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Cliambers's Encyclopedie. 15 Vols. Over 13,000 Pages. Price During July, $6.25. Among the wondeïfnl Ihtnga wMch have been accompHshed for lovers of good booke by the " I-iteraxy Rtvolution," perhaps the must woBderful is the reproduction of this great Enevlu(;edia at a rnerely auiniDuI co:-t. ït ts ft Terbattm Tfprint of thelftst Ehplieh ediflon, in Ij heautiful vol úmee, clear nmipanil type, bandsomely bound ia cloth, fox 8T.6O; ihesapie prioted on finer, heaviei paper, wide margittd, mui bound in halt' Russiu, gilt top, prioé 1 5.00. The firnt ten volumes ara rt-ady lor doliverj . Vol. 11 wil 1 ba ready J uly 10. The reiiiaininy volumes i bc Gosupleted by Üctober uext. $6.25 An Amaziog Offer. ïj!@.25 The more wïdcly mul rupidly these volumes ure scattered, the grenter their influettce in induciiig ether purchasers of this uud uur many standard publicalions. Accordiugly we give special terms to uurly ubacribtrs. To illï, whrwe orders and mooey arereceivcd dnrlnff the month of July, we will suj.ply the 15 volumes, In cloih. ÍI0.25, and in half Hussia, gilt top, foi ÍÜ12.50. To any one seudmg froiu ;uiy place, wbere we have no special aKeiii (naualiy the leading bookseller oí" the towu), a tlub of five odltia, we will til luw n comniissiou of 10 per cent. TLü volumes itwiitd wiü be seiii at once by express,and the remuiumg iolumee when completed. A specimen volume in cloth wil] be sent, poslpaid, for 50 cents, or in half líusáia, gilt top, for JS1.00, nd may be returned at once i! not Píitiíactory. The "CuAMuiiKb'á Kkcyclüi-üiíia" comprimes the flrvt [fi volumes of our " Library of Universal Xnowledge," and the remaining volumes, complete In theniselvts.will bu suld aeparately when publislied. hibmry of Universal KiiowI.tI', 21 vols., $10.50. Rloriea aiul Bailad 'a, by E. T. Alden, illus., 50 cents. Milinan's Gibbon's Rome, 5 vola., S2.50. Acmé Library of Modern ('lassics. ti cents. MacauUy's History of Eultmct, 8 vols., $1.50. Amerïcao Patriotitm, 5ü cnts. Macaulay's Life and Letters, 50 eeota. Tatne's History Of Btifrlich Liters nré, 76 cents, MhiuiI.-ij-'s Ksmys and Poems, 8 ?olfi.,(1.80. Cecil's Uookot Natural HistoVy,$L Chamberí GydopOdia of Lng. LiieiHture,4 vols., $2. Plctorial Ilandy Lexicon, 25 cents. Knight's IIist.ory of iMiland, 4 vols., $-5. BayiBffS, by aulhor of SpurrowgrH Papers, 50 ets. Pluiarch'a Livt-s i.f Illa&trioiia Men. 8 vols., $1.50. Mrs. Uiman's Poetical Works, 60 cents. Gtike's Lite and Words of Cbrist, W cents. Kitto's Cyéïo piedla of Bible Literature, 2 vols., $2. Youuif'á tibie Concordance, itll.OüfJ iuitr"nces (prelï-ollm's Ancit-ui History, $2 25. puring). Smith's IDictioaary of' the Bible, illas., 90 cents. A cine Lfcwry of Uiogrnphy, f0 cents, Works of Flavius Josephua, $2. Book of Fsbfee, JSsou, etc , iïlus,, 50 cents. Cmnic History oi I'. 8 , I T p k ïns, il lus., 50 cents. Milton's Complete Poetical Works, 60 cents. Health by tëxercise, tïr. Geo, H.Tayloi,4( cents. Shakepeare'a Complete Works, i cents. Heaitli for tornen, Dr. (ifo. H. Ta' lor, 80 ceatS. Works of Dante, ranslated by Cary, 40 centa. Library Magazine, 10 cnis a No., $1 a year. Works of Virjiil, tran.-ilattid by Dryden, 4i) cents. Library Magazine, bound volumes, 60 cents. The Korun of Mohammed, by Bale, 85 cents. Leav-ea from the D&ry of an old Lawyer, SI. Ad ven tures of Dou Qnfxote, il lus., 5u cents. Lac& of the above bon tui in cloth. It by mail, A rabian Nlghti, illua , öO cents. soatoge extra. Most of the booksaie abo published liiinyaa's Pilgrlm'a Progresa, i Mus., 50 cínts. In tlne editiuns and ttne bindiifcgs at hiuber pnces. RobiOHOfi Ürnsoe, illus.. Sucnts. Deserlptlvc Catalogan e and Term to Clubs Muuchuustiü and Ciullivur'slruvuls, illus., 50 cent?. sent iree on rcíjnrst. Romit by bank draft, money order, registeved lettci', or by Express. Prrtctin of one dollar may be sent in pustage stamps. Addrtss, JOHN B. ALDKX, Manager. Tribune Building, New York. A PT'NTHTT'Q ■". H.I.HttBg; Philndeipriia. Leary & Co.; CinnnriBti, P.obt. Clarke S F XXLirl UJLXj' ■ Co.; IndiBnapollB, Bv n, Stcwart 4: Co ; fj.-v. Und, Ingl aru, Clarke & Co.; Tnleilo. Bro-a-n, liuger & Co.; Cbicago, Aldeu & Chadwick ; ju maller fcowus, llie leading liuokseUer, odIj onein a place. .


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