LEGA!. NOTICES. Real for Siiic. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTJHTY O ol ' Wntliii-iiiiw.sB. Iu tbe niatler oi i! tateof ll.iny Yinkie. accuaed N.itice la hereby ■Tiren thal n pui uancí " order gnmted to Urn underrigued, adnilnfctratoi with Ihe will annexed, o the eutate of Mld deoeaned, ly tl"' Ilon. J oí Probate for the county oi Waabtenaw, onthe twenti-flreí day olJuly, A. D. 1880, there will be ■oíd ui public endue. to the highest bidder, at th fronl door of the I bange, in thc villun of Dexter, in tbe eounty of wafbtenaw, In s&id State, on Toesoai, tui; M.vt nth daï p Skii (..urn i., A. D. 1R80, at 1 ii i'i:l"i k i n theforenoon of thaf dny ubject to uil eneumbrancea by mortgngeor oihemriexistiiig ii thetimeof ilie aeatn of said dcccased) the fullowing destribrf n tate to-Wit: i.ol mnnliiT lv. in blocK No. 19 in i tliv vlUageuf Dextei, Waslvtenim connty, Micbi ean exceptine and reserYing the fo'lo-wing uscribed land. Ecginning ut the northwerterly oor! Tier ol' stiid lot two (f) 00 the Ann ArbOT rona. ' tbence sou thir este rly on the line between said Int I two ni lot one in oid block to the southeasterly toruer o) said lot ito, thenoe outhwesferly at riahl I tuglua wWh saiil line flfteen feet. thence north forty-three dfgrees and thirty immites eastsert-nI ty-two feet, ibenw easlerl) nxty-one fiel to 1 i, ini on the line of said !"t ontha Au Arnorrond I fortv-onc fes t soHiheasterly trom the nortliwfstprI iv corner of unid lot two, (hénce nortbw6sterly i uiong tbe line of said lot and Aon Arbor romi forty ore teel to the place of bestlnnin. Abo tic fillowinglüiid on said hlock nineteen: All iliat nut ir lot No. oDe (li i ii block nirn'Ui u (19 lv.ri: -,.,,il.,vlv r,r n liiirrimiiinenitrulli'l to and . t , . ■ reet south of the northerlj lina ofyaM l"t, auüiecl "i li ■ rigbt ol way o%er aiid alorg tm nwthi rly side il said land. Also tlmi cevtain purcel oi land in Moe eigbteen in the vllhwt ol Titxfpr, fionnty of Washtennw, stat f Michl)ïn, kliown, bnúnílnd, and rlrSL-rilied as foll''"W8, towit: iiciiiu' on the south tiüe of the Ann Arlmr road nt i poinl seventy-one U r! weirterly frora the northeast cornei of said blocfc cisrhteen Bnfl ai tin: norlhwest corner of a piees; of land Bold 1 John in and Alewindei SouHer, íhencí" nmnini norti iixty-four degreea fst twenty-threc feet nl"iit' the of piii'l rcail, tlicm-c snutli twi ntyceesweotonehondrpd and flfty feet toan ! alley twenty feel wide, thenre Bontli ixty-fom aei greea eait hIoiik sald ailcy twenly-three feet I" Hie said pieueof groomi i tkin and Smilier, thencenortb twenty-siï degreea east lonï the line oï ;ud piece of land sold to suia Croarkin i.'l ! Bouutr ae huuund and fifty feel to tke plc of I betrinnin?;. Aluo.lot No. two (Si in block No, fif: tei i in aaid i Uiwe of Dexter, Wachlenaw couDty. au , aecord ifig to the recorfed plat ihereof. il.