Real Estate Transfers

Wm, Clark to Amos WUbur. 60 acres iu Superior. CorisidefatioB $2700. Patrick Iloban ly lieirs to Oeo. Clareen. Aiiti Ajrborcity property. Couideration $450. John Wolf liy lieirstq Tacob Schallrnarger. 2()0 acres in Bridge water. Conideration $10,000. Tliomas Keanis to Christopher Millïan. Aun Arbór city lot. Cousideraon S:ï00. trances E. Fasquelle to Pred S. Land in Northfleld. Ciaid ia! on $2400. Lydiallibner to Tliomas A.Liddell. 2 acres in Bridgewater. Consideration Ñoáh W.Oheever to Volney M.Spauldnifi- Aim Arbor city property. Consideration $700. ' iioiiry Sloaiie to Frederick Moses. 5 acres in Scio. Cousideration SOOO. Aipheua Feloii to J.'dward Frocknow. IM acres in Northfleid. Consideration ('lias. ï. Wilmot to Celinda Frink. Ann Arbor city property. Consideration 459. (ireen and Berry to Mack & Sclimid. Ann Arbor city property. Conaideratiou Sberman Hinekley to Albert Koyle. 1 psilaiiti city propurty. Consideration 3GU0. QUTT-CLATM. Martín and Frederick KerntoGeorge Kern. Ann Arbor town property.- Cónsiderátion $1. Blislia Congdim to John C. Taylor. A three-cornere I l'our rod piece of land in Ohelsea. Con kit ration $125. Frank Jlobau to George Clarken.- Ann Arbor city property. Consideration $1. Prejtcn I?. Rose tollenry D.Bennett. Ann A bor city property. Consideration $300. neno D.Bennett to Caroline Turner. Ann Arbor city property. Consideration $300. Lom tlian one-half of Alabama's school population of 376,614 attended scliool Jast yoar. - -- In 1879 tlie miniber of persons who visited Vicliy was 33,805, of wlnun America contribuid 517. Lifo there is like clock-work. Nearly every liill tovrn in Massahusetts west of the Connecticut river comes out with a sinaller population tlian fivo ycars ago. Dry lake, in Lake county, Orejón, abouttwclvo miles from ïulu lake, rhich lias only held water two or hree times since the country has been ecupieil by white poople, is nor a arge lake. r.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
William Clark
Amos Wilbur
Patrick Hoban
George Clarken
John Wolf
Jacob Schallenbarger
Thomas Kearns
Christopher Millman
Frances E. Fasquelle
Fred S. Chapin
Lydia Hibner
Thomas A. Liddell
Noah W. Cheever
Volney M. Spaulding
Henry Sloane
Frederick Moses
Alpheus Felch
Edward Procknow
Charles T. Wilmot
Celinda Frank
Sherman Hinckley
Albert Koyle
Martin Kern
Frederick Kern
George Kern
Elisha Congdon
John C. Taylor
Frank Hoban
Preston B. Rose
Henry D. Bennett
Caroline Turner