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MEDICINAL. nTrWÖTdYb I LI T Y. GKAY'S BPBCTFIC JVIKMCINE. TRADE M"K.TlieGreBtF!ll.rRADEJWARK Jislish líeiiirdy, Weaknees, T' Wí -. Felí Abüw; as n Bofore lakmgIj08H,,r Memory, After Tak:ng. Univeral Unittids, rain m the Pao , Dlmneis of Visi.m Premature Oíd Age, and mr.yo!lii duensethat Icnd to lnsiinity, Coiisuiaption and 11 irívj- Full purticulnrs in mir niimpWcts.which we esiri'to senil írec by mailto BTerv one. TheSpcciflo Medicinéis old by mi DrugeWísi InetpackRge.oiiiii pftokdfrea for S,oi -ill he '" 'ïïJv'ïi'uHnxirir'"' No 10 Mechante' Biock, Detroit Mich. flS-Sol.lm Ann Arboi by al! Druggitti, and O ■1rn(-'LÍtíeverywhpre BALSA! Cures COWs, Pneumonía, Bronchitis, Aatlima, Cronp, Whooping Coujrh, and all dieases of the Breathing Organs. Itsoothes and heals the Membrane of the Lu liga, iuflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevenís the nurhtsweats and tightiiess across thc clu-st which accompany it, CONSüMPTION is not, nn incurable malady. It ís only necessary to have the right remeay, and HALLS BALS AM Isthatremedy. OON'T OESPAIR OF RELIEF, for this beuign spcciflc will cure you, even tliough professional aiu lans. HENRY'S the Most, Poiverful Healinff Agent ever Discovered. Jlenry's Carbollc Salve cures tlie tvorse Jlenry's Carbolic Salve allays tlie pain of burns. Henrij's Carbolic Salee cures all erupIZenry's Carbolic Salve heals pimples and blotehes. llenry's CarboHe Salve vuil cure euts and bruises, Ask for llenry's, and Take No Other. HT BEWARE OF COÜNTERFEITS. _3 TOWNSLETTS TDOTHACHB A1ME CURES IN ONE MINUTE. MS GARBOLIC TOME A SURE PREVENTIVE OF Contagious Diseases, Colds, Hoarseness, Diphthena, and Whooping Cough Pleaaant to the Taste. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN & VU., SC I.E 1-EOIUUETOBS, 84 fioliCBC riacc, 1W Vork. THE READY FAMILY SOAP MAKER: LËWBS' 98 PER CENT. PURE. (Fatented.) FDÍELY POWDERED. HIGHLT PEUFUMED. The Htronsest and jmrcst Lye made. Will make 12 pcmnds of the best Perf unied Hard 8oaj in 20 minutes without boilinff. The bost wnter-aoftener made. The best cliintcctant. The followiut? are some of the advnntaffe rbtained by usina Lewis' 98 Pee Cent. Powdered : __ First. It is packea ta an Iron can wlth &38&&S. slip or removable lid, easüy takcn oír rffif.'ÍA and leavinK the conteots exposed, there. ■"üiüST by sa-vinir tho troiib'e, armoyance, ana ï#@k _ danp-or (from flying partióles), as ■HHn - solid in the can, must be gSgyg, JyV brollen vith a hammer to set lÜHWffj ƒ Secíond" ' It being a flne vS8Bl tó3lvílcri you eau remove the áR(Ve Iid and pour out all the con■HM IV tents, belng ahvays ready for ' Tlilrd. A teíiRpoonf ul pr more oan be ■'..■. te wteT-sof teain?, seruDblQir. ' tia etc , and the lid rot urned to Üie can, and JWM thereby nave the balance of contenta. ■H With othcrLyes all munt be dissolved ■ Vat once and used in a short time, or the 3L&L. Btrenrth is gone. _ QQ Fcurth. Absolute puriiy. Tree am from all adulterationn. nfth. Tho bsst Hoap can be made in from ten tb tweuty minutes with tllis Lye. Sixtlu No failure is [.ofsible In maMn? Soap with this Lye when tho simple directions given are followfid. Seventh. One can of tlnn Powdered Lye Ís eiual to twenty pounds of Kal Boda or Washing 'Êféhth. One can of tWs Lye will saponify ono pound more of lírease thiin any other Concentrated Lye, Hall Pntasn, or Baponlfler. NÍntli. ïhis Lye in 2S per cent. Btrong-cr than anv other or Potash. Tenth. One to two t:aBpoonfuls -wül Boften a tub oí the hardiíst water. Elcvcntli. One teaspoonfnl will thoroughly cleanne Siuks. ïlrMm, or Oloscts. Invaluable for killini," Eoaohes, Jlice, Kata, etc. Thu bebt arücle for wabhiutí Troea. MANÜPACTUnKD ONLT BT S.T.Lewis&MenziesCo. PKIiaBELPHIA. "JUZ1"-'. - . , WILLIAM KEID, Ml á U I ll ' FUKNC" & ÜIINUCN -'K'! Windaw Glass, fíate Glass, BB Sgm%i RSbbeil anti ïlough fnr :t j ,, Jl [.úrlux. Out nnd Enaniï B fl SNfl fllli ïs Sluw, Silvcr Pialad --■ ..--.■■ '! !'! ií B&sk Bar. Prncli nd Oer'.'.■■ ■ ■ " - V'- wan i-" ktaí QlaM Plaiw 1 l.-fi'! ai.'l 0)1, Cclors, i'ulty m j' I i.uiïilinE. orín want fc j 1 8g.T[j Ba j „ , -1 j ol ai.jibing, writi lur cü12 & 14 Conpress St. East, Detroit, Mich. IIOW 14 TTAItl fttOOBMk Without heaiih, lile is a failurí. Yeli.ow ÜYE8, Sali.ow Complexión, Loss oi'' Ai'pktitk, DvrKi'siA, SickHeadachk, Bji.ioüsness, and ('onstipation. is the resuli ol' a complaining Liver, MAKCKAU'S Liver and Anti-Bilious CoMi'ouxi is ücknowledged as a sure cure for the enfeebled system. PosseíBing "CASCAjElA SAGRADA," wit li otlier meritorioua ingrediënt, makes it au iniallible remedy lor Equalizinq the CntcuLATiON, purifvin the Jïlood, and restoring to I'iorfect IIkalth the enfeebled system. 75 cents per bottle. Town's lironcliial Hyrup cures all Lung, Throat and Chest diseases. 75 cents per bottle. Farrand, Wn.tiAMS & Co., Wliolusale Druggiste, Detroit, Agenta. lor Na Ie H..I. BKOWN A CO. Ëggs! Eggs! Eggs! the pi-Y!Hoi;tii ieocks, Mteofttte bi-sl breodsof poultry, ia 011 sule liy WM. J:l 8H Superior, P. O. uctdress Ann Arbor. Trice $2 per dozen, or (8 for two dozen. Ibis is the Corbin, Ncwingtou, Conn., breed, among the beat ior egys iind table. MR. BU8H hnson sale, price 76centa, the bool; of 100 pge on Piymouth llocks, containing fnll directipiis for mating, lirecding, c:ire uthI maaogcmrnt of tln variety ot fowls. lt, is m admirable wolk ior iniíilours. íso oue can iiílord to !■ williOUt lt. YcunlVSen z:;b! usiness College at KALAMAZOO, MICII. Send for Juurual. W. F. PAUSONS, 21-13t ïresiduut.


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