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The Paris Abattoir

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The sláuglitcr-hoireea of Paris are lócate 1 at Li VillcUe, on the oiitsku-ta of the city, aml forui, toiether with a pólice stittion, tclügrayh office, barrai;ks a small lorce of troops Btationed tliere, and buillvn;is, a towii of vcry respcctable sizo. The buildings wliicli are of stom;, wcro coustrucLod in tho most thorongli manner by the city uiuler Government íuithority. The "premisos are enuloséd by a high stono wall, anu te grounua uro divfie.l inlo reyular notnivlca by four avcmies, interseoled by four si ree is. Tnrough eaeh biijjding runa a series of cours, coverc.l with a ghws ceiliug, an.l lu tlicse cours the slimghtorlng is done, thoanimils beuig clrcsseil oiTwOotteu tV.unos phicoil at recular intervals oh oacl) sido pf the cour. A peculiar (enturo of the business is tbat of blowini? uu the caroass us soon aa the hcad and legs are cut oflf. The body benig placed on the drossingfraino, an incisión iá made in the breast near the neuk, and the nozzlo of a bellovrs inserted. A man tfien works the belIoWS tb about Üfteen minutes, uutil tbe whole carcass is swolleu out likc a smali balloon. Tuc reasons given íor this ure that itiuakes the uioat look butler, mare plump thui it oiherwise woul.l. and tliat it enables the one wlio skins tlie carcass to get the hiile off quicker and ensicr, witliout injuriny H. All bullocka, calves, 8hoei, otc., slauglitered iii tltese establishineiiu ure blown up in this mauner. Pio' butcliory in Taris is also eondueted on :i novel ilan. The pigfl are taken iiito a large found house, hayiiig a cupola iu tliu roof to let ou the smokfi, the floor beinji divuleJ into triangular deus. A dozen or so ot nio-s ure driveu iiito e;ich den at a tune, :uid tho passesalougwidstrikos eieh oneon tne houd witli a mul let. After beiuy; bied, tho defuuct porbers ure ciin-ioil to the sidc of tiie room and orraü ;ed metliodicaily in a ríw. TUey are tiieu eovered wUb stmw, which is set on flve aid the stout brislles quicKly burnedolf. Aftev a thorough thu pigs aro carried inlo tlie are.-sing-rooin, liung up 011 liooks, and serapea by nieans 01 a sorC of drawin-luiit'ejiaiidled bya skilU'ul operator, who perí'orms his vroi'k at tlio rule otabout oue pí a niiuiue. Tlie eluinsy amt iinperleet methods of elauglíteriag iu Fmune uro aimuuijj to oiie accustoined to tlic expeilifciom marnier of kiJliaa! i'i t.ll! paoking houses of i.liis country, lu onu Iiousü alone iu Chicago as mauy as 2U,UUU hoifs are ptickeii in oiiu day, ov at Uie l-ato ot' oj a minute. Kvciy applian.;c tliat skülami injjenuity can uring to bear, is feinployetl, and the workïiu'ii beconiftso skillcd that to dispose ot' a is a quC8tlon ot' bat a uiouioul ol' time. Amasa, Wilsey, of unía Cal. ilivainwl lnst tall that tío wouid (lie oii May 1, 1880. Tliu occurrenco iniprcsl-d hiui üiuii"h lie affeoted toa.ttach no nipottunce to it, aud he joiued three liio i nu rumie sociolies, so as to leae his wito provlded fot in caso ot lns di-aih. On .May 1 he wa appawnUy in -oud hoalLli. A was to havo beca "ven Lo hini in the evuiimg' to celébrate his escape iïom a fulflllineut of the dream. The partv üud just irathered, wheii he lell írom his chair strioken by heart disease, aud died íu a lew miuutes. ■ - ÍJc-w ITavcn merchants nve petitionin; for a buudcd waroliouse iu their


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