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The House That Albert Grant Built In London

The House That Albert Grant Built In London image
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The house hos never yct been ïnhabiteil. Mr. Gr.nt began building it in Aosuut, 1872, acquired the freenold site by a protracted temes ofiu-otLitioi.. Mr. T. J. Knowlos [ was tho architect. ïho sty e iu wliicli he built was a mixture oí I.eiiafesanoe and Ilalian. The nmtcnal is stonc. The size of the rooms is very sri-eat, and makes them suitaule only tor public purposes or for a pereou whosé chief object in the lurasB would be to git gvent tainnicuts. The exterior ÍS ot nragaiflceut árchitecturally, exccpt ■ by reason of its size and obyious costliness It is a villa built ol' most Valuible materials. and vcry lai-e and well-pronortioued, but has litt.lo obariu of sty le. Tlio interior is grauüby Mr. Fro.lerick Sang. Hio pórtico is sunuorted by two great pil Is ot red Aijcrdeeu war ble, and tlns givcs admission into a loliy central hall, i'rom which on each sido nse marble Btairs li"hted by Windows ot coloved uid ornainenlal glass, the landiu-s supnorted by stone caryatids. luis vestibule is paved with inosaic, and lua,s toside halls whioh give access on tho lelt or east to the pieturo ga}lery, on the right to the diuing-rooni, etc. The niain feature on ttie cast Bida of the house is the long music saloon, with a lofty eeilnu paiiiteU in FrfWHjll style, tfitli utipius piuj iug the Pan-pipes, tlic lyre, uid mstruliients uiiknown to tlio aucicuts- tlic iiddle and the violoncello. The wulis aredecoraled half Wlth portnuts ot öir Tuier Lely's beauties aud halt wifch pioutres ot ConuueuuU Dan n i ma, una tlie doors leading to the picture wtllery rtpresout iu tlic fureigu li;iü ot the room Vci-snilles, und in theJinglisb half Kiciiinond. Tlie picture "ulierv is nearly as long ;is the ballrooui 'und leads into the blue ara vvingrooin, which bus panels of light biue inclosed in innnes of ereani and gold. On the puinled cëiinig the Loves are playing with üowens, ana shouting UU ihe bov. Across the ghisbclonieil conservatory (a prolongaUon of the entrance liali) the wuy is made into the yeliovv drawing-rooiii, where the panels are yeliow and the frames blue. On Lhe uauited ceUtng Love has growú tu llynieii, aml aceouipauics ais luothèr witu a lightcd toich in íiia liana. A long passage lèads to tiicdiiiny-rooin, divwcd at will yi two by a sci-eeu whioli risos uj pr sinks at'ter tlie uiauuer ota portculus. TueLovesMH tlie -cuiliiig: troaU tlie winuprtós, ñMi ninoiy taú waler-hlies, suooL at grouiM gamu .and curry t'eatiioi-ed gauje lióme. Ou tUe sume are a liDrary witli ponruils ol (Jliaucer, bliakfspc-.u'e, Mil ion au,L li.icuu; a biiliara-iooin, dres6iugrwmis and ïiioniiiig-i-oonis. Tiiere j ara Utree üoors uüovo, trou whicu, m ) troiii, a lino vww uí KeuBiugtou ralace ana gardens U aüorueit. ÏUe uuncr-"round acconniiodauon is Jaigu enuuli to conuun liail' llie oellars 111 liarluy sti-oeu ÏUe house is wariucd by not-water nipes uiulér bnizen rafnigs. XÍieTioors aRs i manjuoterie. in ook, aud üi pitch-piuo. Tüe ■ akirtings iu the passages aro of luarbie ; Lliosc ol' tüü aiuaig-rooin aro ol oaU. The grounds contnin an oraiiiici, lakei (on which on ttaturday eauoes wcre placea), ueauuiul planuilions oL' trees, elc, uid givo tioecss,. Uiroiigh patua diüicult tu discover tor any nc IV Uo has nol tlie mjip oï the country, to au Aiuerican bowling alley, giwii' housea auü tbe rtablw. Tüe atables, with sixtoen stalls aul íour loóse boxes, mi-ilii li;ivu vrell been let sejjaiutqly butapuear to have beyi long untóuaatea. L11 the gai-den in front ol flie Iiöuse Itiwe 'is a Itti'ge triple clin. A lime tree was lelt 111 the public nath on settiug back the boundary vaiüu-s to givo re-Lilarity to thu lront. A mort,uge ïor 5íou,uuo, executed by Ihe trustees oIÖl. Putnck'a cutüeural, N. V., to the Öeanlcn's Bank lor tiaviiigs, upon tne bloulc oecupie.l by the uuw oatüedral, was recofttcü reuentiy, in place ot twp oLher uiortgayes lor SiUU,OOU help by the Kinijjranl luauatiial bavuis bank, wlucU were caneulod. The raLe ol iinei'est is reduced lioni ö to 1 per cent. About 40,000 raiïwny cars wci-o built in the United Ötales Inst ycsir, and therc will be about 50,000 built this year.


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