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Sensible Advice For Girls

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Whcn irirls michvay in their toens throw oflf their natural girlfah babits and attire, don long skirts, skoöt up their hair and affect the air and dress of a young woman, they would often bc surprise! to knowwnat their elders really think oftheiniproveineiits. One sucli jroung miss went to thodeuot recently to meet an a-ied i'rieiul of the family, and was surprised to flnd hereelfnot reconizod upon greetiiig the visitor as she itepped trom tlie car. "Don't you know me, auntie?" "Why, this isn't Miria, is H?" "Certainly ; don't you think I look better thanl dld last vvlien you wci'o here?" "No," replied the honest soul, looking the gii'l over, "to teil the truth, I do"uot. Go home and let down your hair, and bu young whilo you can, lor it will not bc rnany years before you '11 be glad to have people take you tbr a girï Society in general and the heir presumpiive of 'the earldom of Malniesbury in partieular is severely exercided by the intention of the 72-ycarold and childless earl to marry Mrs. Lorelle, a widovv of 'óö, whow Uusbaud l'ell iu tlie Zulu vmi:


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