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LcvwpII's popnlation will reach 60,000. .1 growtli ot' nearly 20,000 since 1S78. Om; of' iho bonanzas f tho lay s the little toy jiiiirinc niihvny exiciidinir iroin Mauhaltun to ifrijfhlon Bciich; Hansoin cnlis liave nmile tlieir ap])pariiicp il NcVTLort, and :ire cxteiigively patrol lizoO by thnt i;l;irfS of youny men wlio, at home and abroatl, ure known as swells. A BdSton business man, irnprossed by thé Narragansutt disaster, ofturs to teiicli, without cliM'gB, a class oi' boys trom the public schools to swim. TIk; ni:iin staircase in John Peahody Wetmore'a house, at ííewport, oost 810,000. Tlie wouil was imponed and is car ved in the Florentino 8ty Ie. A woniíin at Newport bathea in a snit ofojjed gilk, woniuuder the usual' lliumel snit. tihe suys siio enjoys tbe surf, bat can't beay the touch óf salt A PhilaóVIplnnn made a fnlil iffort to scll wortlile-s hars at the iiint, Cor pure gold. The profil, i f lio uul suucuuded, wotild havo buun &7,uuo. The postal business of Macón, (ia., s fa rea tel' thau that of' any city (Atanta excepted) in North Carolina, jotith Carolina, Georgia, Florida, or Aiahama. The sod for tlie lawn in front of the urn" Oriental hotel on Manhatieii licncn eost nearly $7,0U0. tiix; acres Lttick oi Bliuepsliead bay wero ueinrdcd of graBS. Le Truit d' Union, of Mexico, snys that the purisli priet ot' Tepedji (cl Kio iinpri.sons bachelors wbo reiusc to niarry aiu.l Jievertlielcss frequent places ol ill repute. Letter found on a California suiciiii; : "In thi.s slieltered nook 1 lay me down to die. VVlien i man outlives li ia useluluess, 1 tliiuk he ought to retire. I havo done so. Adieu." The large incitase ín the foreign conuuerca done thrpUgh. Boston is 3I10W11 Ili ciistoin-house recêipts of SL'U,574,bDl for the fiacal year emlinu' june ou, iööu, as agaiast íéíó,iao,ool tur the prece.iiny year. The Bti'ipof eartfa botween tho Mississippi Itiver and Lake Concordia. ubuvo Xa lo hozáis fast caviug, and it uovr appeara to bo a matter oí' a very sliort lime belore tho lakt) will drain iisoli' iim tliu river. The worst eneiny of tlie Cliilean soldier at Uiu seat 01 war is lever and agüe. ïso lesa thannhie huuilred siok men were sent lrom Ilo to tlie soiith in tho Lu(i,'.vrliicliarrived iu Valparaíso durilig tUc liist ciays ot'Muy. Caiudei), N. J., has a population of 41,741, au iiieieMse of 13,'SÖ-J over 187Ü. ïims aduiiiuu of Newton towiiship, iu 1S71, consdtHtes the Seveiith and liightii wiirus. The populatiou of the citv belore üiis anuuxtitiou was: In IüüU, ,479 ; 1860, 14,868 ; 18Z0, 2U,0iö. The Hoiiiihit.uiiiiifKüii A mr..,;.., 'i.„, is feporieu al ia,500, and of tlio couiu .;. -i j. ou,jvv. in ü30f Uevir ooiiiity had a populatiou of 14,454. Ia 1&7U jt was only lü.053. and thnt „e tiic city 12,268, teaving om S,7üü fer the coumy. The üJLUAk. " ; al The1 jtr."cii oriolc dovours the potato Ixeue willi reiish. A pair of these bcautuul Lnrds Had ehurgu ot a potatu Viitdi uear ttocheausr, N. Y., ana kept ecilea. The young onin the nesl ui the elm tree neay LR xtti .,.„ f t Lilla luliuuj luuu. Ainoiig the relies receiitly founA Ín Mitchell county, Georgia, are pociínens oí coral, sponge, masses ot' barnucies, oystershells, and niany singular uiassos ufgliells, all united by the action oí linffl in the soil iiito solid rock. ín aililition are specimens of petriüed wooü, such as cedar, etc., oí Jater foraation, uiost ükely, than the marine growth. An authority on hovsomanshlp eays lmt it ii fully'for lady to put _hei-elf into stays so tight that hfir figure snot flexible v ni le sne is on back A stuffed dolí, he says, shoiikl never be