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Riding At West Point

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So fnr au the visitorí are concernid tV o exhibí tion dril Ís ara untura] ly of non interest tliíin the exainiuatioB of tho "poor leliows," who are drngyed oue by oii befare llio proiessors and Board of Exximiners, in order Unit a may lo limite of Uie thorouhness of last year's nstruction. Oue of the most exact of these ilrills took placo oue nioining at t.he riding aca.ietny, ni I was VTrttchod with great interest by the board of visitors, young hulies, nml office rs. Tiie liiiiii li.ill i-i a largo bu'u-liKü 8 truc ti i re, with lwo littiü uhllurius fro.ui vvliieh llie riding' ean be seca. Tue "Tumi, I is euvnvd witli BMjVilust, and llio seeno as Uiirty-one uf Uk tl ï'sUolass men wcut pUUiiii aboul un .cr Ll io coiuimiiid of Clip MU II Gouruy w ns u 'jrtjrfoot circus." AítL'i' miiüiiLiiu Un ir inirscs üie e:ulets ro..c ijiia i in .single tile niH.1 pmoticeil a varieiy ut' suuur Uirusis and strokes ut iiu.iyin.iry l'uos. TUc ri.lin vvas jfOü i, and lliu hli.shni3' was vi.íjiMiis au.l ükilll'ul. Tueii iwol.'ii-í trames lioin wuieii iruii mi_,.s wero SUsciukM, wcre jilaced on urjpusUo ol tlie hall, ana liuai' tlie eurners, iiiuii sd.i;c moka of i Duitauiu lu-igiu, kveni placed so. no leather lir:i..s, yyliloli the ri . ,01's liaokeJ niust viciulisiy as they went yallopiiiy arouu.i. Un lho ütouiiU Wei'o a ouiijilo moro talls. - Tnen tho cadels Wvul dasüin arouu 1 by tWos lllld llnxc.s in üjipusiití i.üreetioiH, trying tu piorce tiu: hli8 wuh tneir s.ioors, Liien Lo ilraW tlitíll' pistoib and uiow oif Ule liiMilleininiy wooilou niah'ti lieail, unt li.iaiiy lo tive the poor ball un Llio jjl'ouiid a blasliiny Lurüsl. Tne sport, was niost exciinig, ani as tiio lie.ivy hors; jáslois were iirel uli in raput suxcugsiuiij the "dear creatuies" iu the gaUeriUá sluppod up Ule ir eai'a ttn.i treinuled di tngltt. iSuine ut tho riders weru vory qulck, and would biieeooa in goiu tiirouü alt llio riiiuieuvtrs in WipílI &uc.e..Siuii. 'Lho saine exoreiüos Wero Uien repeated ailur lwo well pudded liuiMies liait buen jiul up.- borne ot' lile baiky liurses caused'ounSiUerable Biiillsemfcjit. Aller the aduiu had boen taken off tho liuroos lho socona parí of Uio prograniiiie was begun. Al flrst unehalt llio men waleed besiae lue otaor hail, Who were niumiiod. feuddeuly tho liorses bruke íntoa yallop, and llio Ol'Uei" to Ulount was g-iven. Innnediatoly eaoh hoi'88 had two riders. Tilia practico oí leapiüi; on and oii' u bareback liorse was eoiiliiRied ior sume tiiue, lo lho deliilt ut llia audience. Thcil ihe hurUtus wero brount in agaüi, ana Ihe excitonient ineivased. Eucü oa.iot liad las liurso, and as he carne lo llio tiurule woiud loap off, jmnp ihe hurdie, elinging all llio timo lo Uie liorse's mane, and thon leap un liis back agaiu. JNiany of the eadots did ihis very graoefully, antt showod great pluek and skill m ciinying to their raiher wild ctiargers. buinetnnes the liorses woula roiLiso lojiiuip, and great Ounfunion wuiud lullow. Tno "rin masiers" as thoy were lacetiotisly c.Uied, stood wiUi big whips in hand, so as to remind tho balky hurso tlie dangér of aiopping-. The cadets Uien vaned Uie excroisa byjmnpüig otf their hursos ffiliie at lull speou, anu Uioii loapod clear ovor tlieir backs, and luen uu Uieir backs again. Tlie exereise Vi as, of course, very violent, ana me youug ladies bestowed many expresiuns uisympalliy on lho "poor buys." Tuero Wero sume narro w escapes irotn acciaonts, nul many lauglmülú sjenos. As a ruie. huwever, llio riding was excellent, and sliovved tiiai tiioeailets wero thoruugh niastersot hurseiuaiiship. Many exjfessions oí adiniraiion were lieard, ana there wus considerable pplauso ai the exeepiionally daring leáis. A gradúale oí West i'oint is neeossarily a .skiiinil riuei- bocauso of nis ihurongh tra.niny, aiui becumos imired lo the harusiiips Jic may eiieuuiiior in nis fu míe caree!' in tho arniy.


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