„ l,.t NTn V..V..H in Murk Kil. il:l'Ge in K:U(1 lage oí' Dexter, exeeptin? 60 much t.f tlie nortn end as is cut off y the Michigan Cent jal Baüroad. Dti.Jly.LKS80BEG0EYi AilmiiMftnitfr witli tlie wil! mncx'il ol tlie estáte of Ileury Vinkle ilncaml. Rea! Estáte roí Lale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COXJNTTT lO of Wiwhiaoaw.nB. I Uw matter of the wtate of MorraGregg, deceed. Kotice is hereby üh-ii, antea to tlie onrteisiirni il áiimtniutratrix of e!:üc ol Baid ai ceased, bytheHon. .Tuilge of Probate fot the counf.t of Washtenaw, oo twenty-sixtth ol .Inly, A. D. 1880, there will bewildat public none, to the lik'iM'M bidder, at tbc e:ist fiont rt-mr ol ths Sonse in the city "I1 Ano the couoty f Wa8hteuaw, rn said State, on Tiid i FOUBTEKBTH 1UÏ OF BlíPTfcMBEB, A . 1. T-Stl. al ten o'clock in the fon-nmiii of tb at day fsubjett to all encúmbranos '■■ m,ortpage or otberwine ej tiir' at the time of tlie dr.uh of said FlowiDg describid real ettate, to wit: All that ■iiiain piece oi paroe) of land utuated in Hisoi iddltion to the city of Ann Arbor according (o the ' reeorded pist thereof, knews, hounded, and ae jcribei s follow, to wit: All that pari ol tbc wost two-thirds CM oí lot number liree t") in bloek nmiiijer sis (6) Dot heretofore oonvered ) N'uhemiuli 1'. Parsona and wiie to suid Moma '■'ïid, Junn. GREf3G Aainin!stra(rix. RAILROADS. MICttlttA CESTllAI KA1LK0AI). JIT.Y 25, 18S0. i ■ GOINO WEST. . & s . llS1 f. si ?■ ê. ?■ a 2 pa i. M. A.M l'.M. t. 51. r.M. Detroit, leave, T 00 il SS 5 88 4 66 5 ï: ' 2" G.T.Junction, 7 15 9 55 l; 10 4 20 s 2:) 10 11. Wayne Juncüon 7 62 10 29 " 42 4 48 "5 10 40 Ypsilunti, S 20 10 18 1 il"1 6 05 ■ ls 11 02 öcddes, 8 30' T 20 - - - Ann Arbor, 8 40 11 00 7 84 .ï 22 34 n 1 Delhi, S 58 7 4fi -- Dcxtèr 9 04 7 5 6 39 9 s4 GraraLake, 9 50! 1 8 85 6 1 1 'i0'-,Tr,fkson, M?ï 9M S 5 II 00 ílbioí H 04 12 50' d 7 45 11 40 1 " MavLwi, nao i8oU 8 ui in nnttleCreek, 12 ïi 155?-? B' 1 M JU' Oulebburg, 12 52 9 15 U.M. Kalamnzoo, 1 B 2 36 4 50 9 35 J 15 2 42 Lawton, 1 53 5 26 1 Decatur, 2 10 b 42 2 UinragfM, 2 3S 6 12 r; - T Nius, :f 05 4 04 0 07 '4 lo ;,..],',„.,„ 3 19 7 0a 8 'JO Threeüttks, 3 Ï9 ; 7 27 1 New Buflalo, 4 1)8 4 53 7 40 3 87 Michigan City, 4 30' 6 30 s 08 4 02 5 ?s Lnke, 5 13; 6 02 8 54 4 52 8 I Kcnsington, 6 00 6 5" 9 li 5 40 7 1(1 Ohicugo.urrive, 0 Ml 7 40 10 86 GOINtt EAST. ■3 & a si ■" - i -S J ? ylag. 5_ Ia.m. a. m.'p. m.I p-m. p. m nhicnso leave, I 7 00 0 OU I 00 5 15 9 10 KensinHon, 7 50' 9 50 4 60 6 05 10 00 Lirtte 8 38 10 30 5 42 6 50 10 4;i Michtean City, 9 VS 11 13 6 80 7 40 11 M NewBfflo, 9 49 U 32 6 68 11 63 Three Oiiks, 10 08 7 18 A.M. nS ' 10 49 12 18 8 9 00 12 DüWiigiac, Hl ,8! V: DecatSr, 11 1 ?05 , 82 KaUmaioó, M 33 1 1 38 lo üo 6 w in 25 2 ÏS Oalpsbnrir 12-43 1 7 OH, 1 Sttle cLek, 12 IllUj 7UmUw Marshall, 2 25 8 OOfr 8O8j,f 3 K Albion 2 53 3 21 A.M. 8 35 M 98 4 12 T,ok"oñ 3 45 4.15 T 15 9 80112 5 00 DextCT ' 5 "O' 1 8 16 10 19 I M D.lhi ' 6 10 6 26 Ann Árbor, 6 22 5 07 8 ífi 10 35 2 05 6 25 Yn'ü n'iti 5 38 5 23 S 68 10 18 2 2(1 6 41 wKTeJnne 6 OS 5 I 16 11 M 2 7 05 'T' „ 35 6 16 9 45 U 86 8 20 1 4B Ar!, C 60] 6 80 10 00,11 501 3 9! iuui..;..