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A Russian Duel To The Death

A Russian Duel To The Death image
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Olie of lirotlter offleers, namcd Vetíky, had a brothor offlcer in the ei vil service, wbo w:is mi especial favOïite of mine. lic was a iuan of singular intellifi-encc, but 1 never saw i man go full til' pliysical impertections. III lifaltli liad remiercd hitu a species ofábortion. lic Unew his wcakness aud li ia natural defecte, and carefullf avoiilcd all etl'ort ailil all iyiimastio Bxerciscs, lcadiug a lite ot' the utmost precauliuii. ün lioi-seback lie was a terribly comic Bpectaclc, and whencver wc auranged a ruling party ho ínVariably chuso tlio oklest and least Bpirited of the horses. He had also It defect in his proininciaiion, which obliged liiua to speak very slowly in order to keep from stut teling. You may iuiagine wbat a figura tliis unhappy man made, witli his ailnients and bil precautioiis, 11110114 a batid of vigorous yuiiuy men, who never lookcd bei'oro ihey leaped. Vetsky was nevcrtlielcssa goodcompaniou. We all wcre fond of him, IjuL we made 110 allowance lor the inflrmities of his constitution, his awkwardnes-, and liis exeessive prinience, that bonlered on cowardiee. Veisky took all our jokes in good part, sonietimes joiniug in the laugh against bimsclt. Nevenheless, it frequently occurred tliat when sume sudüen rail ery attacked him he foiind himselfat a loss tbr a reply. It st-emed as if the faculties of his inind, like those of his boity, suüered oecaoional paralysis. 11e was one 01 those men whoin it was easy to unseat witli a word, and who have npt the power of immediaiely rciiiöing the saitale. In e.ises iike this, VreLky eviUently BuifcreU very uiuch, iiowcver Btrongly lie forcea lumself to coueeal ÍL unaer a eold and cal 111 exterior. Jivury one could see that he 111:1de every effort to remaní master of hiiuself, because, as he wouki sny wiih u forceil snnlo, "To get an-ry woiild be lo jujure niy I nad oliscrved sínce a certain epu.'.U that niy broLlicr was olie ol tliu .nust uitiléss persecutora oí poor VotsUy; bui we liad uil lullen imo ihu latult ot laugliiny at "out petit maitre,' as we calïcd liini, and inaUu luis jucularity so niucii a regular pastirue, tüfti 1 puiü no atleiitiou to tins cuiiüish wavwardnrss. lt seemcd to us so pertccüy ïiaiui-al. Ail tilines, howeyer, li.ul a scc;ret cause -r ana the secret ol' Uiis was, thal niy brothcr was Licspurately iniovcwana lady whu, iiy a singular caprice, ga vo a rtuirked preiereiice over u; n lalt' Lo the üisloried Yetsky. V hen office rs ure uewly nppointeO, it is Ute cuaiom auioug us Ruüsuuw to ex peet thein to "üapÜZG Uieir ep.iuletics.' as we say. As we had sume )UíW -corners in the rogiuwut, 0y wei-e lixea wlieii we shuuld Unie succeesiveiy vvuli eaett of uiem. You i--.- gome idea 01 the siy.e ot wuut ourfetes used to te. You havo been ten years absent, and in Bussia ten years is an age. The time h.s pjne by for those wild frenzietl reveis tliat you knfiw once. Now young men are very ratiomü. even over tlie bottle, and rood taste reigns in their oi-ies. Theii-wives mi ,'ht preside over them without blushins. ltisnotthatwme is wanting. Tl.ey do not drink at present, it'is true, until tliey are nnd thetable; but they drink enougti to becoine gay and quairelsome, and foolish sometimos, and to say things in their cuns tliat they regret m sober ïuouicnts. We diuetl ono day in a httle country house (it was the pei-iort wtaen the troop were encantped in tlie subui-bs tíf Si. Petersburg lor tlie sum nier review), and on r host was liberal ot Ula champagne. The diruier lasted a considerable time, and all of us, iucluding even Vetsky, wure, to use nuhtai-y phi-ase, chiirg-ed up to the rnu.zle. lt was two o'cloclc in tlie morning ihe room was close, and Í lelt as if I was I guflfocatiBg; so I left the house to wanuer throu-h the flébil and fresh air. I remember it still. THe sUies were tui; the country silent. A faint morcing bree was arisin-, and I hailed itwith volnptuous Clelight. The field, bathed in the purple rays ot the risinsr morning, made a dehcious oicture. Not a sound was audLble, execpt in tlio ilirecuoiiui ''- wlici-e we diued, Uu-ough wliose open Wiadowa lïa-ments oï Iwgbier ad suatchei ot ong