put on a horse, nor any woDan who is not so foosely dreased tnat slip can lace her own boots and put up ,er own back bair. Wbile the lady s on horseback the chculatiou of Uer ))ood should never be iinpeded. The bo" hole above Meriden, Conn., gives the Hartford and New Haven railroad a great cieal of trouble. bader it the bed-rock slopes dowinvan to the enst at au angle of perhaps 4U to 50 degrees, and this causes the tous ofsaudand umvel that are dumpoü into the hol to slip off üitQ theiuaiu peat bed along the east sido ot 1 10 track. Still the work of dumpiag the Band goes on vigorously. Tlie editor of The Colusa (Cal.) Sim savs: Coming down on ine ronu, on the cast sido of the rivei', about clusk last Sunday evenuijj, we rau tlirou-l a school of small frogs about the si.o of the end of aman'! thunib. Ihey made the toad black for about a quuiter of a niilo, and wen all headed lor tlieriver. Tüere was a pond on the eastside of the road in which thcy had urobably hatched, but ït wasdi-yIng out, and they wcro strikiug out Un-oLiU uil wlieat and deuse thiotsct tor tlie rivcr, a quaricr of a inile away. Snys a recent repon: vairauuu isUind is about 280 uijlea loug and oO miles broad,cohtaiutuL 8,üoü,00ü acres. lis sliore line is so deeply ïmlent.ed Lhal the ishind can bo crossed at sevei-ai poinis by less than oue-third ot us widui by huid travel. In the uorthera división down to llie line jominy be}'mour narruWri and Nootkn sound, Uieie are i 1UU,UOO acres. Of this only ,- UOÜ aeres are cultivable. The central .iivwion. bounded on llio north by the Qualioum river and Alburia canal, coutaüis 2,1UU,000 acres, of wiach 67,UUU are estinnued tü be culuvable. - ■ The soulueru uivision conUins 2,ü70,UUU acres üt'wlncli ü,UU0are accounted cuHivablo, nniUiii.,' a total of oö'J - UOU acres ol' cullivablo land in tüe islaud. A remarkable bit was mailo bjr the New ïork Life compuuy in the matteroftUe Broujjhaui anmuty. _Wlien tlie büiicfu was giveu to dolin Brouglnuu by liis [, every ollort was made to render it profltabie m tiie üiaUest üudemuck 9 tunees il ueciune a jrauu i -"- tiie two periörmaaota cleared tlio aloost incrodiulü .siim oí' $14,000. The aext quesüon was, what tu do wuii themoney? After sume doubünuiüu me ptirchase oían aunuity ordeïea ana tbe New York Life Lnsurauoe cwBuany took tho ouutruoc wtaicU giivo Uie uiuiLiiuuiL 9-M por Week tor Uto. in two ueavs tiit puyiacowstopped by Uisuetltu. Tlio coiupany Uiw time úttid Bi-bugüuiii 2,ai2. liiey i-ecoiveü sn,ouu wñioh, witU ö per cent interest lor two yeui-s, oquató iu. Kow ileúnct tiic payinciHs ííi..ii-) ana yuu nave as the gJiii Jii. Toni Tlumib is désci'Ued ly a coïtusOU. mat us sUe appeaiea reccntly in the bliri'. Sm: ig 11OW a pe: .eet. iuruii in uuiiiaLui'ü". Uur üiue, ihuiua sull iiruLi y, s.iotvs hur iigif; aint iius a quaiut liiuLiieiiy expreiuli. láiiu is ;i ie ui.iiL.ui], 111 u Biuulj Wii , ol' iair, tat, ana lurLy. blie wól'e n snit ui' uiucgrny üiimiel, wlúcii wns juunty and cuqueliisli üclore it got wet. Lier uiiiB Were baro U Lne tu;is oí' lier shuuKiiTs, in eucU oí vviiieu was a pretiy little diniple, ind iliere w.8 a snapciy Upei; iiuwn to lier vvils. Hei' small leel Weiü uneoveied. n..ti had a euniicalJy . .i-nüiixi air, and stcpped inio Uic surf witli tho air.ot a Lneu-lligh quecu. She waded boidiy uiuil mie uní. iliu first wave, wiiieli Sousetl her, ttoppcd lier duWn, rolic.L hei' over au i over, and önally ihi-ew her u) on ihe mud: All the style liad beeu instan Uiñeouslv drenehea out oi hc-r cíuUma, uut, 'tiikd her akogetitór, sin: luulcyii beitel tii'iut' ihe. oivluul luuu UlJ 1UU.-L ui tm ■■,-.