-xcept.!d. JSatuvdoy and Bunday exepted. tJJuily. H f!. I.EDyAKB.Oen'iMnnairer. Detroit. H.C. Westivcbth.O.P. T.Aít., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbcr Railrcad. Taking offect Sunday February 22. 180. aoiire nobth. 0 booth. Exp.lMix. Mail Mail Mix. J:x]. staïioks. 1 ' a m p si 1' m a.m. i'. m p.m. 'S ló 12 Oí (! ló TOl.KPO 10 00 S Oí 8 10 8 13r2us '■.!:: Non li Toledo 9fi7 S08 7 8 20Í12 22 630 Detroit Junctlon 9 50 2471758 8 29 19 3} 6 30 llawtliorn 9 41 2 33 7 48 8 37 12 48 8 40 Samarla 9 83 2 20] 7 39 8 60 110 6 6Í lu 9 19 168, 7 24 8 65 119 7(iü MulirueJiinction SU 1 61 , 18 .1 as 1 8 7 10 Dunde 9 08 1 85 . 10 q 0 ia 7" Aft&lia 8 54 116 6 55 9 80 2Ï7 7B5 Milan 8 IS 12 ÖO 641 .' '- 2 40 7 42 Nora 8 S6 r lú U 7 47 Urania 8 30 12 9 56 3i7 7 58 Pittsfletdf Surte. 8 30 1201! 61 10 (O 8 n 8 K' ANN ABBOB ■vil traina run liy Colurabui time- 7 uiiuutes flStal"lllj:íu;nSj.,SPrbltdnt. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND SOUTHWESTEHN EA11.EOAD. To taks eflect April i, 1880. OOING WEST. GOIHO HART. Mix. MÏÜ ËilK ' EipjHaü Mix j STATIONS. A M ' M P.M ''■ " ''■ M' 7 8W 8M 5 4Í YpRilnnti 10 40: 5 15 8 10 8 00 8 41 6 02 riUsfil'W June. 1 22 4 58 7 3S 8 301 857 6 13 Snline 10 10 4 IS 7 12 9O0 9 15 B 30 Bridgewutcr 9 .M 4 :IS Bil g50 9 35 6 48 Manchester O3.í4ir. 5 SO 11(111211 8 22 HillsilHle 7 68 2 45 150 1 15 1130 8:!0 Bankers 7 50] 2 30i 2 15 train run by Chicago time- 20 minutes slowei than Columbus time. W. F. PAEKEE, Pnpt., Ypmlanti. piANADA SOWTHEBH HAIIYW'AV. v' Tlie Only American Route Throngl Ca u ad a Trains leave M. C. R.H. Depot, Detroit, city time, as follows: Atlantic Express, aaily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Ta"t Day Eifress, daily, 12 noon.Wagner car to Kew York and Boston. Llmtted KxpresB, dally exceptBmiday, i.lsp.m. Wairnercar to Búrlalo and Boehester. Lightnlng Expres, daily, 1184 p. ;m. Wagner car to Búllalo and Rbcbester. Toledo trains livo 7 50 i. m.except bunday; S 00 p. ni. dnily ; 7 16 p. m. except Sunday, tg For Information aud tteketa apply to II. W ECajes, agent M.C. B. B., Aun Arbor. M C l'.OACII, Wcslorii Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK E. SNOW, Gen. i'ass. and Ticket Agt. Buffalo, . Y. pUEAT WESTERN RAILWAYVJT Depots l'oot oí Tltird nnd lirunli btreets. Detroittime. Detroit time. l-e:ive. Arrlve. Atlantic Expiess, 14.00 a. m. lliuiüp. ni. DaySxpreas, 8.35 u. m. fi.:;u p. m. Neiv Vork and Boston Expre8 . ■ 7.00p.m. t9.-)5n.m. Detroit Expnu, 12.45 l. m. Bteiimboat Express, "-rirt a. m Fast Express, H.íOp.m. '3.40 a. m. JDnily. DailyexceptSunday. tExceptMonday. 