will bequeathing to his own danghter $2,000, and to a daughterof Chas. Kirchgessner, $1,000. As the latter was no relative, and no rea3 sOns giVen fof such a bequest, tlie friends of Miss Barton haVe taken steps to set aaide the will, claiming that it was made by undue influenoe. - A gentleman named Boycö, froni Oxford, Oakland county, died suddenly from heart disease on Thursday, as he was about to stfep on the train at the fair grounds. He had aüended the picnic aiid was enjoyinghis usual health up to the moment of his death. Ilis wifelrad lus rernains placed on the train and conveyed to his home.- Lansing Journal. -Romeo is fortning a joint stock company, with capital sufflcientto put down a mineral well The übserver is confident she is situated within the basinof mineral Waters, it having been found both at St. Clair and Mt. Clemens, and that the enterprise will prove more advantageous to the villiige than a dozen court houses and not cost half the money. - At a convention of the American Hankers' Associatie, at 8aitog W, S. George, of Latising Republican read a paper on "Grangers and Greenbackei's," in whlchhe said fcbatthegrangers' influence was not loimical to banks, and mmy banken were liigh officials in granges. The greenbackers are speculators who would give notes at banks and want them contintially renewed. They detnand that tlie governiuent should make flat money to cancel thcin. - ïhe Coldwater Republican is ably conducted, dignified, and typographically a credit to the fraternity. It s radical in belialf of temperance, its issue of the lsth instant containing a nearlv fotir-column article froln its editor in behalf of that cause. Turning the sheet over we observe in its columns an advertisement by a local íirm offering "wines and liquors'"for sale. "Consistency is a jewel" somebody wrote, but the maxim appears to be a stranger in the office of ouf contetnporary. - Heman Hand of Macon,lostahorse in a rather singular manner, He starled for home early in tfie eveningby way of Brownville and when going over the paper mili bridge horse suddenly took fright and started on a run. As he left the north end of the bridge lie shied to the right and struck the end of the niiling on the bridge over the race witli Bucb forre that the rail penetrated his breast, and produced death WiÜiiii a fetv moments.


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Ann Arbor Argus