-,- ' ■ Tlic Indinns are reapins a rich linrvest in the vicinity oí Qn cu ti , AV: T. by ca)chilif Ihv stials. Tlic profltaol onc dny's work tViiently reachca Tliii skins un; Vfoi'jh frtiUl :! 10 eacli, accordüig size niid quiility. Au mifortunate RocliBter VKXW took lier baby U itt pafirtj by brevet, luül il on IÜ8 li', wen;, nw.iy, nul li.'is lint b'cn B0C11 'l'-' ' ' ' I ' i " fat lier trie Í to work ilie nlniil oü on sojne of tin; cliM-itable iiiüluion.s, butwiiliOUt 8UQCCSS. JolniM. Fitiudler, of KoclicstorN. Y., lins invcutcil a miiuhiuc i rcwilrtjro tiie feriuuBhiliun of la,er lieer, bilt os Geor-e IJai'tholoiiinc, of Chiwiíí, i1 iiitroduoiiiLT n giukiliir rüaclilrio, Vulch he Jiscovoi'cti in G rniaiiy, PlaiKÜer propopes to nsiifute larw-snïts to csi;il)lish the pi-iority of his inciition. Show i.s largely usoil for packfns frcsli fiáh lor transporta tjuu, instead of ice'. O. .e lUalbrlit Carletón, ]ST. 11., huil ilireo liou I with sno'.v, Wlliell V:iS pilrUl'il lllUt, SÖ ÜUtt 11O110 ui' ii, lias i ei :i lost sin e warm wertttïeL" . Tlic col oi' p'u Ui lig up ti-li by iliis nicafls is grcatly ícüuced. whiie ilio labor is le,-. öono timo ngt Itoni 'Asiibwttiham wat TilHug tíVst-U las nvatunbte'illcotton ot MSB. paniy tt tiie UritlSh i; u euui an yartiy to thu 3Jitiü)al ]l.i;iry in J'ai'i . 'J llC30 LWu l(': :il ilbrni'icti i1!)!.: . nutnliurd t lio simi isktxl liy Jji-ü A.-liliiinili:i]ii,ninl ho is a&otit ti si II bis 51SS. to th'e Boyal liunuy ut ÍH'i-hii Íl-20,1 I '. Tin) qnebn's baker í-eceiv thc iii-i biirrel o ( flour of ili; .■ r".s Aiiifiican wliuat oivp, li:s,s preseutetl n lout' tliL'iyoi' to iicr uuijusty, aud imcé a circular to liis custoiuwü wiyiuj tlnit bf tbc iimuy wóndcrs 1 i entli cenliiry, to efit bread wiiü;h is thc lyglilt ot" aü 1880 i:arcsl in Mny, ltíoO, is uot oiiü oí the least marvel. i:ih. Thu prodtiction ot' honcy ís bccomíi;í .i íjtttei'Oüt ol yuiíii: llliportuuüti íi is estiniátoü that tirara (iva nbout 2,uuo,vuu linea tn me OTlTCeot felá les, eaoll yieulilig' 011 illl avvruijo auoul 'J'J ihhHkIs oí I]ü[;;y, -,n j'L' ' J l! The census tfhich was tak.iU .Turin lastsuiuujet stató the popuiatïOii Of Boöliiamul Héiegovinu u be uearty veil tolliMYiU w "tju 'iïï2 the Turkish govenuiient. ïuo.fcKUW are rou-hly giveii &s followa : ?4i48suimaus II-' OW); Orthodox Christiaus, ■Ki.yÜO: Uatholics, JOö)yoO ; Jcvvs, y,UUU. f.,1. 1(153,OÜU. Sliclkh Abuu! 11...1.,, tlic cliicf advisci' of the sultan ol , s abuiit 5 yeavs of age. He has a gran .o,m. tation as well tbr lus learwing as lor the purity ofhia Hit'. He traces liis descent tliroui;li tlic paternal line to eekl AUüict-kiiai, the nepliew ot tlio pvophet, and by tlie muUicr's side lo Khaleüiou-Telid. tbe coiiqueroï oL 5yria. Jlr. Fambvo, of Sandorsville. iv, lins a large rattlesnake, about üvc ïcet loni, whksh he capturcci bn Uie 9l1i of last üciober, and wbich he has kopt in a bob ivith u wire-net front evi-r eince ihat time. Thougli hu liaa tad it scvci) jnonlhs, the siniko has uevoí eaten anything at all siiico it was eajtnred. it -'livcs on air," aud it' it could be converted hito the geiiüa humo, retaiuing ita natural habits, it would uiaku a splciRtid newBiiaper man. The vctail coal trade of Phitatlclphia liave lbrmed an organization pleiigeil not to bu y coal froiu any coal oompniiy. operator, or colliery owuer, wli shall, either direcüy or by agents, sell Coal 10 private Individuáis except lAaunfacturers who have failroad sulings in thoir establi8hnjent8, and luueburaen and briab-mafcers. This afftcts the Keadinjf, Old Lehiiin, ojid the Nsw York CQinpanios, whiciihavo Í9CM ï-uiaiHng coal in riiiladolUia.


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