5 For information and tickets appry to H. W. Ilayes, Agent H. C. i!. K., Aun Arbor. W.H.VIBXH, WM. EDGAI!, Weatoiu l'ass'r Ag't. Generul tast'! Aueut LEGAL NOTICFS. lv.talr of ll.iíi C. Srjimai'. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 0 oí' V;iMt'i)aw, s. At a Beaston ot the l'robuieCourl foi th ooantj of VVasliteaaw, buldun a the Probute Otïlcp in ihe city of Aun Albor, on Thurliy, tlic l:ii 1 1 day of August, ii llie yeur one tbousand eifxbthundrcd and rijhty. Presen t, William Ï). Hariimun,.Ttitluefif trobute. f Tn tbe mattei #l tbe estáte of ËzraC. Beiiniij Onreiidingnndfllinjrthepeiition, duly vennen, 01 Jolin M. Wheeler, us execntot of wid tlec dent, pr:iyiní tliat nmv be ordered tina aulhoiized Ui Bell 297 sbuTea of capitnl stock in "The ImUiBiriul WoiUs" ui üay City, Michigan, for reaaoni ihertin stated. Thereupon it is ordered, tha1 Saturduy, ib twen ty-eigbth dayol August instant, fitten o'clocW in t)'p forenoon, bo nfleined for the beariug ot ttnAA petition. nnti tlint the devisera nnrt helrs nt law ot asid deeeased, and ■ill otbpt persona intereeted in 5ivi ertate, are requirpd to appeai ut a seenior oí aiiid court, tl)f-ii to be holden Ihe Probnli otlico in the CÍtj "f Aun Albur, uní vhm tontea tfMf thorebi-, vhv tb prnyer 'A the petiiionei si váüiX uol kegranted: And ItUfnrthn rdíied Ihm mid p-tílioncriílTOnotifitothe saidpartles-and i.tion intpi?fto(l itj s-iid etule, ot the pefidency ii saia peiiiinn, tind the henrinq iberoof. by aoutinf u crrp; nf llÚB ordei to bepublislwd ir. the Au Aunan A [íewspapfr pvlüted and oirculultd inania Uotmly. threeoncoeMive previotií to unid duv ol hüiiriug. 4 -WILLIAM n. HARKIM AR, f A trm-copy.) .Tudg? oí l'robKte. Wh.H.Doti, Probate Registe. Kstat f Anthony Gaucher. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜVNTT O ol Vnihtennw, sa. At u sewion of ihe Fwbata Court for 1 1.e County ot Waahtensw, holden t the Probatf OtHct in the city ol Ann Artr.r, on Baturday, the thirty-firet day of Jiily, in the ycnr one thnnwind íl;íi ïnindrt-d and eignty. ' Prrsrnt, Wjlliüin Ti. Enmaai) Ju'i' ■■! Probt. Tti the m:i(itr of the ebUte of Anthony Gal lnülif r, (lccrnscil. nu reailinnand filing tfie pctüion, diily rcrif.ed, ,,t 1 1 ren Oa 1 tjilier, afliniuiBtrutor, pruymL' thnt l;e muy be licliwjd til sell the Ji'al c-tutt' wheTfcot suid I iliiil siized for distrlbtion. Therenpon ït is ordertd. Ihat Towoay, the tliirty-tir-t day of A uKnit net , nt tcBn'rlotkia Ihê forenoon bc atsigwd for tlio hoBTiDg ol snid pttition. and thaj tlif ln'irs ut luw oi snid uecfased, and all otliei pertoiu ïntereslpd in jaid estáte, are requiied to oppeal at i scssion of Brtid Court, then to be holden at thf Prol ate Otfk-H in tbe ciiv it Ahn Allwr, umi mIio-k intr. if iinvtliere lie, why thí prayei "1 tlip petitumn shouícl not beüranttO: And it is further ordereS that s:iid pelitioner L'ive nolioe to the persoiu interested in Paid estáte, of tlie pendenoy 't ;nd pctition, und Uie honrinir tho.roof, Vy c:insinp a