ftoated. Suddeuly and laughter ceased. ruis unexpected diauge from noise to protouud Slcnce alarmed ine, aml I sUivered involuMUriiy. My beart beat as ifl had iust learued evil uews. By au lvoluutary uioveiueut 1 i-etunied to tne eotwae. At tlie mouieniat prosenijj the üuresliulá i Vetsky comiug out witU his liat in lus band. He did not speak to me; but lus tace was white aa a sheet, aud He sougbt to dissumblc some agitatiou beueatH a siuile. My iiresüiitiiiieiits Vvere vuniiedl Nlv conipiuiioiisreliUed all Uiat lmd occuvred iturüig uy brwf absence it was a boyieU f'eak, but oue Lhat i fn-id would lead to bloodslicd. Boma oí them Iik-L ojjeued a win.low tbat luouea out on a court-yard, and one young lellow, in a flt of gayety, leaued u-om it. A secuiKl foiloweJ, theu a tliu-d. The window was a cunBidei-abla lieigbt iroin th gcuuad, aud j wlioevor was uutortuiiaie euouli to miss lus looiiiu wouid certuiuly bo burt. Tte ïaugüter pruvoUea by tlie falla, that kouiu recoived, uid the daut;er of tho jumy, excited in all tlie youiiii men yreseut a recktess cinulation. Each ti-icd if he oould not kneak lus neok in thts fooHsli explolt. 'Nov, wiiat are you goiujj to doi sai i niy to VTeUlty, when all Uttd Ü-ied the pml, witli a loud laugli. "I will not icap," ausweieu Vetsüy, coluly. , , ,„ Ho ! But you must leap V 'i iiuvo tokl yuu tliat I do not wish to leap." , ,. , "You don't wish to leap,' anaworoa mr bruthur, in tlie heat of wiiw, "beuausc yuu u-o a coward." ■ 1 nUviss you hol 10 repeat that, sai. I Vetsky. My looi ofa bi-otlicr knew not wliat he utiU ordid. "i not oiily repoat H," saul he, putting nis anus uKiinbo, "uut I wili Lell it To Üie CuLUilcss JNi [Uie lady tliat both wore yaying tlisir court to]. I will say to uer, your adorer is a cowardl What wili you bet that I will not teil her?" VóUky, in Bpiteofailhls sq,ngfroia coukl no longcr contain hiniscií. lio caii"i!t my brothcr by tlie throat. "You ibol 1" lie orieá, Hi you daré-" A blow on tlie lace was tho only 10Vhat reniainod to be done? Vov a niomoiit I tliouglit ot' reuoftciling the advcrsiiries, but liovv toaccoinplish ii? To torce my brother to apuloi.e was mnossible: lor lus uificcWa unifonn li.i.i i.i-ou 'Ut willi it the móst exalted uleas ui personal diynliy. 1Li feit Itrat lic Wiia w r.'.i , iiut, lo fcoimnenco hu míHfhrv career -witli "wTiát mtght bo cilleil nnnct of cowfirdicfc-to recedo trom his positlon- no power iiutler lioaven could havo raailehim consent to it As to me. I liad not the conra?e to fnco Buch au Idea ; umi inyonly chnhee was to attack Vetskjr, whose pradent ttmidity, instructive moderfttlon, anl Bcneral"gorol sense Ravo me souio hopo. ïn my sclflslincss I tliought tltat, in orcler to save my brothor, this man woukl, as I would, reooil froiu notliiii", not ovon public conteinpt. StitHn ny p&le, I prooeetled to Vetsky i house. T , Wlien !ï entered liis room, 1 fouii 1 hini scaled at a wrUny-table, tranquil ly smoking a cigui'. Ilis ciliuaess disturbed no. 'I wislioil,"said I, "to have an interview with you rathcr than your Bocoud. You ate a man and covtauily must look upon my brotlier's conduct as nottiiug but the radeuesa of a boy, emiivly (inworthy of your attontion. Yeteky lo ke,l sui-prisod an. Umiled. "Sii-"'hi3 said, '-you do not think wliat you say. Be frank with me. Vh:it is the matter?" 1 lioso teW Worus guvo mu a i"" íflea. i would mi leavor to toucli his feeliñgs. I pictured our situation, my rtíotiier's íeoble state of hcajth, har furewcll to us, and the promise sho liad exactcl of me. I did not spare poöï Vetcheslaff. I cal led hun a fbot and a seamp. I oelieve that I even nnitlercd Uie word "pardon." "A nionionl," said Vetsky, with tlio cold srnile tliat had never for an instant quittod hi8 face. "ís it OH your brother's belwlf, or 011 your ovvii, tliat you anologiae I" 1 knew not what to ftnsww. Mo fi xed a pcnctrating look upou me, and continuad. 