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Chelsèa, Avifr. Ir. - Tlië walls iire now being laid foY the new passenger depot at thls place - Some eaSesof diphthefia aterèporé ed among ciiildren liere but no tase has yct pröVed fatali -The Lumbard Cnnoert tfohpe is bilied för here on the 20th. They are well known and will have a good attendance - Jíariey is notv offored öntï bnngs tl.25 to $U60 per hundred. ' Live hol bññgfi, and peaches from 75 cents to $1 pet büsheli -The Dexter ahd Chelseíi feforM clubs give aii excursión to Lansiíig oü the 2Sth iüitatit at f 1.25 fbr thè round tripi A Wand time is expeeted. - C. Bontecou of Jackson WaS here last Sunday ori tetnperance and got sub8criitions to thé amount of 5100.71 for the state central committee to use iü Coming cainpaigüi -The farmers hmvest pichiö last Saturday was not largeiy áttended on account of the r.iin but tliose who wfire here went to the JL E. chürch and had a goud time in spiteof the weathei'. --The bíírn of Josepli M'eaver fonr miles f rom here south-west, was struek by ligiitning ín thö heavy Shower lust night and deströyed by fire with a con ïWera.We .Httël!tvt HJircoYéreá by insiirahce1 - The public schools open h5re Sep; 6th with Kev Parker iatè of Quincy aa ïttinCipal at ft Salary of $800, and Miss Jb'oote late of Albion college ás preeep1tress at a sfilary of S280. The balancé Of the teachers get f230 each and are all resiclents here as foliows: ifrs. Mii lei-, Miss Libbie Depew, Miss Dora Harrington and Miss Jeaiiieilong. --Tliti-e hiive been shipped from here this season according to the depot books 44 f uil cáís of vool and three or four paTts of caríoads; béside Cheláea büyerá bought and shipped tivo Car loads froni Manchester ánd one from Arm Arbofi The average weight Would be 11,000 Ibs. to the car load which would show ovei 500,000 Ibs: bought and shipped from here thisseáson


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