oopy of this ordcrto bpublihed ir thf An Ausna r printed and circnlnted in "iíti f luee BUOccssÍTe weeks pruvions to ssifl day WELtIAMD.HARBIMAW, IA tnip eopy.) Jmlííe of Probóte. Wn. g. Dott, Probate Regiaier. Ksliit! ol Mlchael Bpiler. OTATE OF MICHIGAX, OOUNTY O of Washtenaw,. At a aewion of th Frobat i 'imit for tbe County of Waelitenaw, holden nt the PiobateOfBee, ifl thedty of Ann Arbor. on Tucsduy, the tciitlidiiy of Aiii-nít. in the year one thnnsiiiiü eit'lit Imndred and liglity. )Pieent, VTillinm D. Hiimmnn. Jndpe of rronate. In the mntter of the estute of Miclmel Butler, oeased. ... „_, (in readiiiR ano flliDf? the petino, uniy vevineu, if Eiaraa Balier, pinying tlmt .Inhn J. ('liirkson, „■ some otbei !c, may le ppoiotud idministiHtor of said estnte. Thereupon il ia ordered, tnat '.onaay, tlie sijttn day of Septembe next, at ten o'clock n the forenoon, be assined tor the hearing of aid petïtion.and tlmt the heijs at law of s;iid deceaiea, and all other personn JDt'eiested in said estáte, re required to appearut. asewioïi of said eourt, tbn to be holden at the Probate Oifine m the city ol Ann Arbor, and show cnnse. if nny there te, irhy tlie ptivvor of Ilioprtilioner slioiilii not hf crnntpii : And it ia nrdered tint aaid petilioner (ive Ddtww to tlie peikons inteiertcd m nai.i estatt il ihj pcnrlnry olsaid potition nDd the nnannfr tlu'rw.f, by Ciinsini.' a eopy of this order to lie published in theAMK BO ArsDb, nuwspnper printen nd circuluted in Baid cnuiity, throe successive weekt previou, to ft&HAKBIMAll, (A truc copy.) Judge oi Probnte. Wit. G. Dott. ProhatP P.f'-'JHter. Sherifl'9 Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜUNTY oí Wiishtenuw, M. John . Price, "I .... Morris M. Peck and f Juhn Atkinaon Clark Cornwtll I . vs. I The JlichiKiinTapel The MiehlgB Papw I l Company. ( ompttoy. J By virtue of a writ of execution in eneh of the aboe entilled eauaea, isaaeá nut of and ihkUt the -cal of tbe Cin.uiti otirt tor the Couoty ot VVBhteuiiw to me directed and dellïered, I Uid on the lUihduy of June, A. D. 1SS0, levy u).ou all tlie ,.,1,1 litle and ii.tertst, of the iVliilligan lapiT Company, in and to the loHowins,' desc ribed real estateilandaandtenements, to wit: All those tain tracUor poroela of land sitnated at Geddesburg m the tovraahip ot Aun Arbor, coontjr of Washtenaw, State ot Michiga, commencing al tha poin of intêrsecöonol thenurth and Boutn qiurter Rcction line of sextion nuinber Iliirty-six. m townsbip two aonth and rante six cast, in said State with ihc aootb Uiie of tlie Miehigfii Central Kailroiid, running theuec soul h alonR said quirtM jBCtiou iiue tour cbains and Mty links; tliencj narth riffhty-Beven di gr west wen i-lmins un thirtvliiik to mi onktxee; thnee north ono "iv wesl nveCUains ;uhi niaeiy-HTw jii-p w " south bank 01 Ihe II umn viver ; tlience down saia rlver along the oiith lank thereoi to the aoutbeiIv lm ot the