'I undevstand vour position perfect]y. 1 understanil that your brother will apologiae- he can not. I pity yon as much as hita. I ain not a tire-cáter, and duels are not Ín niy luí ,1 liave alvvavs hiid down asa rule tor fuyütíii lo víj4 rvcryciriiig ■Mt aüidit' coinHict toono; but, lie i kletl uíuiv i iiuv - - i ,. o t,!,,,, wheu a 'rcncountcr becaine inevitable. Put vourselí-inmy place, llow nuuiy times have i not been torcel to tu nj oifina oke words that, U addi-Cssed to anotUer, would have yrovoked Ewcuty duels, with your brutlie-? I took 'pity on bis yout li, and, 1 ackiiowlediíe, pity ou myseli aiso. Lile is alrea.'iv sad and short enoiigh, without it still further for a. follv But this allair is more serious. Wliat would the world-wmcu aire ulv fia .siue too prudent- á&J ot me if 1 wei-o to lettliis affair pass as somethln nol atlention? You k.iow what prejudices utUt. i would not knovr wüere to luao my tooad. Evorv ftttger would be pointct at me! I would havo UOtbing left uut to blow mybraius out; and tlwt, you kuow, would not be prudent iu a man ot so mucti pradeuce." Tae'o words wcre dehvere.l coldly and Uisdainfully, but I tolt tüat I could jiot reply. , ., :IÍ íTu tJoe so," I crled, angrily, ït is witli me, sir, that you wili üave to siittlc." . r -li ït is agreoablo to you," said Vetofev, shakiiu tiie ash of lus eigar; uut not beioi-e your bTütlier and myselt liavu filiwUod. üesi es, Í aai coruun Uiat your ürothcr would not listen to ;ll,v otlier an-au.ement. i Uave iuW to ipulo.,ize .toyou- butl have sumo ile boweU coldly, and I lcft the house witli a aespairny heart, One hope reinainea to 1110. Vctsky vree bad shot. I wrould nauir.Uly bü my brwtnert wseoud- it was a n itaral ,Luty'üiat 1 oV(i,t Ufttt. Wislini.4, tUeiefore, to givo uay brotherall tne aavantaáe posstWe, I pEoposeit tliat they s.ioiil .. bi; placed al tsventy paces, eacti aavanciiig ten paoes alter tUe wurd was given, aud flriug at discreI lion. 1 couuusd on VewiieslairJ quicknaw and con-ectness oí eye. Vetsky'a gecoud acceptad these terius. We had scai-cely ftuished tliia bioo .y compaet w.iüii Vctcnesltff cmrrea. BvV-ï Ijounfind befoM hirn, barkin? with ioy. My brother tried to put a brave fáco on tho mattor, and iayea with the do-j ; but one coutd seo taat he could scarcely i-estrain tho intenor ftinotioiis tliat akitafed him. 1 oor vouii" fellow! Lito was, perhapa, iiovcr'so atlracQve to blra as at Chat moment. Wlio would blame hun ü he gricveil at tlie chanco of quiumg it? "wiicu I smw lúa fair youn.i? face, my hèai't bied. In the few nours that preceded the duel I grevr tvreuty years i'n'a f ov mftmtes aftnr this we were on the ground. The thought that it I wis I who led my bi'otlier to takc QW stand before a pisto!, doprived mo ot the iaculty of lOtlièr tiiöi.kin : octtiior. iu Win I loivcd frivscTT to exhibit tlie sang froid neceesary onder guch cireuiiistóuqeé; but I was no Ioneer myself. Vetsky's second had to fulfill my duties. The fatal moment arnved. I g.Uliere.l all my strcn-tli, and examiiieit ruv brother's pistola; ttiey were iu exceueub umibi. ,.....„,. was cold as ice. Au al.nost IinpCTCOptibi# siuilo waudorcd over hU coiupivssert lips. O. ie would have thoii 'ht ihat Ue was ïmu-ely warming uxa bacK at his di-awiug-rooin flreplace. 1 looked :it Veleheslair, au.i 8&W Wiüi tciTor that h'w huid treiubied. Tiie sunal was giVBü. Tlic antagbnists aijproaclied oach slowiy. si 'Ut of the ilan-cr had dnveu iVoni Vutuhcslairs ineinoryivll the 111itraotïötfa tfiat i given hini. Ue fii-ed uyucijjitaWly, and Vctsky suijered; but did not tall. ïha bullet had bi-uUeu liis luit houldèr. Cuiitrolling his Bgony, ho made a sigu to lus autagouUt to advance to the üxed hmits. M.y bi-other obeyaJ, wiui a couvulsive aiid üivoluntary uiovenieut. I fclt as if petrifled. A cold sweat bauiod ïny boUy. 1 saw Vuuky ulvauco, slop by siep, pistol in Imn.l ; I BttW liis colJ, pili.ess eye. Ilu was only uvo pnces distanl, lïom uiy broiliur. Tiion 1 ihuukt of my uiotlier - nor last woiila - uiy oath. i lolt us il' l wow goiu' ina,i. A misL svv;iu üeioro uiy uyiw ; 1 tbrgut uvcrytlün. - iioiior, roason, Llie i-eulatna of tliö iliiüilo. Oiio sciiUíiioe only ntMg in my OM'H "Yoiir brjihor is bum tuurclereil bcjlorc your eycsl" Xcoulü uo loiiger suppaia luis igxjny. 1 spraiijj bei'oro niy urothur, ana iu.ikiii_: u nunïnua of niy boJy, oricd out u Vctsky ; Vulsky lowcro.l his pistol. 'Is lilis aüoordin5 lo the rules of the dueüo?" lie usKud, turmiig cuinily to liis sc,;ond. A cry oL disapprobation canic frorn every moiuli. Cjoino ol' tliu by-standers Jragged uieuvvay trom uiy brolhcr. i'uo noxL insumí a pislol-slut vvai Ue;trd, uikI Vetoliuslall' loll - lioadL


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