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Justice Court Notes

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- Twotrampsarïaigned bef ore Justica Winegar on Monday on charge of vagancy -vere given tweiity daya each ia jail. H i - il "The sol id snutli"' was thn burilen oí coiigressnian Willit'sten minute speech befóte the rëpublican couniy conven' tion on Tuesday. Jíis remarles prove hitn to he a Barrow-minded) illiberal man, and theréíofe ünfitto legisiate fof the entire country; Ilis appeals in behalfof sectioualism, oí' líate, oí arrayingasolid north against a sólid south demónstrate the possession of prejodicfl too deep-seated tO deal fairly 33 a legi.slator wilh (no-lialf of the United StateSi Failittg toalludeto a singlé ) ing issue. reverting only to tbose settled lineen years usía, shows either ídcapacity or' unwillingness tö dissen ss (iíestions of present concerní ThUt intelligent and wealthy district odgl:t to and e fondly iiope will, be í'epresented after March next by a giuitleniari of broadef views whose mind is not groove'd ifi a petly, lectionalj and péfsecnting ohañnel; one Whose ëj'e fests üpriii thirty-cight states, mt who has the best interests of thö unión - not a portiOn of it - at heart.


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