lail rai-e where sud raceenj)tn inlotbénver; thence u aid til raceoiitlie souiï bank thereof tüthewnter ot the hfgbwat'; thmce Boutlitily tethesootli liiieol aid mllroad ; llieuce y along Ihe line of suid railroad to the pl:ice of beginning-. Alo that purcel of lnnd desmbea U8 üegiuniog-whcre lhehigl.w:iy iibove nu-inuiiwa the railroad on sunl seciiou thirty-nx iina running (rom the cast sMe of mi i d bigbway cast parallel with Ik center liue of ihe present mam track of sKid railrond twenty-live tcet; thenoe north porlli 1 wit taü highwaj iilty feet; tlience wesl tucnty-iive feet to tho e:ist line of the hiinway ; thence KMlth tilty ieet to the plnce of hegiiiuiDtr. Alaothat otherparct-l ui land beiiinniiig i a i.oint flftyliet southuf the s:iid Michigan IVntril Railroad, and en toa vestnty line of the said highway which cirss's said railroad and the Huren rivéroosaid section tliirty-six, nnd running then parallel to the railroad west uinety-two leei; "1" sooth two hundred feet; tlu-oce east one hundred and flve feet 10 the west line of saiú high?; thence north oo the wett line ot asid high'vay to the place of begmmnir.ti gatnerwnn we raui"" builuingóIliiMeon standing, and all the inarhinery and place I and useil in and about said milis nnd evèry part theteof. and also the water pnnlegapeitiniBgtoail milis anJ property as same In been heretnf ro enjoyed with 11 th ri Itsinterests nd privileges mentioneil n w M. Uonkiiu'i deed tu .lames 1'umv. J r , nurt Qeorg ïi Eeliy, bearing d:ile the tifteenth day of May. A. D 1872, exeeptinapart of th iirst nbove deaciiption a strip fooi rpda in width aloDgU" easl line bf Ihe same and south of snid imlroaa l , and aUo exceptins the lands occupied by the Mieii run D ntra) Ruilroad Company aa a nulroutl. Aiuu ulliliiit certun piece or Fioel of lnnd situt in ti. e township of Anu Arbor, County of v artt naw State oi Michigan, and aèscrtbed as wit : lireiiiuinsr at the southeast eurnel ot to aortbeasl quartei of seclion thirty-üve (3;), Da rnnumgtheueenoith on tbeeast line of said eection to the south sido of thu Michigan Centrni Ballioad; theoce west to center of.Mallel crerk (se called) thunce northeanterly alonj; me center of saiil creek tu the vast line of cüon thirty-flTe (35 ; thence nort on saul sectioii nn to the Huron river: ttenceupsaid river lonp forty-one nnd one-half rods east of the north n s.iut'li aoartei line of said saction; thencc soui parallel wHh sald quarter line muil 11 ttrike tt east ana west quarter line of said section ; then l on sald quarter line to the of begta.i Which s.iij l.tiuls und lemments i snall sou i F" Ik vemlue tothe hiL'!iet bidder, t the north door „f theCourl Houscin the city of Aun Arbor, m said oounty ..I Washtennw, (that the plaii ■ holding the Circuil Courl n said e.miity), oí ib l'.t i vkmh day of September, A. D. ISöI', at " o'clock in tbe forenooü of thut dny. l„.l,JulyS0,lii80.ogiAHscAsEjSliL