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New Money Order

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The Bi'itUh Postmaster-Genora] proposes i niuiicy-uiMur meamire iur the postal serVte', wliicii is a radical iiiiiüvuliou, ïiot, oiily upon 'tlio PostOiüou systcin, bui vvuicu tlireatens to have au important infiueueu upon the banking gysièiiuiud circulatie medium ui' tne uoüntry. lie propodü8 tlint tnondy orders inay be sold at any l'osl-Ullieu in auy quamiiy, b.mnu ii volumes iiUe bunkers' eheebooks, and ïvduciuitblti on proseiitution til un_i PosL-Ullicu. Tüe orders vvill be pniuoii wan liie Words -one sliilling," "two shillings and sixnenee," '■live shillill'8," and so on ui h.ilf ci'uwiis till ihe denomiiiation ot is roached. JVopie desirous ol reniitting ïnoncy will send as Diauy ot' Lliese as will inaku up the sui'n. 'i'liey inay lili up the order witli me name ol a PosL-Olliee, and tlie order will therefure beuumo payable at thut oliiee only ; and tliey may put ïn tliö name ot a person, aml tiiea only tlie persofl ïiainetl can yet the mouey'j or tliey inay leave Lne order blank, and tñereupou tlie person reoeiving' ït e. ui pass il Lo anulner person, llius laakiiig H virtually moiiey, Tlie objectiuus made to Lhe plan by tlie Britisli journals are : Danyer of l'orgery ; that it will inOrease tne tcnipiauons to steal on the pares ol' clerks ana letter-earriers ; that tliero is a want ot elasticity in the systeni on account oí' tlie absence of sniall fractioiial parta of sliillings and pounds, so mueli used in Great ISritain ; amt that it will tend to expand tlie circulating meuiuni of the country. The banks .and mouietl instittitions that now gain a lare share of proflts Ironr exchange will uudoubte iiy oppose tliis iicw sélleme, as it will ceruiady eut oÜ' a iaro'e perceutaga of their pineal revcnue, but, cue ad van tages to theuJUsBes will ccrtaiuly eounterbalance all tlio eviis in Dii.s direet,o:i, and Eiigland ïllgain is mueli lionur in this novul ieature as she did by lirst odopting tüo penny nostal system.


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