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How The Waste Of The Body Is Thrown Off

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At a reent meeting of tho Irrillilli Club of Microscopy (Detroit), tho tUscinntion ot' wicroscopical stmly was well illustrated by tho deinonstrations of Prof. Chas. II. Stowell, of MicUigau Uiiivei-sity. Deniontratiun nunibcr one was upon epíthelial cells, which lie produced iVoin the sidc aml root' of his inotitli wiUi a"ioctical" niovcnient of the tonguo, aud deposited upon a "lass slide, to all appearancü, a drop ot' saliva. Skimming tnc air i bubblus from the top with a pin, and ' renioving tho surplas saliva witli a riiece of blotting paper, ho addeil a drop of taiüiug Huid to beltcr define the cclls, and plafcing it undcr a; inici-oscüpe exhibited a, multituilo ot' , thin, transparente seales, each about ! ono flve-huiulredth ot' au inch iu dianieter, and coutiiinin; a nucleus in the center. This ho ftsserted was tho foi-m iu whlcha larga part of rU bodies ■wasled, heing UiroWU off tliroiuh porspiration cmistantly. Doiiioustration two was of glandular epilhelial cells, from the schipinga ot' the liter of an ox, ïnuch smaller, hut similar tñ some respecta to tuose ( viously iliown. Oetnotistration uumber thrco w:is of cellsfrom themucoua [ mombruue of the root' of a i'roy's , inuutli. which exhibited tlie ! diiiary uction of the cilin. Tlicso celia ■vero lViived witli bair-like prótuboranccs, styled cilla, that jnovod with Ki-eat activity and reularity. an.l seemcd endowud witli scpuraiu urgauic lile ainl iutellígenue. The professoí assertcd that tliuse celia were very coiiiinon in tho human l)Qdy, notiunably in thc bronchial tubes, whore the cilia moviug always in onc dircction. wei-o activo in throwing ofl' fowign Bubstances iujurious to health.


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