aiol-tgiisf Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADB in the cimditiotis of a ceitnin inurtgnge xBogdatethe twenty-eighth dy of ■s';v-'"jll"j 3 tbe year of oiir Lord one thouKiud eight "Iul"0, and scventy-aix, made nd executed by Jam Uvan of the i llage of Mnnchester, couutyof ' teuaw and 8tate of Michigan, to Williao Osiuaofthe townsbip of HtlsBeld, same ooun I andState and rocopdi-a in the office ot the n-Deeds of Washtenaw l'ounty aforesaiü oa thethirtieth dayof July, A. D. 1878, at 1.50 o dort r m of said dy, in liber 54 of mortgages, on I!'L" 703 and theamountclaimedtobedaeat thedoie' tfcw notice is S634.S 7 (six hundred thirty four ' lais and eighty-seven cents), also thirty dollars" rasonable solicitor's or attorney' dditio'" allotherlwul costs f any proceedings shoaW" taken toforeclose this mortüage, nd no Proc" , iagsttt law or in equity hnving been instituteü ■ recover the rame nr any p:rt thereof: hoti ' theroluie li. m I y jrivon, Ihat by virtue of the po of sale in suid mortirage contained I shall sell i Satubday.tiie Niñth baï oï Octobeb ncï- ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at p vendueto the hiphest bidder al the sooth Wf door of theCourt House in the city c.fAnn_ArW' countv ot Washtenaw aforesaid (tliat beiiig building wherein the Circuit Couit for Washten (Mlllll V IS IIHiUI, Hl IUUM WIIWU -- ■-, ih of land sitnate !n the village of Manchester, w ' county of Washtenaw and State of MichF: knownand described as follows, to wit: !;" Iota niiniher ave and six in block number fortT. in the rillage "f Manchaater, in aaid countj State, according to tlie recorded plat thereof. "'"''"'MSTOCKF.HILU. , Administra tor of t li e est ate of V, ■ ïllm Osius, deci-ased. __ Heul Batata fir Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTINTi of Washtenaw, bs. In the matter of the tata ol l-izio Kellogg, minor. Nolice w hnn KiTen.that In pursuance of au order grantedtoi Snueiia I ïuardian of said i"r '■; tUo J Judgeof Probate lor thi ounty of ishtoiiajva ïbetnird day of June, A. D. 1880, tiiero wi 1 at public vei'due, to the hifrhest bidder, al tfte front doi the ooart house In the city of Ano { bor, in the county ol Washtonaw, in aid ni SATUKbAY, THE ElGHTEENTH MI OF SKPTIj ]) 1880. at ten u'clock In the forenoon oí ' ( day (ubject to all encumbranees by . Itier lVxhtm the time of the sale) ti-.e J, lêwing denciibed real esUte, to wit: l'10 JJL. undiïlaed one-sütteentb part of the northeast gj ter of the northeast quarter ol HOtWD I!""VaI eiihteen in township four aouüi of range bij : j , Yu: k In Michigan. contalning forty acres ol l„ tbe ame moreoí les. mÍK"c. KELLOGG. Gnard, Lobt.- Between Ypsilanti and J-M [Jniversity Hall, a hair bra'eletg ooi,! clasp upon Inch is enciav The lindor willbe luuidsoDin iv rewardecl by kaving the same at wj ÁKors office. i
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus