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Urent DMrra is often snddenly experieiiced f min nrt ittack Of cfamp in the stonia.oh. colic or ither jtainfu] aifections lor the felief ut' wnich hothing issuperiorto Dr. Pieree'd Üompoüild Kxtrnctot1 Sniarl-Weed. ei H'iUer-I'epiier. compotltlded from die icst ('[ciicli brandy. Jamaica gin (ter, sniun-wci d. or wHter-peppeï) and aiiolyne gtims. For diafrhoea, dwniery, )loody flux, eliölera-naorbtis, iis warmfig. sootliiiiii astringfeni and heat in? iroperties reftder it n perfeét speciflCj insurpássedasanodyneandstimulatiBg mbrocation or Shotild be ;c]ii in evelr f aiállyj Sold by üruggiata itfifty ceins. 8orrio dêsitftble ■ piopèrtj for sale' lonsc aml lot nörtiiwesl Pór. of Hüroit ind .Manu streets. Also Tí arres i inile 'rom Fot particulaf8 apply at the house :;4-2t 'ïhc. Electric Light.- íf froLÊdisotj'S Slectfie liga! is göitig to supercede the ise of sas. we are glad of it. ;as istlui )anè of oili nationa) (;t■n(■ Wheri ïoiJrèe tvïth too röuch sjica.kinjr. takö Iall"s Balsam. It isespecially adapted o conffressfnéti, ministers and the rest if mankind. .".'-21 pJUKSONS iHMUOJ S oí seem-Ing tlie MAMMOTH TENT f the Arm Arbor Keforin Club, for ercniDg or aferi'inoñ iiicttmps, eau m;ik( terms with the cuuiïittce. IS. F. WATTS, C. II. JONES, 33-tf JOHNSCIIÜilACUER.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus